5 Minutes: Reloaded
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Speaking of killing off main characters, I finally got a chance to watch the Star Wars series movie "Rouge One" ............
Ok, I really am still working on this. I was going to work on it this week end, but I really haven't felt up to it at all. Hang on, I'll get more done. The action is just starting to heat up. Things have been looking up for the team..... but can that last? Don't bet on it.
Ok, I really am still working on this. I was going to work on it this week end, but I really haven't felt up to it at all. Hang on, I'll get more done. The action is just starting to heat up. Things have been looking up for the team..... but can that last? Don't bet on it.
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
I only ever watched the "old" movies of Star Wars (the triple with "the imperials strike back" or something like that. I'm not a huge fan of series killing main characters, stopped watching "One and a half men" after season 8 on Amazon prime
What do you call a dinosaur with an extended vocabulary? A thesaurus.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Well, I told you I was working on a chapter. After writing it, losing it, rewriting it, changing it........... here we go. Poor Arisa is still missing out on her alone time with Chad....... and gets shot by an alien to boot!! Maybe the aliens can clear a few things up for colonel Hellwind and the princess. At least they can find out who is trying to control peoples minds. Everything is working out nicely for our group.
Chapter 57
Melpomene dropped wearily onto the sofa in Daniels office. “At least your mission has ended well,” she grumped. “The colonies are at each others throats and now some of them have threatened violence against any empire personnel that remain on their worlds. I don’t think there is any way to prevent chaos.”
Tom looked up from the chair in the corner where he had been examining some papers. “I understand you have the ability to make them follow your directions, even against their will.”
The princess sighed, “if I could meet with them one at a time, I could use psychological cues to lead them to agree to any of my demands........ But I won’t do that. It could perhaps work for the moment, but it could make things worse later. It isn’t mind control, Tom, certain cues can control your desire and override your normal reason, but when the cues are removed, the control over your mental state is also removed.”
“Ah, well,” Tom mused, “I suppose if you cajoled those old guys into signing treaties, they would just tear them up later.”
“That’s for sure,” Mel agreed. “I just wish there was something I could use to bring them together. Daniel, what did you find out about the Red Faction from Geraldine?”
Quite a bit about their organization before the Mar Sara incident, but he hasn’t been with them since.” Daniel answered. “He couldn’t tell me anything about the top of the command structure. He doesn’t remember ever meeting the top man, he just called him leader, he only communicated with him by voice and text, never with video. And, talking of mind control..... the med tech told me it appears he had that same growth in his head that Georgianna had. I wanted to hate him, I wanted to kill him for what he had done, but now.....”
“You believe he was being controlled?” Tom asked.
Daniel sighed, “yes, from what he told me, I’m sure he was. He had a fever and headache when we found him, like captain McFairlane, and the tech said there were still traces of the growth left in his head.”
“So Geraldine may not be totally responsible for his actions?”
Daniel frowned, “I'll let the court martial decide that,” he answered. “But if I find the one behind this Red Faction, he’ll regret he ever crossed my path.”
Chad, carrying two of the alien weapons, lead the group of aliens toward the main hangar. To his right, Ben carried the unconscious thrant with its two uninjured comrades next to him. Arisa was was between Ben and Chad, carrying the other two of the alien weapons, and keeping watch on the thrant with the broken arm. Aah’n was on Chad’s left and Georgianna followed the group. Georgianna kept her gun in her hand. Sure, the aliens were unarmed and seemed harmless enough...... but she had an uneasy feeling, call it intuition, something bad was going to happen.
Aah’n was filled with questions, so much just didn’t seem right about these beings. Could his research have been that wrong? “It appears you do not know of the Tnukt, the slavers, is there some other race that you are presently at war with?” He hesitantly asked.
Chad was lost in thought of how to handle this situation.... “Huh?..... no, why would you think that?” He countered.
“It’s just....” Aah’n answered carefully, “you are armed and seem trained to fight, like a military group....... I thought perhaps there was some other race you had encountered.”
“No,” Chad answered, “we never met another race. You’re the first.”
Aah’n almost stumbled. He hadn’t anticipated that answer. How could it be? If it was true, they had not encountered another race, why did they have a military? Why were they trained fighters, why were they armed? So many questions, he was even more confused.
“Oh crap!” Ben stopped short. He could see the security alarm he had knocked to the ground when they ran to Chad and Arisa’s aid. It was flashing red. He quickly scanned the area. He spotted them, in the trees and brush on the other side of the barrier on the far side of the lot in front of the hangar. “Intruders!” Ben yelled. He turned and pushed the two thrant toward the gap between the two storage buildings to his right.
The injured thrant screeched as Arisa dropped the weapons and gave it a hard shove in Ben’s direction. Bullets ripped through the air behind her head as she dived after the stumbling alien.
Chad scanned the area and saw the intruders. He grabbed Aah'n by the arm and pulled him toward the shelter of the building. Chad heard Georgianna fire two shots behind him. He had almost reached the safety of the building when he heard the ugly sound of a bullet hitting it's target. Behind him Georgianna screamed in pain. He was only a step from shelter, from safety. He should have kept going....... Chad pulled hard on the smaller alien, throwing him ahead to the shelter of the building. He used the momentum to turn back the way he had come. Georgianna was still standing, bent over in pain. Chad dived at the captain and pushed her as hard as he could in the direction of the low concrete wall that surrounded the parking revetment across the drive from the buildings. Bullets ripped through the air in front of Chads face, in the space Georgianna had occupied only a second earlier. Georgianna cried out as she fell behind the barrier, Chad tumbled in just behind her as bullets slammed into the concrete wall.
Aah'n sat back against the wall, covering his ears. The big male had dropped the thrant and was firing his weapon around the corner of the building. The sound was incredible..... Aah'n thought the crack of their electric weapons was very loud, this was extreme. They must be a projectile weapon, but instead of using electric launched, rocket propelled projectiles, these must use some kind of high power explosive. He couldn't believe the weapon could withstand that force without blowing up.......... What bothered him the most was, their leader had told him they were not at war.
Chad pulled out his knife and made a cut on the bottom of his shirt. He tore off a strip around the shirt. Blood was dripping from between Georgianna's fingers where they were wrapped around her right forearm. Chad got her to let go long enough to wrap the strip around the wound. The bullet had passed through her arm and she cried out as he wrapped it. Chad's mind was churning, they were in a bad spot. He had seen four or five enemy approaching. He needed a weapon. He listened, Ben would fire a three round burst followed by gunfire from the intruders. Georgiana's gun lay two steps from their shelter....... if he timed it right. Chad waited till Ben fired, then dived out for the gun as the intruders were occupied firing at Ben. He grabbed the gun and dived back to the wall just as bullets ripped by behind him.
“That was a fool's stunt, you idiot,” Georgianna grit out between clenched teeth. “That gun's useless to you, it's keyed to my hand, and I can't shoot.”
Chad had seen the gun, he knew it wasn't standard military issue. It was one of the H&K electronic specials. Chad slammed the but of the grip against the wall a couple of times.
“Hey! Don't do …...” She barked
“I'll get it fixed when we get back,” Chad cut her off. He pulled out his knife and pried the scale off one side of the grip. He used the knife to cut the leads and pry out one of the tiny chips. He pried out a couple more tiny components and scraped off one lead. Finally he used the pliers to twist two of the tiny leads together and snapped the scale back onto the grip. He carefully peered over the wall, noting the positions of the intruders. Chad waited for the right moment and after Ben fired, jumped up with the gun in a two handed grip in front of him. He aimed to the left and fired two shots, snapped to the left and fired two more shots. He dived to his left, firing a one handed shot as he did. Bullets hit the top of the wall and one tore through his shirt, close enough that it's shock wave raised a stinging welt on Chad's side. He heard Ben fire a three round burst as he landed on the hard gravel surface. He waited long moments, but there was no more gunfire.
“Think we got them?” Ben called out to Chad.
Chad looked over the wall, scanning the area. “Seems like it,” he answered. “I got two of them, I'm not sure about the third one.”
“If you missed him, I didn't,” Ben told him, “and I got one before that.”
“I got one,” Georgianna told Chad.
“Georgianna got one,” Chad called out. “I don't see any movement.”
“Two,” Georgianna muttered, “I thought you told me you didn't use guns.”
Chad looked at the captain. “No,” he answered, “I said I don't like guns. Where I come from, you're either good with a gun, or you don't live long.”
Georgianna shook her head. “But, I saw your target scores, they weren't good.”
Chad laughed. “Rifles! I had never held one in my life, till I got to boot camp. They wouldn't let me use a handgun.
Aah'n stood up. He had never been in a battle before. It had been so fast and savage. Five enemy down in such a short time. But who were the enemy? So many questions, but Aah'n felt he had learned some valuable information about these strange beings. When the battle had begun, they did not just drop the thrant or himself. They had risked themselves to bring the others to safety, even though they were strangers. Their leader had turned back away from safety, into the line of fire, just to aid one injured soldier. It seemed entirely foolish, but showed great bravery. Their weapons were powerful and efficient. He was shocked that the small hand weapon was so deadly. He had assumed, by it's small size, that it was just a non lethal defensive weapon.
Ben felt the holster at his side unsnap and his handgun pulled out. “Hey!” He spun around and saw Arisa holding the gun. “What are you up to? The fight's over.”
