5 Minutes: Reloaded

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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by oldwrench » March 29th, 2018, 5:05 am

So, the princess has things all straightened out......... maybe. At least that little misunderstanding seems to be smoothed over. Now they just have to get back to their mission. But it seems the mission is expanding, now there are two people they need to find. But how do you locate Edward Geraldine when you don't have any leads? The princess seemed to have an idea, but what would Megumi have to do with it? Well, Daniel and Mel have a plan of action, or two. As they say, the game is afoot.

Chapter 45

The gang’s door guard rushed into their headquarters. “Oren!” He yelled. “That black haired chick is back. She has a guy that looks like military brass and a fancy looking woman with her. They came in a limo, and that big mech is following them.”

“What are you doing here?” Oren shot back. “Get back to the door and let them in.” Now what? He wondered. He knew they were EDF but why would an officer be here? And why with a lady?............. Unless........ They told him they were escorting a princess. What if she was........Oh crap. “Everybody, get up and straighten yourselves up. We have important visitors.”

Megumi led the way with the princess following and the colonel behind them. They walked up to face Oren. “I would like to introduce colonel Daniel Hellwind,” Megumi told him, “and Melpomene Leiske, princess of the empire.”

Oren felt a bit shaky. How do you address royalty? He had no idea, this was way above his station. “Ah, um, welcome to our, ah........ hideout, er, headquarters, miss, I mean your, ah um, your royalness.” Oren winced, he didn’t know if he was supposed to kneel or kiss her hand or what, so he made and awkward attempt at a low bow.

Melpomene couldn’t suppress a giggle. She gave the embarrassed boy a warm and disarming smile. “Thank you for the welcome, Oren, but just Melpomene will do.” The princess told him. “We can leave formalities to those stuffy diplomats. I came to thank you personally for helping us find our lost pilots, Arisa and Chad. Arisa is a dear friend of mine and I am truly greatful to your group. I would have been devastated if she had died.”

Rat was standing next to Oren, his eyes showed his shock. “Kitten is your friend?” He exclaimed. He was horrified at what he might have done to the girl. She wasn’t just from one of the big houses, he was a friend of an imperial. That mech might have been here to destroy them all.

“Yes, ‘kitten’ is,” princess giggled.

Daniel looked at her. “What was so funny about that?” Daniel asked.

“Kitten,” Melpomene laughed, “where did she get that nickname?”

“Ben gave it to her,” Megumi answered, “because she’s so small and cute.”

“But with sharp claws,” Melpomene continued, almost laughing to hard to answer.

“Amen to that,” Oren added.

“Oh?” The princess questioned. “You know about that.”

“Oh ya,” Oren assured her, “when she was here she.......”

“You REALLY don’t want to know!” Megumi cut him off.”

“Oh, but I do,” Mel told her.

“You don’t!” The colonel interjected. “Plausible deniablility and all that.”

“The princess smiled, “Oh alright, but I’ll find out from her sometime.” She looked back at Oren, “how would you like another job? We would, of course, compensate your group at the standard rate the EDF pays for independent investigative contractors.”

“A job, ah........ sure.” Oren stammered, he had to think for a moment. Investigative contractor? Compensate? The EDF was going to pay his gang? Was it some kind of trick? “What kind of job?”

Melpomene took the picture of Edward Gerladine that Daniel handed her. She passed it to Oren. “We need to find this man.” She told him. “He is an EDF deserter and his shuttle was involved in shooting down the heli Chad and Arisa were using. He could be armed and dangerous, we only want you to locate him, we will take care of it from there.”

Oren smiled, “we can get right on it. If he’s staying in the city, we’ll find him.” Oren hesitated a bit. “Ah, you mentioned compensation?”

Daniel handed Oren several papers. “This is a contract for services supplied by your, ah, ‘investigative firm’. You can read and sign it when you have time. The payment rate is in the contract. You will be compensated for your prior work for the EDF. My number is also included, contact me when you have results.”

Oren looked at the paper, the payment figures caught his eye and his mouth fell open in surprise. It was more than he had even imagined. Oren hardly noticed when the princess stepped up and placed a credit chip on the papers. “That’s my personal reward to you for helping find my friend.” Mel told him. She turned and walked toward the door.

Daniel followed her. “Call as soon as you have anything.” He told Oren.