“Somebody is going to have to go check if any of them are in the hangar,” Arisa told him, “and I could cover you.” She looked around the corner of the building. “On second thought, you're too big a target...... cover me.” Arisa took off in a crouched run toward the hangar.
“Hey, wait!” Ben yelled after her as he swung his rifle around and watched the area for any hidden enemy.
Chad thought of one more thing to worry about. They had left the mech in standby, any pilot could operate it........ if they had gotten into the hangar. “What the??” He exclaimed when he heard Ben shout. Chad looked over the wall. “Damn!” He barked as he jumped over the wall and raced after Arisa. He caught up to her as she reached the open main door of the hangar. She leaned back against the wall next to the door and he pulled up right next to her, scanning the area for intruders. “What the hell are you trying to do?” He hissed at her.
“If they got into the hangar, we have to stop them before they get to Atropos,” Arisa whispered back. “There's no time to wait around. Get ready.” Arisa dived out and rolled into a prone position, quickly checking right and left then down the building. “Clear,” she told him.
Chad spun around the corner and swung his gun around as he checked the area. “Let's get to the security room. We can check the sensors and find out how many of them there were.” He ordered.
Ben watched the two enter the building, then turned back to the aliens. “Are you guys alright?” The thrant with the broken arm was groaning and the unconscious alien was beginning to show signs of movement. Ben leaned over the small alien. “Looks like he's coming around.”
The thrant opened it's eyes and saw Ben leaning over it. It began a high pitched wailing and tried to get up. It's two uninjured comrades held it down and one spoke to it in their strange squawking language, gesturing toward the big man. It began to calm down.
“Are they going to be alright?” Ben asked turning toward Aah'n.
“I believe they will be.” Aah'n answered. “I thought...... your leader, Chad, told me you weren't at war, that you had never encountered an alien race.”
“Huh?” We aren't at war, Ben assured him, “but I think those guys are trying to start one.”
“But if you haven't encountered another race, how could there be a war? Who are they?” Aah'n was confused. Was his translations somehow missing some meaning.
“Another race???” Ben had to think for a moment. “No, they aren't aliens, they're humans, just like us. They just want to steal the big mech we have in the hangar.”
Aah'n was stunned to silence. Other Humans? Wishing to start a war? How could that be? How could they fight against their own kind? So many questions he could hardly begin to imagine what these humans were, what could have made them turn against themselves. Is that what made them such experienced warriors? Was that the reason that even their females appeared to be warriors? Aah'n felt that, if he could win these humans as allies, there would be true hope to defeat the slaver empire.
Chad led the way into the office area. They checked each room before entering the communications and security office. Chad checked back through the sensor records. “That's where they came onto the island,” he told Arisa, pointing to the grid map. “They must have come by boat. I only see five, so it looks like we're clear. Go out and tell the others they can come in.”
Chad watched her leave, he sat down and sighed. He'd missed his chance to spend some time alone with her again. There were things he wanted to ask her, things he needed to know. Chad turned to the com console, it would have to wait, he had to call the colonel....... Things were all messed up, what would he say? How should he start?
Chapter 57
Melpomene dropped wearily onto the sofa in Daniels office. “At least your mission has ended well,” she grumped. “The colonies are at each others throats and now some of them have threatened violence against any empire personnel that remain on their worlds. I don’t think there is any way to prevent chaos.”
Tom looked up from the chair in the corner where he had been examining some papers. “I understand you have the ability to make them follow your directions, even against their will.”
The princess sighed, “if I could meet with them one at a time, I could use psychological cues to lead them to agree to any of my demands........ But I won’t do that. It could perhaps work for the moment, but it could make things worse later. It isn’t mind control, Tom, certain cues can control your desire and override your normal reason, but when the cues are removed, the control over your mental state is also removed.”
“Ah, well,” Tom mused, “I suppose if you cajoled those old guys into signing treaties, they would just tear them up later.”
“That’s for sure,” Mel agreed. “I just wish there was something I could use to bring them together. Daniel, what did you find out about the Red Faction from Geraldine?”
Quite a bit about their organization before the Mar Sara incident, but he hasn’t been with them since.” Daniel answered. “He couldn’t tell me anything about the top of the command structure. He doesn’t remember ever meeting the top man, he just called him leader, he only communicated with him by voice and text, never with video. And, talking of mind control..... the med tech told me it appears he had that same growth in his head that Georgianna had. I wanted to hate him, I wanted to kill him for what he had done, but now.....”
“You believe he was being controlled?” Tom asked.
Daniel sighed, “yes, from what he told me, I’m sure he was. He had a fever and headache when we found him, like captain McFairlane, and the tech said there were still traces of the growth left in his head.”
“So Geraldine may not be totally responsible for his actions?”
Daniel frowned, “I'll let the court martial decide that,” he answered. “But if I find the one behind this Red Faction, he’ll regret he ever crossed my path.”
Chad, carrying two of the alien weapons, lead the group of aliens toward the main hangar. To his right, Ben carried the unconscious thrant with its two uninjured comrades next to him. Arisa was was between Ben and Chad, carrying the other two of the alien weapons, and keeping watch on the thrant with the broken arm. Aah’n was on Chad’s left and Georgianna followed the group. Georgianna kept her gun in her hand. Sure, the aliens were unarmed and seemed harmless enough...... but she had an uneasy feeling, call it intuition, something bad was going to happen.
Aah’n was filled with questions, so much just didn’t seem right about these beings. Could his research have been that wrong? “It appears you do not know of the Tnukt, the slavers, is there some other race that you are presently at war with?” He hesitantly asked.
Chad was lost in thought of how to handle this situation.... “Huh?..... no, why would you think that?” He countered.
“It’s just....” Aah’n answered carefully, “you are armed and seem trained to fight, like a military group....... I thought perhaps there was some other race you had encountered.”
“No,” Chad answered, “we never met another race. You’re the first.”
Aah’n almost stumbled. He hadn’t anticipated that answer. How could it be? If it was true, they had not encountered another race, why did they have a military? Why were they trained fighters, why were they armed? So many questions, he was even more confused.
“Oh crap!” Ben stopped short. He could see the security alarm he had knocked to the ground when they ran to Chad and Arisa’s aid. It was flashing red. He quickly scanned the area. He spotted them, in the trees and brush on the other side of the barrier on the far side of the lot in front of the hangar. “Intruders!” Ben yelled. He turned and pushed the two thrant toward the gap between the two storage buildings to his right.
The injured thrant screeched as Arisa dropped the weapons and gave it a hard shove in Ben’s direction. Bullets ripped through the air behind her head as she dived after the stumbling alien.
Chad scanned the area and saw the intruders. He grabbed Aah'n by the arm and pulled him toward the shelter of the building. Chad heard Georgianna fire two shots behind him. He had almost reached the safety of the building when he heard the ugly sound of a bullet hitting it's target. Behind him Georgianna screamed in pain. He was only a step from shelter, from safety. He should have kept going....... Chad pulled hard on the smaller alien, throwing him ahead to the shelter of the building. He used the momentum to turn back the way he had come. Georgianna was still standing, bent over in pain. Chad dived at the captain and pushed her as hard as he could in the direction of the low concrete wall that surrounded the parking revetment across the drive from the buildings. Bullets ripped through the air in front of Chads face, in the space Georgianna had occupied only a second earlier. Georgianna cried out as she fell behind the barrier, Chad tumbled in just behind her as bullets slammed into the concrete wall.
Aah'n sat back against the wall, covering his ears. The big male had dropped the thrant and was firing his weapon around the corner of the building. The sound was incredible..... Aah'n thought the crack of their electric weapons was very loud, this was extreme. They must be a projectile weapon, but instead of using electric launched, rocket propelled projectiles, these must use some kind of high power explosive. He couldn't believe the weapon could withstand that force without blowing up.......... What bothered him the most was, their leader had told him they were not at war.
Chad pulled out his knife and made a cut on the bottom of his shirt. He tore off a strip around the shirt. Blood was dripping from between Georgianna's fingers where they were wrapped around her right forearm. Chad got her to let go long enough to wrap the strip around the wound. The bullet had passed through her arm and she cried out as he wrapped it. Chad's mind was churning, they were in a bad spot. He had seen four or five enemy approaching. He needed a weapon. He listened, Ben would fire a three round burst followed by gunfire from the intruders. Georgiana's gun lay two steps from their shelter....... if he timed it right. Chad waited till Ben fired, then dived out for the gun as the intruders were occupied firing at Ben. He grabbed the gun and dived back to the wall just as bullets ripped by behind him.
“That was a fool's stunt, you idiot,” Georgianna grit out between clenched teeth. “That gun's useless to you, it's keyed to my hand, and I can't shoot.”
Chad had seen the gun, he knew it wasn't standard military issue. It was one of the H&K electronic specials. Chad slammed the but of the grip against the wall a couple of times.
“Hey! Don't do …...” She barked
“I'll get it fixed when we get back,” Chad cut her off. He pulled out his knife and pried the scale off one side of the grip. He used the knife to cut the leads and pry out one of the tiny chips. He pried out a couple more tiny components and scraped off one lead. Finally he used the pliers to twist two of the tiny leads together and snapped the scale back onto the grip. He carefully peered over the wall, noting the positions of the intruders. Chad waited for the right moment and after Ben fired, jumped up with the gun in a two handed grip in front of him. He aimed to the left and fired two shots, snapped to the left and fired two more shots. He dived to his left, firing a one handed shot as he did. Bullets hit the top of the wall and one tore through his shirt, close enough that it's shock wave raised a stinging welt on Chad's side. He heard Ben fire a three round burst as he landed on the hard gravel surface. He waited long moments, but there was no more gunfire.
“Think we got them?” Ben called out to Chad.
Chad looked over the wall, scanning the area. “Seems like it,” he answered. “I got two of them, I'm not sure about the third one.”
“If you missed him, I didn't,” Ben told him, “and I got one before that.”
“I got one,” Georgianna told Chad.
“Georgianna got one,” Chad called out. “I don't see any movement.”
“Two,” Georgianna muttered, “I thought you told me you didn't use guns.”
Chad looked at the captain. “No,” he answered, “I said I don't like guns. Where I come from, you're either good with a gun, or you don't live long.”
Georgianna shook her head. “But, I saw your target scores, they weren't good.”
Chad laughed. “Rifles! I had never held one in my life, till I got to boot camp. They wouldn't let me use a handgun.
Aah'n stood up. He had never been in a battle before. It had been so fast and savage. Five enemy down in such a short time. But who were the enemy? So many questions, but Aah'n felt he had learned some valuable information about these strange beings. When the battle had begun, they did not just drop the thrant or himself. They had risked themselves to bring the others to safety, even though they were strangers. Their leader had turned back away from safety, into the line of fire, just to aid one injured soldier. It seemed entirely foolish, but showed great bravery. Their weapons were powerful and efficient. He was shocked that the small hand weapon was so deadly. He had assumed, by it's small size, that it was just a non lethal defensive weapon.
Ben felt the holster at his side unsnap and his handgun pulled out. “Hey!” He spun around and saw Arisa holding the gun. “What are you up to? The fight's over.”
“Somebody is going to have to go check if any of them are in the hangar,” Arisa told him, “and I could cover you.” She looked around the corner of the building. “On second thought, you're too big a target...... cover me.” Arisa took off in a crouched run toward the hangar.
“Hey, wait!” Ben yelled after her as he swung his rifle around and watched the area for any hidden enemy.
Chad thought of one more thing to worry about. They had left the mech in standby, any pilot could operate it........ if they had gotten into the hangar. “What the??” He exclaimed when he heard Ben shout. Chad looked over the wall. “Damn!” He barked as he jumped over the wall and raced after Arisa. He caught up to her as she reached the open main door of the hangar. She leaned back against the wall next to the door and he pulled up right next to her, scanning the area for intruders. “What the hell are you trying to do?” He hissed at her.
“If they got into the hangar, we have to stop them before they get to Atropos,” Arisa whispered back. “There's no time to wait around. Get ready.” Arisa dived out and rolled into a prone position, quickly checking right and left then down the building. “Clear,” she told him.
Chad spun around the corner and swung his gun around as he checked the area. “Let's get to the security room. We can check the sensors and find out how many of them there were.” He ordered.
Ben watched the two enter the building, then turned back to the aliens. “Are you guys alright?” The thrant with the broken arm was groaning and the unconscious alien was beginning to show signs of movement. Ben leaned over the small alien. “Looks like he's coming around.”
The thrant opened it's eyes and saw Ben leaning over it. It began a high pitched wailing and tried to get up. It's two uninjured comrades held it down and one spoke to it in their strange squawking language, gesturing toward the big man. It began to calm down.
“Are they going to be alright?” Ben asked turning toward Aah'n.
“I believe they will be.” Aah'n answered. “I thought...... your leader, Chad, told me you weren't at war, that you had never encountered an alien race.”
“Huh?” We aren't at war, Ben assured him, “but I think those guys are trying to start one.”
“But if you haven't encountered another race, how could there be a war? Who are they?” Aah'n was confused. Was his translations somehow missing some meaning.
“Another race???” Ben had to think for a moment. “No, they aren't aliens, they're humans, just like us. They just want to steal the big mech we have in the hangar.”
Aah'n was stunned to silence. Other Humans? Wishing to start a war? How could that be? How could they fight against their own kind? So many questions he could hardly begin to imagine what these humans were, what could have made them turn against themselves. Is that what made them such experienced warriors? Was that the reason that even their females appeared to be warriors? Aah'n felt that, if he could win these humans as allies, there would be true hope to defeat the slaver empire.
Chad led the way into the office area. They checked each room before entering the communications and security office. Chad checked back through the sensor records. “That's where they came onto the island,” he told Arisa, pointing to the grid map. “They must have come by boat. I only see five, so it looks like we're clear. Go out and tell the others they can come in.”
Chad watched her leave, he sat down and sighed. He'd missed his chance to spend some time alone with her again. There were things he wanted to ask her, things he needed to know. Chad turned to the com console, it would have to wait, he had to call the colonel....... Things were all messed up, what would he say? How should he start?
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Ok, things are getting a bit complicated, at least for Chad. He not only has a mech to repair, he has to worry about attacks by intruders, injured personnel and ....... aliens. His head is spinning and he has to report all this to the colonel. Are these aliens really here to bring peaceful discourse, or are they actually part of an alien invasion? We'll see.
Chapter 58
Daniel watched the princess leave the room. He felt bad for her. Her mission had failed and it was mostly his fault, even if Melpomene insisted it wasn,t. If he had chosen someone other than Captain McFairlane....... At least his part of the mission was a success, he would be able to relax, as soon as they got that mech up to the Krikov. There was a signal from the com unit.
“Captain Ross has called in,” Yuki informed the colonel.
Ah, Daniel thought, he must have the mech ready to transport.
“He has requested a medical evacuation for two of the group,” Yuki continued.
“Send it,” the colonel ordered. He sat up straighter, had there been an accident? “Put Ross on.” He watched, tense, as the screen switched to show Chad's face. “Report, captain, what happened.”
Chad stiffened. “The base came under attack by intruders, sir,” the captain answered. "We were able to eliminate the threat, but Captain McFairlane was hit.... in the arm, it's not critical but she needs medical attention.”
“It's on the way” Daniel assured him. “Is the base secure?”
“At this time it is,” Chad answered. “We took out the intruders, I don't know if there are any others coming.”
“There's a marine squad on the Sheffield, I'll send them down immediately.” The colonel told him. “What's the status of the mech?”
“It's operational,” Chad answered. “I just need to close up the access ports.”
“Good,” Daniel felt relieved....... “Wait, there was something else. You called for med-evac for two. Who else was injured?”
“Ah.... lieutenant Higgens was shot by an alien weapon,” Chad told him. “It looks like just an electrical burn, but I think she should be checked. We don't know what effect it might have.”
“Alien? What do you mean? Someone from another colony?” Daniel queried.
“Um.... Aliens, sir, non humans....... We encountered a group of aliens.” Chad stammered.
“It can't be.....” Daniel replied in shock. “And you eliminated them? Good lord, please tell me you haven't started an interstellar war.”
“No, that was the other group....... I mean, the other intruders were human, probably Red Faction,” Chad tried to explain. “The aliens are friendlies.”
“But you said Arisa was shot by the aliens?” Daniels head was still swimming.
“That was a mistake,” Chad assured him, “and the weapon is supposed to be non lethal, like a riot stick.” Chad gave the colonel a short account of the two incidents
Tom looked at the screen from behind the colonel. “Aliens...... This is totally unexpected. Perhaps this is just what the princess needs to bring the colonies back together.”
“I hope so,” the colonel replied. “We may get out of this without a war.”
“Ah, we may already be at war, sir,” Chad told them. “If what Aah'n told me is true, then the mind control thing that Georgianna had is one part of an attack by their enemy, the slavers. He thinks the slavers are trying to take over the empire.”
“If these aliens know about this mind control, we have to find out all we can from them,” Tom insisted. “Colonel, we have to bring those aliens here. We can't lose the chance at this information.”
Daniel tried to call Melpomene but the princess didn't answer her com. He called ensign Tammy and told her to find the princess and send her to the office, NOW.
“Is the alien there?” Daniel asked Chad. “I want to talk with him if that's possible.”
“Arisa brought them in, sir,” Chad informed him. “She's tending to the captain and the two alien's injuries. Aah'n is waiting with them. I'll bring him in.”
Colonel Hellwind stared at the face that came onto the screen before him. Alien, yet not altogether strange...... Feline would be how he described his first impression, yet not any cat that man had ever encountered. Sentient........
Aah,n Looked at the human on the com unit. He was a strong looking man, with sharp searching eyes. Aah'n didn't know what this man might do with them...... he felt weak. Aah'n bowed. “I am Aah'n, ambassador of the League of.......ah, Free Empires. I sincerely regret the incident caused by my guard. I will accept any penalty you deem necessary, but please be lenient with my soldiers.”
This all seemed unreal to Daniel, like he was dreaming, like he was in some kind of movie...... “I don't think.......... Ah...... Well, since it seems there weren't any major injuries....... Um, I think we can just call it a misunderstanding and leave it at that.” The colonel hoped that would smooth things over. He didn't want to cause a problem with an unknown adversary. He wanted their first encounter to be peaceful....... If only the princess were here.
Aah'n could hardy believe what he had heard. This Colonel was willing to dismiss the attack on his people without reparations? That would seem to indicate a race of pacifists..... but the trained military, the savage battle he'd witnessed...... the dichotomy! Was the colonel offering peace..... or a trap? He could only do as he was trained and hope for the best. “Colonel, Sir, I would like to meet with you to discuss treaties of peace between our peoples.”