Oren stood looking at the credit and the paper, finally his head snapped up. “What are you sitting around for?” He barked. “We have a job to do.” He held up the chip, “and tonight, we eat at the best place in town.”
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by Sakura » April 17th, 2018, 12:17 pm

Meowgratulations and welcome to page 100! :thumb:

I haven't made a new pdf for a very long time :swt: So here is chapter 45
5 Minutes Reloaded.pdf
Chapter 1-45, meoww
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by oldwrench » April 25th, 2018, 4:34 am

That many? I was going to make this a shorter story, and I'm just getting to the heart of the story. I really need to spend more time writing. I'm just so slow at typing.

Well, that said, I do have another chapter in the can....... wait, that's movie talk. I did get another chapter done though. Time to find out the second part of the colonel's plan for the day. He has the search for Geraldine underway, now to find Dominic Torres. Did Torres desert as some believe, if not, why hasn't he returned to the EDF? Have they really tracked down the missing pilot, or is the island another dead end? Does Dominic have accomplices, and how dangerous might they be? Time to find some answers.

Chapter 46

Georgianna looked out from the brush across the clearing to the outlying buildings of the maintenance base. She didn’t see any signs of movement, that was good. She wanted to catch them by surprise. She still was angry that the colonel had put Chad in charge of the operation. She could understand being sent on this mission, she couldn’t remain as the princess security after what had happened. But she had seniority over Ross. She had more experience. Just because he was familiar with the EDF maintenance base layout didn’t mean he was better suited to lead the mission. At least Chad had agreed to land the shuttle on the far side of the island from the base. She signaled for Ben to cover her, then raced across the opening to the first building. Ben waited for her signal then ran across the opening to join her against the side of the building.

Chad leaned against the trunk of a tree and looked through the brush. He watched as Ben held up his big rifle to cover Georgianna as she raced in a crouch to the next building. Georgianna looked back at him and made impatient hand signs that he should follow. Chad sighed as he looked down at Arisa. “Are you ready to go?” he asked. When she nodded, he held the brush open for her and then followed her through. Chad put his hands in his pockets as he caught up with Arisa and they walked together down the middle of the concrete drive toward the main hangar building.

Georgianna stared at Chad and Arisa in shocked anger. What were those fools trying to do? “Ross, get over here,” she hissed, “you’re going to alert them, they’ll know we’re here.”

Chad turned and looked at Georgianna. “You went charging through half a dozen perimeter sensors,” he informed her, “ and you’re standing under a surveillance camera. I think they know we’re coming. And, if they don’t have the security system running there aren’t any windows so they can’t see us.”

Georgianna looked up at the camera. “Damn it, Ross, why didn’t you say something before?”

“I’d rather they know we’re coming,” Chad told her. “Torres will be less likely to shoot first if he know’s it’s us.”

“You don’t know that,” Georgianna complained.

“But I believe it,” Chad answered as he turned and continued walking.

“There could be others, from the Red Faction,” Georgianna told him. “They could be targeting us from any one of these buildings.”

“Don’t think so,” Chad called back to her. “No tracks to any of the buildings other than the main hangar.”

Ben stepped out and shouldered his heavy rifle. “Sounds right to me.” He told them. “How are we going to get in if they have the place locked up?”

“That’s not a problem.” Chad informed him. They walked up to the huge building. Chad knew the type well, it was a standard EDF maintenance building. It looked like half of a cylinder laying on the ground, one hundred meters tall at it’s center, two hundred meters wide, and one thousand meters long. It was built to house the largest ship that could land on a planet. You could store an army of mechs in that building, even ones as large as the one from Mar Sara. There were several square entries extending from the building along side. Chad walked up to the first entry door. “This is the door to the main offices,” Chad told them. He knew the layout of the standard EDF base hangar well. “This leads to a corridor that runs the length of the building. The offices are along the outer wall, the corridor inside is separated from the hangar floor by an armored wall, in case an accident happens in the hangar.” Chad took a card out of his wallet and slid it into a slot in a keypad next to the door. “We’ll just walk in,” he smirked as he punched a number on the keypad.......... nothing happened. The readout above the pad read ‘invalid code’. Chad reinstalled the card and tried again, with the same results. He swore as he pulled the card back out. “That’s the tech officers code, it should open any maintenance building.” He told them as he opened the case he had been carrying. Chad took out an instrument and slid the card that was wired to it into the slot. He punched in a code then watched the readout, after a moment he punched in more code. “Someone changed the lock code. I can crack it but it’s going to take a while.” He hunched over the instrument and began working the keyboard.

While the others watched Chad, Arisa stepped up and checked out the door. She smiled as she opened the case she carried by a shoulder strap.

“Damn it,” Chad swore. “Every time I start to get the code, someone changes it. This is crazy.”

Arisa tapped Chad on the shoulder and he turned to look up at her. “You should move away a bit and plug your ears.” Arisa told him.

“Huh?” Chad questioned her. Arisa was closing the special ops case she carried. He looked over at the door, there was a line of putty encircling the latch with a small black cube attached. “Oh crap,” Chad gasped as he turned to the others. “Get back,” he yelled, “cover your ears.” He pushed Georgianna back around the corner of the entry and ducked behind it himself. Ben joined them and covered his ears. Chad looked around for Arisa, she was standing just outside of the shelter of the corner, her fingers in her ears. Chad was about to reach for her, to pull her into the sheltered area, when there was a loud bang.

The concussion of the blast ruffled Arisa’s cloths and hair. She got a big smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes. She pulled her fingers out to her ears and yelled, “I love it! That stuff is great!” She turned and hurried back to the door.

Chad noticed the surprised looks on Ben and Georgianna’a faces. He shrugged and turned to follow Arisa, the others came after him. Georgianna examined the door, she was impressed by the line cut around the latch, it looked like it was done with a cutting torch. “How the heck did you do that?” she questioned.

“Shaped charge,” Arisa told her happily, “rope type, it’s very effective.” She looked up at Ben. “Push it open, Ben,” she ordered.

“Yes mam, Kitten,” Ben smiled as he answered. He stepped up to the door and gave it a hard shove. There was a crack and the latch fell to the ground as the door opened.

“They’re sure to know we’re coming now,” Georgianna grouched.

“Well then, captain Torres will be waiting for us,” Arisa told her. “We shouldn’t keep him waiting.” She turned and started through the door.

“Hey, wait!” Georgianna called after her.

Chad quickly grabbed Arisa’s hand and pulled her back. “Maybe we should let Ben go in first.”

“Huh, why?” Arisa pouted.

“Because he has the biggest gun,” Chad answered. He saw the small girl’s frown and cast around for an explanation. “Ah..... It’s an old building, there could be rats in there, or snakes maybe.”

Arisa glared at Chad for a moment, but it soon turned to a smile and a laugh. “Kittens aren’t afraid of rats,” she assured him, “but snakes! Yuk!” She put on a mock expression of horror. “Ben, if you see any snakes, shoot first and ask questions later.”

“Sure thing,” he told her and laughing lead the way into the building.

“Children!” Georgianna grouched as she followed Ben. “Try to get serious.”

Arisa took Chad’s arm as they started into the building. “Everything is going to be alright.”

Chad certainly hoped she was right. He didn’t know what the princess had done with Arisa the night before, but he really liked the results.
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by oldwrench » May 9th, 2018, 5:05 am

Back from my week long cruise. I didn't even sink or anything bad like that. I wanted to have this short chapter posted before I left, but ran out of time. Well, here it is. I wrote a couple more chapters while on the big boat. I have written through chapter 51, all I have to do is get time to type them in to this machine. Good luck with that.

Chapter 47

Melpomene looked across the table at the silver haired ambassador of Telluria. He was one of the most influential of the representatives of the colonies. He had always been a friend of her father and a supporter of the Empire. But now........

If I could have a meeting with them, face to face, I could convince them this is madness.” Melpomene told the ambassador.

“That, is exactly what they are afraid of, princess,” he informed her. “They don’t want to hear reason and logic, they want to break away from the empire, to rule themselves, to be......... free.”

“Don’t they see, that is the way to anarchy, to constant bickering, constant wars,” Melpomene pleaded. “They will bomb each other back to the stone age. Isn’t there something you can do, some way to convince them, to bring them together?”

“I don’t think there is,” The old man sighed. “I don’t know that I would if I could. That time has passed. It may only postpone the inevitable. The empire evolved to encourage an expanding of our race into the galaxy, and to protect against the the expected clash with another technological race. But expansion has slowed, and there are no other races. The colonies are tired of rules and controls. They want to rule themselves and expand into the frontier as they wish.”

Melpomene slumped down in her chair. He was right. The empire had restricted ship building and exploration to limit the amount of territory that the EDF would have to patrol. But in all these centuries, the only enemy mankind had faced was himself. In all the light years of distance mankind had explored, there had never been another intelligent race to greet him.