Good, Daniel thought, that was just what he hoped for, a peaceful dialogue..... He didn't have the authority...... but she did. “That would be our best move at this point,” Daniel agreed, “but I don't have the authority to negotiate any treaties. We are here escorting one of the Imperial family, she would have the authority. I'm sure she will want to meet with you as soon as possible."
An Imperial! Aah'n couldn't believe his fortunes had turned so completely around. But the colonel had said “she”....... A female, how could a female have authority? But, what about the female captain in this group? Were the females here on an equal level with the males? It was a strange possibility, but think of the advantages, effectively twice the number of beings advancing your society. “I would be greatly honored to meet an imperial, sir.” Aah'n tried to show humility to cover his shocked excitement.
He seems anxious to meet with us, Dan thought, is it just excitement, or is it some kind of trap. They couldn't miss the chance to learn more. He had to be on his guard...... he wished Melpomene were there. “How many ships do you have here?” He asked, hoping the question might catch the alien off guard.
“We have just the one ship.” Aah'n answered. “We are just an exploration team..... The league did not truly expect to find an advanced civilization this far out.”
“We didn't detect you approaching the planet.” Dan told him.
“Our ship had a, ah..... shield of hiding?” Aah'n offered. “Also we approached on the far side of the planet from the major land mass.”
“Is your ship armed?”
“Yes,” Aa'n confessed, “defensive armament, in case of an attack.”
“Where is your ship now?” Dan quickly demanded.
“Um... I don't know if I should let you have that information..... I, ah, I don't know your intentions. I can't endanger the crew, I can't take the risk.....” Aah'n stammered.
“My intentions are to send a recon probe to verify what you've told me..... I have to be cautious too” Daniel told him.
Aah'n was torn, he needed to be cautious with such a strange people, but he couldn't pass up this opportunity. He had to try, even if it meant the loss of his exploration crew, the potential advantage of these humans was too much to ignore. “The ship is behind the moon in the highest orbit,” Aah'n confessed, “but you will not be able to detect it.”
“Thank you ambassador, let us worry about that.” The colonel smiled. “I'll set up a meeting with the princess as soon as possible. Let me talk to captain Ross.” As soon as Chad was in front of the screen, the colonel began giving orders. “The med-evac unit will be there shortly and the marine unit will be right behind them. I want you to evacuate the wounded first, tell the ambassador that after the marines have set up, he can have his soldiers picked up. I'm sending Kaze in his mech to escort you, bring the ambassador here to our base. I'm sending Bob and his tech team to finish that mech and move it to the Krikav.”
“Yes sir,” Chad replied, “Have the tech team bring thruster fuel, it's pretty low, and a control helmet, standard control interface. I doubt they could fit Rydia's helmet.”
“Ok, I'll see to it,” the colonel assured him.
Aah'n looked over Chad's shoulder. “Could I have an assistant brought down from the ship to accompany me?” He asked. “I don't think I would feel comfortable handling talks of this magnitude alone.”
The colonel looked at the alien. How could you read the expressions on the face of another race? He had a feeling there was a bit of anxiety in those eyes. Dan knew he would feel overwhelmed if he was facing a planet of alien strangers all alone.
A message came through from Yuki, “the probe shows one ship close behind the moon as indicated. It is approximately sixty two point zero four percent the size of the Krikav, and of alien design, as closely as I can determine from the scan. It has superior cloaking to the mechs that attacked us as Mar Sara. No other ships are detected in scanner range.”
Dan smiled, that was what he wanted to know. The alien had been honest with him, at least this far. He looked back at the screen. “Agreed, you can bring an assistant with you, unarmed, of course.” Daniel answered the ambassador.
“Of course,” Aah'n replied, “Thank you colonel.”
After the colonel had signed off and sent his orders to the Krikav, he sat and stared at the blank screen. Aliens!........ he wondered when he would wake up, this had to be a dream........ didn't it?
“I had better send this information to general Parker,” Tom told him. “This certainly complicates things.”
“Yes, EDF command has to be informed,” Dan answered. “If this alien isn't telling the truth........... or, maybe even if is, we could be in the middle of an interstellar war.”
“That is why I have to inform the general,” Tom told him, “and not EDF command. It appears there may be some in command who have already been compromised.”
The door slammed open and a rather angry looking princess stalked into the room dressed in her jeans and damp sweat shirt, her wet hair wrapped in a towel. It had been trying and tiring day and she didn't like being dragged out of her nice hot bath. “This damn well better be important, Dan,” she grouched. “I'm not going to handle any more crap today.”
“Aliens.” Dan told her.
Melpomene stopped in her tracks, “Huh?”
“Aliens,” he repeated. “You said you needed aliens to keep the colonies together. Well, now you have....... Aliens!”
Chapter 58
Daniel watched the princess leave the room. He felt bad for her. Her mission had failed and it was mostly his fault, even if Melpomene insisted it wasn,t. If he had chosen someone other than Captain McFairlane....... At least his part of the mission was a success, he would be able to relax, as soon as they got that mech up to the Krikov. There was a signal from the com unit.
“Captain Ross has called in,” Yuki informed the colonel.
Ah, Daniel thought, he must have the mech ready to transport.
“He has requested a medical evacuation for two of the group,” Yuki continued.
“Send it,” the colonel ordered. He sat up straighter, had there been an accident? “Put Ross on.” He watched, tense, as the screen switched to show Chad's face. “Report, captain, what happened.”
Chad stiffened. “The base came under attack by intruders, sir,” the captain answered. "We were able to eliminate the threat, but Captain McFairlane was hit.... in the arm, it's not critical but she needs medical attention.”
“It's on the way” Daniel assured him. “Is the base secure?”
“At this time it is,” Chad answered. “We took out the intruders, I don't know if there are any others coming.”
“There's a marine squad on the Sheffield, I'll send them down immediately.” The colonel told him. “What's the status of the mech?”
“It's operational,” Chad answered. “I just need to close up the access ports.”
“Good,” Daniel felt relieved....... “Wait, there was something else. You called for med-evac for two. Who else was injured?”
“Ah.... lieutenant Higgens was shot by an alien weapon,” Chad told him. “It looks like just an electrical burn, but I think she should be checked. We don't know what effect it might have.”
“Alien? What do you mean? Someone from another colony?” Daniel queried.
“Um.... Aliens, sir, non humans....... We encountered a group of aliens.” Chad stammered.
“It can't be.....” Daniel replied in shock. “And you eliminated them? Good lord, please tell me you haven't started an interstellar war.”
“No, that was the other group....... I mean, the other intruders were human, probably Red Faction,” Chad tried to explain. “The aliens are friendlies.”
“But you said Arisa was shot by the aliens?” Daniels head was still swimming.
“That was a mistake,” Chad assured him, “and the weapon is supposed to be non lethal, like a riot stick.” Chad gave the colonel a short account of the two incidents
Tom looked at the screen from behind the colonel. “Aliens...... This is totally unexpected. Perhaps this is just what the princess needs to bring the colonies back together.”
“I hope so,” the colonel replied. “We may get out of this without a war.”
“Ah, we may already be at war, sir,” Chad told them. “If what Aah'n told me is true, then the mind control thing that Georgianna had is one part of an attack by their enemy, the slavers. He thinks the slavers are trying to take over the empire.”
“If these aliens know about this mind control, we have to find out all we can from them,” Tom insisted. “Colonel, we have to bring those aliens here. We can't lose the chance at this information.”
Daniel tried to call Melpomene but the princess didn't answer her com. He called ensign Tammy and told her to find the princess and send her to the office, NOW.
“Is the alien there?” Daniel asked Chad. “I want to talk with him if that's possible.”
“Arisa brought them in, sir,” Chad informed him. “She's tending to the captain and the two alien's injuries. Aah'n is waiting with them. I'll bring him in.”
Colonel Hellwind stared at the face that came onto the screen before him. Alien, yet not altogether strange...... Feline would be how he described his first impression, yet not any cat that man had ever encountered. Sentient........
Aah,n Looked at the human on the com unit. He was a strong looking man, with sharp searching eyes. Aah'n didn't know what this man might do with them...... he felt weak. Aah'n bowed. “I am Aah'n, ambassador of the League of.......ah, Free Empires. I sincerely regret the incident caused by my guard. I will accept any penalty you deem necessary, but please be lenient with my soldiers.”
This all seemed unreal to Daniel, like he was dreaming, like he was in some kind of movie...... “I don't think.......... Ah...... Well, since it seems there weren't any major injuries....... Um, I think we can just call it a misunderstanding and leave it at that.” The colonel hoped that would smooth things over. He didn't want to cause a problem with an unknown adversary. He wanted their first encounter to be peaceful....... If only the princess were here.
Aah'n could hardy believe what he had heard. This Colonel was willing to dismiss the attack on his people without reparations? That would seem to indicate a race of pacifists..... but the trained military, the savage battle he'd witnessed...... the dichotomy! Was the colonel offering peace..... or a trap? He could only do as he was trained and hope for the best. “Colonel, Sir, I would like to meet with you to discuss treaties of peace between our peoples.”
Good, Daniel thought, that was just what he hoped for, a peaceful dialogue..... He didn't have the authority...... but she did. “That would be our best move at this point,” Daniel agreed, “but I don't have the authority to negotiate any treaties. We are here escorting one of the Imperial family, she would have the authority. I'm sure she will want to meet with you as soon as possible."