She felt tired, had she failed the mission her father had entrusted to her? Was the only answer to allow the colonies to dissolve into anarchy and destruction and after centuries of warfare, have the empire pick up the remnants and start over? The alternative, a second colony war would cause even more distrust and hatred.

“Please tell the other ambassadors that I will meet with the full assembly in the convention hall in four days at three pm. I will give them the empires decision at that time. If they wish to know what is to be the fate of the colonies, they will attend.” Melpomene got up and walked out of the room, hoping the others had better fortune than she had had.
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by Sakura » May 22nd, 2018, 10:30 pm

What about chapter 47b, this is too short (and needs more cats!) :gg:
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by oldwrench » May 23rd, 2018, 2:47 am

Longer chapters are coming, and more of kitten. I have several more chapters written, I just have to get them typed into the computer. That is much slower than writing them. ....... Ok, with all this practice I'm up to about 25 words per minute. I'm just blazing along. Now, what are the pilots going to run into in the base hangar? A friendly greeting, or deadly traps? THey are about to find out.
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by oldwrench » May 30th, 2018, 4:07 am

Well, our pilots have made it to the maintenance hangar, and with a bit of persuasion, opened a side door. What kind of welcome will they find inside. Are there traps? Are there enemy waiting with guns ready, or will they be peacefully welcomed. First, they are going to have to get through the office section to make it to the main hangar and the giant mech. That big mech could squash them like bugs. They need to use plenty of caution.

Chapter 48

The huge hangar was a standard EDF maintenance base design, Chad knew the layout well. He turned on the lights in the corridor and stepped into a side room. one wall of the room was lined with consoles and screens of the security systems. Chad scanned the systems, the perimeter sensor input was showing on the console but the video monitors were black. After a quick check of the circuits, Chad determined there was a power failure to the video board. “They know someone is here,” Chad informed the others. “They may not know who we are though.”

Ben led the way back into the corridor to the tee junction with the long corridor that separated the office area from the main hangar. The wall between the corridor and the hangar was armored to protect the office area from possible accidents with munitions or fuels in the hangar. There were double doors at the junction. Ben checked down the cross corridor and satisfied there was no one there he stepped up to the doors. “It’s show time,” he quipped as he reached for the door.

“Wait!” Georgianna commanded as she grabbed his arm. “Chad, cut those lights, they make us too good of targets.” Chad cut the lights, the only light was what filtered through the broken exterior door at the other end of the hallway. “On three we go through the doors. Ben, you go left, I’ll go right...... One, two, three!”

Chad pulled Arisa around the corner into the side corridor. He didn’t want her to be in the line of fire if someone in the hanger was trigger happy.

Ben and Georgianna crashed through the doors into the darkness of the hangar and each dived to the side. A blindingly brilliant light snapped on, shining directly in their eyes. Georgianna crouched and fired her gun at the lights, but they were too bright,she couldn’t see to aim at them. A gunshot answered hers and the bullet cracked into the wall above her and to her right. “Throw out your weapons and stand with your hands up,” a voice rang out.

Ben stood up, waving his rifle over his head. “Hey, don’t shoot, it’s us”

“Ben! You idiot! Get down!” Georgianna yelled. She covered her eyes with her arm, trying to see the lights to get a shot at them.

Chad shielded his eyes and looked around the corner of the door. He could see a barricade under the lights and two heads above it. He felt he had to do something to defuse the situation before someone actually did get shot....... But what?

“Bullseye??? What the hell are you doing here?” Dominic shouted as he stood up behind the barrier of tool carts. “Rydia, turn on the lights.”

“They are on.” Rydia complained.

“No, no..... turn those off and turn the overheads on.” Dominic told her, excitedly. “Ben, what are you doing here, I could have shot you.”

“Nah, you wouldn’t shoot me,” Ben assured him. “I’m just here looking for you. What are you doing way out here?”

Dominic set down his gun and stepped out from behind the barrier as the overhead lights brightened. “Trying to hide out from the Red Faction,” he answered. “I thought that’s who you were.”

“So, I was right, that’s who those guys watching your apartment were.” Chad mused as he stepped into the room, relieved that the danger had passed.

“That’s who I figured they were.” Dominic told him. “I didn’t see you around though.”

“Chad laughed, “I wouldn’t be that sloppy.”

Arisa followed Chad into the hangar. She stepped around Chad and Dominic and up to the mousy girl with the big glasses who stood a few steps behind Dominic. “Hi, I’m lieutenant Arisa Higgens, the big guy is Lieutenant Ben Wolfman, that is captain Georgianna McFairlane and this guy is captain Chad Ross. She finished taking Chad’s arm. She turned a disapproving glare at Dominic.

“Arisa!” Rydia exclaimed, her eyes wide in recognition. “You’re Arisa Higgins! I never dreamed I would meet you. I’ve read everything about you in the magazines, all of your interviews. Oh, you’re so famous, I can’t believe you’re here.”

Arisa’s face reddened. “Ah, well...... I am with the EDF so.....”

“Oh, that’s right, you were at Mar Sara. I read about it in the.......” Rydia gasped, her hands covering her mouth. “You were on the ship, I might have killed you!...... I didn’t mean to hit the ship, I tried to miss it.” Rydia explained with tears building in her eyes. “I didn’t want to hurt anyone, just to scare you so you wouldn’t start a war, but Edward kept insisting I destroy your ship. He told me Atropos would prevent fighting, but he lied. He wanted me to kill so many people.” Rydia looked at the others, “you were all there. I’m sorry, really I am.” Tears began to run down her face.

Arisa stepped up and wrapped her arms around the taller girl. “It’s ok, it wasn’t your fault. We forgive you. You can tell me all about it later, ok.” Rydia sniffled and wiped her eyes, nodding her assent.

Dominic looked at the questioning faces around him. “Oh, ya, this is Rydia Farrell, she’s the one who designed and pilots Atropos.” He pointed behind the barrier of tool carts and everyone looked up at the huge machine kneeling there. It was so large that no one had noticed it till now.

Georgianna stared up in disbelief at the monster. Ben whistled in appreciation, “I want one of those.”

Arisa took hold of Chad’s arm. “You were crazy enough to try to fight that thing,” she chided him. “No wonder your mech got smashed.”
“I had to try to stop it,” Chad shrugged.

“He’s the one that damaged Atropos,” Dominic told Rydia. “And he’s just the guy we need to fix it.”

“How can he help?” Rydia complained. “We need a tech, someone from the power unit manufacturer. Someone who can tell us what’s wrong with it.”

“He is a tech,” Arisa told her, “the best.”

“He’s especially good with power units,” Georgianna added. “I know from experience.”

“He’s the Ghost, I told you about him.” Dominic assured Rydia. “He’ll fix it for you.”

“Wait a minute,” Georgianna broke in. “Nobody’s going to fix that thing. How do we know you wouldn’t just run off again.” She drew her gun, “in fact, your under arrest for desertion.”

“Put it away,” Chad barked the order. “Nobody’s going anywhere.”

“But he ran before.” Georgianna complained angrily. She still held her gun on Dominic.

“I did not run,” Dominic angrily faced her. “I’m not a deserter.”

“Put the gun away,” Chad repeated his order. “There isn’t any way he get away so let’s just hear him out.” Chad looked at Dominic, “ok, what is the story?”

Dominic sighed, “I didn’t run..... at least I wasn’t deserting. Rydia found out that the Red Faction aren’t the good guys she thought they were. But she was raised to fear the EDF. So she ran from both of them. I had to stay with her to keep her safe. I finally convinced her the EDF aren’t devils, we don’t enslave people or eat children. It took time to convince her, but she’s agreed that it would be best to turn Atropos over to the EDF. Problem is, we can’t move it, there’s something wrong. It’s been loosing power since we left Mar Sara, and now it can’t get off the planet.”

“Nice story, Torres, but I don’t buy it,” Georgianna snapped at him. “Nobody’s fixing anything till the EDF gets a team here to.......” She stopped, shocked that Chad was already questioning Rydia about the symptoms the big mech was displaying. “Ross! Don’t you even think about helping them.” She demanded.

Chad spun around and looked down at Georgianna with hard, steel grey eyes. “I’m still commanding this mission, captain. I’m going to get this thing operational. Someone else is trying to find it. I think it would be best to get it operational and move it to the Krikav. We may not be able to get it in the hangar bay, but we can secure it to the outside. That way the ship could escape with it if it became necessary.”

“That’s a fool’s plan, they could run once it’s operational.” Georgianna insisted.

“They won’t,” Chad answered. “I want you to contact the colonel and inform him of the situation here. You tell him exactly what I have planned, then let Dominic talk to him.” Georgianna frowned and looked like she was about to say something but Chad cut her off. “Also, ask him to send a maintenance shuttle. We’ll remove the cannon and have them pick it up. At least we can have that stowed aboard the Krikav.”