An Imperial! Aah'n couldn't believe his fortunes had turned so completely around. But the colonel had said “she”....... A female, how could a female have authority? But, what about the female captain in this group? Were the females here on an equal level with the males? It was a strange possibility, but think of the advantages, effectively twice the number of beings advancing your society. “I would be greatly honored to meet an imperial, sir.” Aah'n tried to show humility to cover his shocked excitement.
He seems anxious to meet with us, Dan thought, is it just excitement, or is it some kind of trap. They couldn't miss the chance to learn more. He had to be on his guard...... he wished Melpomene were there. “How many ships do you have here?” He asked, hoping the question might catch the alien off guard.
“We have just the one ship.” Aah'n answered. “We are just an exploration team..... The league did not truly expect to find an advanced civilization this far out.”
“We didn't detect you approaching the planet.” Dan told him.
“Our ship had a, ah..... shield of hiding?” Aah'n offered. “Also we approached on the far side of the planet from the major land mass.”
“Is your ship armed?”
“Yes,” Aa'n confessed, “defensive armament, in case of an attack.”
“Where is your ship now?” Dan quickly demanded.
“Um... I don't know if I should let you have that information..... I, ah, I don't know your intentions. I can't endanger the crew, I can't take the risk.....” Aah'n stammered.
“My intentions are to send a recon probe to verify what you've told me..... I have to be cautious too” Daniel told him.
Aah'n was torn, he needed to be cautious with such a strange people, but he couldn't pass up this opportunity. He had to try, even if it meant the loss of his exploration crew, the potential advantage of these humans was too much to ignore. “The ship is behind the moon in the highest orbit,” Aah'n confessed, “but you will not be able to detect it.”
“Thank you ambassador, let us worry about that.” The colonel smiled. “I'll set up a meeting with the princess as soon as possible. Let me talk to captain Ross.” As soon as Chad was in front of the screen, the colonel began giving orders. “The med-evac unit will be there shortly and the marine unit will be right behind them. I want you to evacuate the wounded first, tell the ambassador that after the marines have set up, he can have his soldiers picked up. I'm sending Kaze in his mech to escort you, bring the ambassador here to our base. I'm sending Bob and his tech team to finish that mech and move it to the Krikav.”
“Yes sir,” Chad replied, “Have the tech team bring thruster fuel, it's pretty low, and a control helmet, standard control interface. I doubt they could fit Rydia's helmet.”
“Ok, I'll see to it,” the colonel assured him.
Aah'n looked over Chad's shoulder. “Could I have an assistant brought down from the ship to accompany me?” He asked. “I don't think I would feel comfortable handling talks of this magnitude alone.”
The colonel looked at the alien. How could you read the expressions on the face of another race? He had a feeling there was a bit of anxiety in those eyes. Dan knew he would feel overwhelmed if he was facing a planet of alien strangers all alone.
A message came through from Yuki, “the probe shows one ship close behind the moon as indicated. It is approximately sixty two point zero four percent the size of the Krikav, and of alien design, as closely as I can determine from the scan. It has superior cloaking to the mechs that attacked us as Mar Sara. No other ships are detected in scanner range.”
Dan smiled, that was what he wanted to know. The alien had been honest with him, at least this far. He looked back at the screen. “Agreed, you can bring an assistant with you, unarmed, of course.” Daniel answered the ambassador.
“Of course,” Aah'n replied, “Thank you colonel.”
After the colonel had signed off and sent his orders to the Krikav, he sat and stared at the blank screen. Aliens!........ he wondered when he would wake up, this had to be a dream........ didn't it?
“I had better send this information to general Parker,” Tom told him. “This certainly complicates things.”
“Yes, EDF command has to be informed,” Dan answered. “If this alien isn't telling the truth........... or, maybe even if is, we could be in the middle of an interstellar war.”
“That is why I have to inform the general,” Tom told him, “and not EDF command. It appears there may be some in command who have already been compromised.”
The door slammed open and a rather angry looking princess stalked into the room dressed in her jeans and damp sweat shirt, her wet hair wrapped in a towel. It had been trying and tiring day and she didn't like being dragged out of her nice hot bath. “This damn well better be important, Dan,” she grouched. “I'm not going to handle any more crap today.”
“Aliens.” Dan told her.
Melpomene stopped in her tracks, “Huh?”
“Aliens,” he repeated. “You said you needed aliens to keep the colonies together. Well, now you have....... Aliens!”
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
more is coming..... keep checking here
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
What do you call a dinosaur with an extended vocabulary? A thesaurus.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Ok, here it is. Sorry Sakura, no cat girls, but there are cat boys, does that help? Aah'n is definitely cat like. There seem to be a few other races that the earth empire hasn't met with yet. Will the humans be able to help in the war against the slavers? At least we won't be their slaves. Well on with the story. Tonight's episode should be educational.
Chapter 59
Melpomene put her hands on the desk and leaned forward. “Aliens? Don't mess with me Dan,” She accused. “I'm not in the mood.”
“This is no joke, Mel, it's real,” he defended himself.”
The princess stared in disbelief. “Where? How?....... Really, Aliens?”
“They landed on the island where our team is working on the mech,” Dan explained. “Chad and Arisa encountered them first.”
The princess sat down, dazed, as Daniel told her the story he had heard from Chad. It was incredible, just when she thought she had failed, the one thing that could bring the human race back together fell into place. Was it fate? Was there a greater destiny for the human race?
While they waited for the shuttles to arrive, Chad led the group to the lounge-mess area. He figured they might as well be comfortable. Arisa offered water to the aliens guessing they might be getting thirsty. Aah'n was thankful since the Thrant were from a marshy world and needed water more often than he did. Chad checked with Georgianna, the pain meds were beginning to work and she was feeling better. Aah'n found the soft lounge chairs comfortable, if a bit large, and the thrant settled around Ben's chair, squatting on their two legs and tail like a tripod.
“Um, how big is your league of empires? I mean, how many races are there?” Chad asked' trying to find a way to start a conversation.”
“Oh,” Aah'n thought for a moment, converting to the human numbers. “Twenty three, now, there use to be thirty two, but the tnukt have conquered and enslaved nine.” He answered.
“How big is the slaver's empire then?” Georgianna asked.
Aah'n hesitated. He was not accustomed to having females in the conversation, but these humans were a strange race, this seemed to be the norm with them. “There are eighteen races that we know of in the slaver empire,” he answered her. “We have been fighting their advance for over one thousand of your years, but we have been slowly losing. Once they get control of some of the government officials of a race, it is not long before they control the whole population.”
“They won't find us so easy to control,” Georgianna growled.
Arisa had been watching and listening to the alien. Aah'n had told them that this was his league's first encounter with humans, but..... “How is it that you know our language?” She demanded, unable to contain her suspicions any longer. “You told us you had never encountered humans before, so how did you learn our language?”
Aah'n jumped, a bit startled by the small female's sharp question. “We found a ship, orbiting a rocky planet in a system nearer the spiral arm center.” Aah;n nervously confessed. We did not find any occupant though we searched the area on and around the planet. There appeared to have been a dock for a landing module, but it was missing. We studied the ship and it's contents. There were a number of recorded memory chips that we learned to operate on a player device on the ship. That is how we learned the language. They were the main source of our research data, along with the personal artifacts left on the ship. We also found a log of travels we were able to decipher, that led us to this planet. But now, I'm wondering if all our research has been flawed, so much just doesn't fit.”
“What would a ship be doing at a rocky planet?” Arisa demanded. “It wouldn't be livable.” She wondered if she should believe the alien.
“Probably a prospector,” Ben answered her question. “They were searching for iridium, mostly, and other rare metals. It's not surprising to find an empty ship. There were a lot of prospectors that never came back.”
“That was probably it,” Chad agreed, “but what is it that's so different than you thought?” He asked the alien.
“There are several things that surprised me,” Aah'n admitted. “Some of them are probably caused by assumptions I had because of the norms of the races I am familiar with. Your human race seems to, ah...., vary considerably from other races.” Aah'n gathered his courage, asking these types of questions could cause a bit of friction. “How can there be such physical difference among you humans? You and Ben are considerably larger than the clothing left in the ship would indicate. I thought you might even have been a different race. Was the occupant of the ship unusually small? He was about the height of the captain, Georgianna. Are all of the males as tall as you?” He asked Chad.
“Chad and Ben are taller than most,” Arisa answered him. “Ben is the biggest guy I've ever seen.”
“The average for men is a bit taller than Georgianna,” Chad added.
Aah'n shook his head. “Average..... how can your males vary so widely? The females didn't seem too different from what we expected. I assumed from Arisa's small size that she is immature, and.......”
“I am not immature!” Arisa loudly protested.
Chad put his hand on her arm. “He didn't know, Ari, let's just hear him out.”
“I'm sorry,” Aah'n apologized, “it's just..., I thought..... captain Georgianna appeared to be the right height to be mature but since she is underdeveloped also, I thought.....”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNDERDEVELOPED!” Georgeanna roared, jumping out of her chair. “You think I'm not enough of a woman......”
“Eeeep,” Aah'n squeeked as he jumped out of his chair and backed away. He could never have imagined a female challenging a male but, even on her alien face, it was easy to see the anger. She was terrifying.
Chad jumped up and got in front of Georgianna. “Back down captain,” he ordered. “Think about it, he doesn't mean it the way you imagine. He doesn't have a man's reference points to go from.”
Georgeanna calmed down. “You're right,” she admitted, “I shouldn't have reacted that way. Sorry Aah'n, I guess I'm just being irritable.”
“I'm afraid it is my fault,” Aah'n again apologized. “It's just our research....... I assumed...... but, so much doesn't fit, I'm beginning to believe we misinterpreted much of what we learned.”
They all sat down again. “Research?” Georgianna questioned. “Just what were those videos that you studied?”
“They appeared to be educational videos, covering social situations,” Aah'n explained.
“Why would someone like that have educational videos?” Arisa wondered.
“It does seem strange,” Chad commented. “Do you remember the titles of any of the videos. It would have been at the beginning, in big letters.”
“Oh yes, I do remember them,” Aah'n assured them and began to recite titles, “Barbies Doll House, Busty Mounds Resort, The Milk Maids, Double D Ranch...........” Aah'n stopped when he noticed Georgianna getting very red faced and angry looking.
Ben put his hand over his face, “oh lordy!” He exclaimed.
“You watched that trash!” Georgianna yelled. “That's what you think of us?”
Chad was laughing hard and fell off his chair when Arisa punched him on his arm. “What's so funny?” Arisa demanded. “Those videos are por...........
“EDUCATIONAL!” Chad gasped out, cutting her off. He lay on his back trying to stifle his laughter. “Adult education. Everything you know about humans you learned from some poor loner's fetish videos.” He broke down laughing again.
Two of the thrant soldiers hid benind Ben and one ducked under his arm. They were all squawking excitedly. “Hey,what's wrong?” Ben asked them then turned to Aah'n. “What are they saying?”
“They think the small female, Arisa, has damaged Chad and he is lying there in pain.”
Ben let out a loud laugh. “You can tell them it would take a lot more than that to hurt Chad, besides, she wasn't really trying to hurt him.”
Aah'n assured the thrant that Chad was uninjured, and that the female wasn't actually angry. He was confused though, Just what was this “adult education” that caused such mixed responses. The females registered shock and anger, one male embarrassment, the other amusement? “What did I say that caused so much reaction?” he asked. “What is “adult education?”
“Those videos were pornography!” Georgianna growled.
“I......I don't seem to have a translation for that word,” Aah'n replied timidly. The female still appeared to be angry.
Chad was still recovering from laughing and Georgianna was too hostile to be trusted explaining things so Ben gave the alien a short explanation of the adult entertainment industry and what a fetish is. “Those women you saw in the videos aren't anywhere near average.” He assured the alien. “Captain Georgianna is closer to normal. Ah, well, Arisa is on the small end of the scale for adult women.” Ben quickly looked at the two women to see if he had gotten himself into trouble. They didn't appear to be upset by his comparison.
It was Aah'n turn to be embarrassed. “We didn't realize,” he began “it was all we had to go on. We assumed you would all be close to the same size, as other races are. It seems there is so much that is unique to you humans. We have nothing like your, um, adult entertainment. I'm very sorry I have offended you.”
“Don't worry, Aah'n,” Chad told him. “It's understandable, we won't hold it against you. I'm sure there is a lot we will have to learn about your society too.”
The perimeter alarm sounded and Chad jumped up to check the system. “Shuttles are coming in,” he told them as he returned to the room. “I should go out and wait for them to land.” Chad headed out to meet the incoming shuttles.
Aah'n glanced at the women then quickly looked down. “I..... I should go out and wait for our shuttle.”
Arisa giggled as she saw the obvious embarrassment of the alien and the frown on Georgianna's face. “Oh, don't be so upset,” she told the captain, “it could have been worse, the guy might have been into bondage or S and M.”
“Don't even think it.” Georgianna ordered.
Ben got up and headed toward the door, the four thrant right behind him. “Ambassador, I think we better get out of here,” he told Aah'n with a laugh.
“Yes....... that would be good,” the alien replied and followed him out.
Chapter 59
Melpomene put her hands on the desk and leaned forward. “Aliens? Don't mess with me Dan,” She accused. “I'm not in the mood.”
“This is no joke, Mel, it's real,” he defended himself.”
The princess stared in disbelief. “Where? How?....... Really, Aliens?”
“They landed on the island where our team is working on the mech,” Dan explained. “Chad and Arisa encountered them first.”
The princess sat down, dazed, as Daniel told her the story he had heard from Chad. It was incredible, just when she thought she had failed, the one thing that could bring the human race back together fell into place. Was it fate? Was there a greater destiny for the human race?
While they waited for the shuttles to arrive, Chad led the group to the lounge-mess area. He figured they might as well be comfortable. Arisa offered water to the aliens guessing they might be getting thirsty. Aah'n was thankful since the Thrant were from a marshy world and needed water more often than he did. Chad checked with Georgianna, the pain meds were beginning to work and she was feeling better. Aah'n found the soft lounge chairs comfortable, if a bit large, and the thrant settled around Ben's chair, squatting on their two legs and tail like a tripod.
“Um, how big is your league of empires? I mean, how many races are there?” Chad asked' trying to find a way to start a conversation.”
“Oh,” Aah'n thought for a moment, converting to the human numbers. “Twenty three, now, there use to be thirty two, but the tnukt have conquered and enslaved nine.” He answered.
“How big is the slaver's empire then?” Georgianna asked.
Aah'n hesitated. He was not accustomed to having females in the conversation, but these humans were a strange race, this seemed to be the norm with them. “There are eighteen races that we know of in the slaver empire,” he answered her. “We have been fighting their advance for over one thousand of your years, but we have been slowly losing. Once they get control of some of the government officials of a race, it is not long before they control the whole population.”
“They won't find us so easy to control,” Georgianna growled.
Arisa had been watching and listening to the alien. Aah'n had told them that this was his league's first encounter with humans, but..... “How is it that you know our language?” She demanded, unable to contain her suspicions any longer. “You told us you had never encountered humans before, so how did you learn our language?”
Aah'n jumped, a bit startled by the small female's sharp question. “We found a ship, orbiting a rocky planet in a system nearer the spiral arm center.” Aah;n nervously confessed. We did not find any occupant though we searched the area on and around the planet. There appeared to have been a dock for a landing module, but it was missing. We studied the ship and it's contents. There were a number of recorded memory chips that we learned to operate on a player device on the ship. That is how we learned the language. They were the main source of our research data, along with the personal artifacts left on the ship. We also found a log of travels we were able to decipher, that led us to this planet. But now, I'm wondering if all our research has been flawed, so much just doesn't fit.”
“What would a ship be doing at a rocky planet?” Arisa demanded. “It wouldn't be livable.” She wondered if she should believe the alien.
“Probably a prospector,” Ben answered her question. “They were searching for iridium, mostly, and other rare metals. It's not surprising to find an empty ship. There were a lot of prospectors that never came back.”
“That was probably it,” Chad agreed, “but what is it that's so different than you thought?” He asked the alien.
“There are several things that surprised me,” Aah'n admitted. “Some of them are probably caused by assumptions I had because of the norms of the races I am familiar with. Your human race seems to, ah...., vary considerably from other races.” Aah'n gathered his courage, asking these types of questions could cause a bit of friction. “How can there be such physical difference among you humans? You and Ben are considerably larger than the clothing left in the ship would indicate. I thought you might even have been a different race. Was the occupant of the ship unusually small? He was about the height of the captain, Georgianna. Are all of the males as tall as you?” He asked Chad.
“Chad and Ben are taller than most,” Arisa answered him. “Ben is the biggest guy I've ever seen.”
“The average for men is a bit taller than Georgianna,” Chad added.
Aah'n shook his head. “Average..... how can your males vary so widely? The females didn't seem too different from what we expected. I assumed from Arisa's small size that she is immature, and.......”
“I am not immature!” Arisa loudly protested.
Chad put his hand on her arm. “He didn't know, Ari, let's just hear him out.”
“I'm sorry,” Aah'n apologized, “it's just..., I thought..... captain Georgianna appeared to be the right height to be mature but since she is underdeveloped also, I thought.....”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNDERDEVELOPED!” Georgeanna roared, jumping out of her chair. “You think I'm not enough of a woman......”
“Eeeep,” Aah'n squeeked as he jumped out of his chair and backed away. He could never have imagined a female challenging a male but, even on her alien face, it was easy to see the anger. She was terrifying.
Chad jumped up and got in front of Georgianna. “Back down captain,” he ordered. “Think about it, he doesn't mean it the way you imagine. He doesn't have a man's reference points to go from.”
Georgeanna calmed down. “You're right,” she admitted, “I shouldn't have reacted that way. Sorry Aah'n, I guess I'm just being irritable.”
“I'm afraid it is my fault,” Aah'n again apologized. “It's just our research....... I assumed...... but, so much doesn't fit, I'm beginning to believe we misinterpreted much of what we learned.”
They all sat down again. “Research?” Georgianna questioned. “Just what were those videos that you studied?”
“They appeared to be educational videos, covering social situations,” Aah'n explained.
“Why would someone like that have educational videos?” Arisa wondered.
“It does seem strange,” Chad commented. “Do you remember the titles of any of the videos. It would have been at the beginning, in big letters.”
“Oh yes, I do remember them,” Aah'n assured them and began to recite titles, “Barbies Doll House, Busty Mounds Resort, The Milk Maids, Double D Ranch...........” Aah'n stopped when he noticed Georgianna getting very red faced and angry looking.
Ben put his hand over his face, “oh lordy!” He exclaimed.