“I’ll call in,” Georgianna agreed, “But you better not work on anything till I’m done. The colonel will shut you down, he at least has some sense.”

“We can use the com room,” Dominic offered, “that way we could have a video connection.” Georgianna nodded agreement and followed Dominic out of the hangar.
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by oldwrench » May 31st, 2018, 6:00 am

I got another short chapter in....... in record time!! Things are going so well for the pilots I just had to keep going. Maybe all this is about to come to a satisfying conclusion. They found Dominic, and the Atropos. Everything is looking up, what more could you want? Oh, ya, The princess, the Red Faction, someone trying to start a war, Edward Geraldine.......... Ok maybe we should just keep on reading.

Chapter 49

Chad returned to questioning Rydia about the failure of Atropos power system. “You said you think it began losing power after you fired at the ship?”

“I think so...... It seemed to take too long to recharge the cannon,” Rydia answered. “I can’t be sure.”

Chad looked up at the big machine. “Maybe the weapon overloaded the power unit,” he mused out loud. “It shouldn’t have though, on a power unit big enough to power that mech. Do you know who the manufacturer is, Mitsu or Royce?”

“I don’t know,” Rydia confessed. “It has five power units, six if you count the one in the cannon.”

“Six??” Chad repeated in disbelief. “How did you get that to work?” Chad had seen two units in vehicles often enough, and even three, but balancing the output was touchy at best.

“I used one for each arm and leg and one for the body,” Rydia told him. “That was the only way I could get enough power. I had to design a system to balance the units so they could all work to power the thrusters and cannon.”

Now Chad had another clue to the mech’s problem. Balanced power units shouldn’t vary more than a few percent or there would be trouble. It really shouldn’t lose that much power though.Something was way out of wack. “Do you have standard unit readouts in the cockpit?”

Rydia nodded, “there’s a power unit screen on the right of the console. I don’t know what all of it means though.”

“That’s ok,” Chad told her. “Let’s get it started up and I’ll see what the unit’s diagnostics are telling us.”

Rydia stole a nervous look at Arisa. Arisa smiled and nodded so Ridia climbed up the steps built into the side of the machine to the extended cockpit. Arisa followed Rydia up the side of the machine. When she got to the cockpit she looked down, and had to suppress a giggle. “Are you planning on climbing up, or are you just going to stand there with that silly grin.”

Chad had started to follow Arisa, but she was wearing the EDF casual uniform that she had worn on the Krikav at Mar Sara. It had the same effect on him here. He’d been staring, unable to move.

Ben started laughing as Chad turned a bright shade of red. Chad quickly looked down. “I’ll be right up,” he mumbled as he started to climb.
Arisa couldn’t help having a big smile as she climbed into the cockpit. There was a lot of room, more than the EDF’s big Lancers. She stood behind the pilot’s chair. “Start it up,” she told Rydia, “Chad will be right up. He’ll figure it out.”

Chad climbed onto the ledge on the side of the cockpit when he felt the surge of power as the machine came to life. Chad stumbled, he had to grab the edge of the cockpit as he went down on his knees, cringing. To him, it was worse than fingernails screeching on a chalkboard. Something was very wrong. The power units were screaming in conflict, and he was the only one who could feel it.

Chad pulled his head up over the edge of the cockpit. “Shut it down,” he croaked.

Arisa was startled by the grimace on Chad’s face. “What’s wrong?” She cried. “What’s happening?”

Rydia looked around at Chad, confused. “Shut it down,” Chad barked, “NOW!”

Rydia turned back to the console, tears filling her eyes. Why was he so angry? What had she done wrong? She had just started Atropos, wasn’t that what he had wanted? She quickly ran through the shut down sequence. She started to sit back, unhappy, but stopped and pointed to the screen. “What’s that?” She asked in a worried voice. “Why is it flashing red? It didn’t do that before.”

Critical overload. “OH SH--!!!” Chad yelled.

Arisa screamed.
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by Sakura » May 31st, 2018, 4:43 pm

Ok I hope the rough times for Chad and me ERR Arisa are over :love:
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Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

Post by oldwrench » June 1st, 2018, 4:09 am

Doesn't really sound like it. Critical overload of a power unit doesn't sound like something I would want to be looking at......... And Chad and Arisa's response doesn't bode well for the future. Chapter 50 is in the works.
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff

Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

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