“You watched that trash!” Georgianna yelled. “That's what you think of us?”
Chad was laughing hard and fell off his chair when Arisa punched him on his arm. “What's so funny?” Arisa demanded. “Those videos are por...........
“EDUCATIONAL!” Chad gasped out, cutting her off. He lay on his back trying to stifle his laughter. “Adult education. Everything you know about humans you learned from some poor loner's fetish videos.” He broke down laughing again.
Two of the thrant soldiers hid benind Ben and one ducked under his arm. They were all squawking excitedly. “Hey,what's wrong?” Ben asked them then turned to Aah'n. “What are they saying?”
“They think the small female, Arisa, has damaged Chad and he is lying there in pain.”
Ben let out a loud laugh. “You can tell them it would take a lot more than that to hurt Chad, besides, she wasn't really trying to hurt him.”
Aah'n assured the thrant that Chad was uninjured, and that the female wasn't actually angry. He was confused though, Just what was this “adult education” that caused such mixed responses. The females registered shock and anger, one male embarrassment, the other amusement? “What did I say that caused so much reaction?” he asked. “What is “adult education?”
“Those videos were pornography!” Georgianna growled.
“I......I don't seem to have a translation for that word,” Aah'n replied timidly. The female still appeared to be angry.
Chad was still recovering from laughing and Georgianna was too hostile to be trusted explaining things so Ben gave the alien a short explanation of the adult entertainment industry and what a fetish is. “Those women you saw in the videos aren't anywhere near average.” He assured the alien. “Captain Georgianna is closer to normal. Ah, well, Arisa is on the small end of the scale for adult women.” Ben quickly looked at the two women to see if he had gotten himself into trouble. They didn't appear to be upset by his comparison.
It was Aah'n turn to be embarrassed. “We didn't realize,” he began “it was all we had to go on. We assumed you would all be close to the same size, as other races are. It seems there is so much that is unique to you humans. We have nothing like your, um, adult entertainment. I'm very sorry I have offended you.”
“Don't worry, Aah'n,” Chad told him. “It's understandable, we won't hold it against you. I'm sure there is a lot we will have to learn about your society too.”
The perimeter alarm sounded and Chad jumped up to check the system. “Shuttles are coming in,” he told them as he returned to the room. “I should go out and wait for them to land.” Chad headed out to meet the incoming shuttles.
Aah'n glanced at the women then quickly looked down. “I..... I should go out and wait for our shuttle.”
Arisa giggled as she saw the obvious embarrassment of the alien and the frown on Georgianna's face. “Oh, don't be so upset,” she told the captain, “it could have been worse, the guy might have been into bondage or S and M.”
“Don't even think it.” Georgianna ordered.
Ben got up and headed toward the door, the four thrant right behind him. “Ambassador, I think we better get out of here,” he told Aah'n with a laugh.
“Yes....... that would be good,” the alien replied and followed him out.
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Sorry for some reason our board has stopped sending me notifications about new postings
I'm meowtally occupied with Final Fantasy 14 right now it's definitely the best catgirl-driven game so far
Sorry for some reason our board has stopped sending me notifications about new postings
I'm meowtally occupied with Final Fantasy 14 right now it's definitely the best catgirl-driven game so far
What do you call a dinosaur with an extended vocabulary? A thesaurus.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Maybe it would notify you if I posted something. I'll have to try that. I quit my job so now I can concentrate on my writing........ROFL.
For some reason, you seem to have less time after you retire.
Back to the story, I don't remember where we are........ Oh, ya, our pilots are getting ready to take the alien ambassadors to meet the colonel and princess. Maybe they will help us fend off the evil slaver empire.
Chapter 60
Chad watched the marines exiting their shuttles, guiding self propelled multi barrel guns and cannons. A tall woman, with short cropped dark hair, separated from the unit and walked up to him. “Lieutenant Kathrine Dunn, captain,” she introduced herself. “We have orders to defend this base. How would you like us deployed?”
“You know your capabilities better than I do, lieutenant Dunn,” Chad answered. “I'll let the deployment up to you.”
She smiled. “they call me Kat,” sir. I'll get right on ….....” She stopped, startled, looking behind the captain. Kat quickly drew her sidearm. Behind her several of the soldiers froze, others dropped what they had and swung their rifles off their shoulders. “Are those the intruders?” She snapped out.
Chad quickly looked behind him. Ben had stopped short, the four thrant around him and Aah'n off to one side. “No!” Chad quickly answered. “You can relax, Kat, they're friendlies.”
“They're aliens,” Kat answered, her voice nervously pitched higher.
“The intruders were human, probably Red Faction,” Chad reassured her. “These people...... aliens, are here looking for friends. Your men can stand down.”
She used a hand signal to tell her unit to stand down. She holstered her gun and broke her gaze away from the aliens. “I'll get that defensive perimeter set up then, sir, “ she answered in a bit calmer voice. She turned toward her unit and yelled, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GAWKING AT!! GET THOSE GUNS SET UP!! MOVE WILDCATS!!”Chad smiled at the unit's nickname and was surprised at how fast the marines reacted to Kat's orders. She must be one hell of a marine.
Aah'n followed Ben and the thrant out of the building. He stepped around one of the thrant, who had stopped in front of him, then froze in his tracks seeing a dozen or more of the human's big weapons aimed at them. He felt like his heart would stop until Chad spoke to the female and she ordered the others to put up their weapons. He watched her turn and give orders, the others hurrying to obey them. Again he was amazed to see males rushing to obey a female, it just seemed so wrong to him. The humans appeared to be very well trained and efficient. Why would they even have a military force if they hadn't met another race? What could have driven them to be so prepared for war?
Chad stepped back with his group as the shuttle from the Krikav arrived. The ships' med tech and two assistants quickly jumped out of the shuttle. The head doctor stepped up to Chad. “I have a report of two casualties....... Ah, I'm not sure I'm qualified to treat them,” he told Chad as he looked in surprise at the thrant with his arm in a sling.
“Oh, no, they have their own med crew coming.” Chad informed the doc. “Ours are ….... ah, here they come.” Georgianna and Arisa stepped out of the building.
“Right,” the med tech answered, looking a bit relieved. He stepped up to captain McFairlane and asked to look at her injured arm. “Nice job, this will be fine until we get to the ship. Who else is injured?”
Georgianna pointed to Arisa. “The lieutenant was shot in the chest by an alien weapon.”
The doctor looked surprised. “I should have a look at that,” he told Arisa as he stepped up to her.
Arisa crossed her arms over her chest and winced at the pain from the burn. “Not here!” She insisted. “It's just a burn, I'll be fine.”
“Oh,..... yes you're right, not here. But, an alien weapon....... I should give you a full scan, just to be sure,” the doctor told her. “You better come with us.”
Chad watched the doc and Georgianna walk off toward the shuttle, Arisa didn't move.
“I'm not going,” she informed him.”
“Huh?” Chad looked down at her. “The doc said...”
“It's just a burn, really, I don't need to be checked,” Arisa tried to convince him.
“But you should be checked,” Chad tried to convince her..... and himself.
“I don't want to go,” Arisa pleaded. “I want to stay here with you.
“Well.....” Chad hesitated, “maybe you...”
Georgianna looked back at the two and shook her head. He'd give in to anything she wanted. “LIEUTENANT HIGGENS GET OVER HERE, NOW, WE'RE LEAVING!” Georgianna shouted in her most commanding voice. She saw Arisa look up at Chad. “THAT'S AN ORDER LIEUTENANT!”
Arisa looked up at Chad, but he just shrugged. She put on her best pout, “You'll pay for this,” she informed him and turned to leave.
Chad watched her turn and start away. He suddenly felt miserable. He didn't want her angry at him. He would have to find some way to make it up to her. After a couple steps, Arisa turned around, and came back, she stood on tiptoes and pulled him down, kissed him, then turned and ran off to the shuttle. As the big maintenance shuttle settled in to land, Chad watched the med-evac lift off. Maybe she wasn't too angry, he thought.
Bob and two of his techs approached Chad, “So, you had to call in the experts finish the job.” Bob joked with him. “Where have you got it hidden?”
Chad smiled and pointed into the hanger, “right there, didn't you look?”
Bob took another look into the hangar, it was darker in the building making it harder to see, but he had looked into the hangar expecting to see a mech, he'd missed it, because he hadn't expected to see what he did now. “Good lord!” Bob exclaimed. “I knew it was big, but geez......”
Chad laughed, “that's about the reaction I had when I first saw it. It's ready to go except for the service panels and fuel. Did you bring a helmet?”
Bob smiled, “better than that, I brought a pilot to fit the helmet.” He pointed behind him to one of his assistants. She was a medium height girl, quite slim, with long blond hair. “Sheri can pilot it back for us.......” Bob laughed, “you aren't the only tech that can drive anything that moves.”
Chad was a bit surprised, he had seen the girl working with the other techs, but he hadn't remembered her when he thought about a pilot for Atropos. “Ah.....right, that's probably the best way to do this.”
“SQUEEKY!!” Lieutenant Dunn cried out as she approached the group.
“KAT!!” Sheri answered in a high childish voice. Kat grabbed the smaller girl and the two hugged like long lost......
“Ah... You know each other?” Chad asked, a bit surprised.
“Like forever,” Kat answered, “she's my elder sister.”
Sheri punched Kat in the arm, “quit calling me elder...... I'm only six minutes older than you.”
Kat noticed Bob and Chad looked a bit confused. “We're twins,” she informed them, “we aren't identical though.”
“That, is rather obvious.” Bob informed them. He didn't think they could have been more unalike.
Ben and Aah,n walked up to the group. “Aah'n shuttle is waiting to come in.” Ben informed Chad.
Kat's eyes got big as she looked up at Ben. “Good lord!! Squeaky, I'm in love!! Where have you been all my life big guy?” Kat excitedly exclaimed.
Ben looked at the girl, a bit shocked, “um...well I.....Ah....”
Sheri laughed, “you're out of luck sis, he has a girl, I saw them together on the ship.”
Kat looked down and kicked the dirt. “Damn, all the good ones are taken.” She complained. She looked back up at Ben. “You wouldn't happen to have a brother that's big as you?” She asked hopefully.
“Um, ya, I have a few brothers,” he informed her, “I'm the tallest, but Seth and Caleb can match me pretty well in who's strongest.”
Kat's eye lit up. “They aren't taken....... are they?”
“Well, my oldest brother is but not Seth or Caleb, last I knew.” Ben assured her.
“Please, you have to send me their contact number,” she begged him with her best pleading face.
“Sure, I can do that,” he answered. “They'd like that.
“Ah, lieutenant, I think you should inform your troops that the alien shuttle is coming in.” Chad broke in. “We wouldn't want any problems.”
“Oh, right,” Kat answered. She turned to the side and keyed her com. “LISTEN UP *#*^% HEADS, we have aliens incoming, FREINDLIES, keep alert but anyone who fires WITHOUT my command, I'll RIP YOU'RE ***** OFF and FEED IT TO THE FISH!! GOT THAT??”
She listened to a series of replies then turned back to the group. “I better head back to my troops.” She gave Ben her best little girl smile, “don't forget to send that contact info.”
“No problem,” he answered as she turned away.
“You sure you want someone like her to contact your brothers?” Sheri asked.
“Oh ya,” Ben assured her. “I'd love to be there to see Seth and Caleb fight over her. There aren't many women, outside of family at a mining operation as far out as ours. She's tough, and good looking, just what they pray for.”
“Sheri laughed as she followed Bob toward the hangar. “Kat joined the marines to find the toughest man in the empire, maybe she found him.”
Chad led Bob into the hangar and Ben accompanied Aah'n and the thrant to the shuttle. The alien shuttle dropped to a landing. It was smaller than the EDF shuttles, it's sleek curved profile a contrast to the angular utilitarian EDF designs. Ben also noticed that it was almost silent, there were no thrusters roaring under the shuttle. He felt a strange unbalanced feeling as the shuttle settled quite close to them.
Ben stood to the side as a rectangular door moved inward on the vehicles flank then slid to the side. Ben thought the thrant were strange.... what stepped out of the shuttle was the weirdest thing he had ever seen. It stepped out on three long thin legs attached to a body that appeared to be two balls stacked on top of on another. There were three arms spaced around the top ball as the legs were spaced around the bottom ball. Three stalks were spaced around the top of the upper ball, each ended in an eye.
The creature's three eyes snapped around in Ben's direction, then a high pitched wail sounded as the creature launched itself back into the shuttle. One of the thrant chattered to the others and followed the creature into the shuttle. Ben could hear the thrant in the shuttle talking quickly in it's odd sounding language. It was followed by a very strange series of high squeaky notes interspersed with pops and clicks. “What the heck was that?” Ben asked Aah'n.
“It is an otegi,” Aah'n answered, “one of our med techs. The otegi are the best med techs. I believe you startled him, even though I warned them that you humans are larger than we anticipated.” One eye stalk appeared at the edge of the door, looking in Ben's direction. Slowly a thin arm extended from the door and three short tentacles stretched out from the end into a three pointed star. “That is an otegi greeting,” Aah'n informed Ben. “It is seeking friendship.”
“Oh,” Ben smiled and held out his hand, fingers extended. The otegi followed the thant out of the shuttle and approached Ben. It stretched its odd two jointed arm forward and again extended the tentacles. Ben smiled and once more extended his hand. The otegi pressed it's tentacled hand against Ben's palm and a series of high notes emanated from the top of the upper ball. As the otegi backed away, Aah'n let out a very human sounding giggle. Ben looked down at the little alien, “did I do something wrong?”
“No..... nothing wrong,” Aahn'n answered stifling his giggles, “but he addressed you as mighty hero warrior. It seems you are already a thrant legend.”
“Huh?” Ben questioned, “but, I didn't do anything.”
Ben noticed another alien exiting the shuttle as the medic turned to examine the injured thrant. This one looked like a clone of Aah'n, except for the differing pattern of markings of his fur. “Ah, this is my assistant, Tock'r,” Aah'n introduced the alien. “He will accompany me to meet with your royalty.”
“Who?...... Oh, the princess.” Ben answered. “Sure, hi there, glad to have you along.”
The alien looked at Ben with wide eyes, then bowed to Ben. “Hi there.....great one” He began hesitantly, “your welcome honors this one.”
Ben couldn't help laughing, this was getting to be too much.
“Great one?” Chad chuckled as he came up behind Ben.
“My assistant has not studied your language as much as I have,” Aah'n explained. He introduced the alien to Chad, then spoke to Tock'r in their own language. The small alien seemed to lose some of his fright, or embarrassment...... Ben found it hard to tell which.
Chad was a bit surprised as the alien shuttle lifted off next to them. It was almost silent, and other than an odd rippling feeling, there was no blast of jets or other indication of it's propulsion.
“Ok, we can head back to our base,” Chad told them as he led them toward their shuttle. “Kaze should be here to escort us any minute now.”
For some reason, you seem to have less time after you retire.
Back to the story, I don't remember where we are........ Oh, ya, our pilots are getting ready to take the alien ambassadors to meet the colonel and princess. Maybe they will help us fend off the evil slaver empire.
Chapter 60
Chad watched the marines exiting their shuttles, guiding self propelled multi barrel guns and cannons. A tall woman, with short cropped dark hair, separated from the unit and walked up to him. “Lieutenant Kathrine Dunn, captain,” she introduced herself. “We have orders to defend this base. How would you like us deployed?”
“You know your capabilities better than I do, lieutenant Dunn,” Chad answered. “I'll let the deployment up to you.”
She smiled. “they call me Kat,” sir. I'll get right on ….....” She stopped, startled, looking behind the captain. Kat quickly drew her sidearm. Behind her several of the soldiers froze, others dropped what they had and swung their rifles off their shoulders. “Are those the intruders?” She snapped out.
Chad quickly looked behind him. Ben had stopped short, the four thrant around him and Aah'n off to one side. “No!” Chad quickly answered. “You can relax, Kat, they're friendlies.”
“They're aliens,” Kat answered, her voice nervously pitched higher.
“The intruders were human, probably Red Faction,” Chad reassured her. “These people...... aliens, are here looking for friends. Your men can stand down.”
She used a hand signal to tell her unit to stand down. She holstered her gun and broke her gaze away from the aliens. “I'll get that defensive perimeter set up then, sir, “ she answered in a bit calmer voice. She turned toward her unit and yelled, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GAWKING AT!! GET THOSE GUNS SET UP!! MOVE WILDCATS!!”Chad smiled at the unit's nickname and was surprised at how fast the marines reacted to Kat's orders. She must be one hell of a marine.
Aah'n followed Ben and the thrant out of the building. He stepped around one of the thrant, who had stopped in front of him, then froze in his tracks seeing a dozen or more of the human's big weapons aimed at them. He felt like his heart would stop until Chad spoke to the female and she ordered the others to put up their weapons. He watched her turn and give orders, the others hurrying to obey them. Again he was amazed to see males rushing to obey a female, it just seemed so wrong to him. The humans appeared to be very well trained and efficient. Why would they even have a military force if they hadn't met another race? What could have driven them to be so prepared for war?
Chad stepped back with his group as the shuttle from the Krikav arrived. The ships' med tech and two assistants quickly jumped out of the shuttle. The head doctor stepped up to Chad. “I have a report of two casualties....... Ah, I'm not sure I'm qualified to treat them,” he told Chad as he looked in surprise at the thrant with his arm in a sling.
“Oh, no, they have their own med crew coming.” Chad informed the doc. “Ours are ….... ah, here they come.” Georgianna and Arisa stepped out of the building.
“Right,” the med tech answered, looking a bit relieved. He stepped up to captain McFairlane and asked to look at her injured arm. “Nice job, this will be fine until we get to the ship. Who else is injured?”
Georgianna pointed to Arisa. “The lieutenant was shot in the chest by an alien weapon.”
The doctor looked surprised. “I should have a look at that,” he told Arisa as he stepped up to her.
Arisa crossed her arms over her chest and winced at the pain from the burn. “Not here!” She insisted. “It's just a burn, I'll be fine.”
“Oh,..... yes you're right, not here. But, an alien weapon....... I should give you a full scan, just to be sure,” the doctor told her. “You better come with us.”
Chad watched the doc and Georgianna walk off toward the shuttle, Arisa didn't move.
“I'm not going,” she informed him.”
“Huh?” Chad looked down at her. “The doc said...”
“It's just a burn, really, I don't need to be checked,” Arisa tried to convince him.
“But you should be checked,” Chad tried to convince her..... and himself.
“I don't want to go,” Arisa pleaded. “I want to stay here with you.
“Well.....” Chad hesitated, “maybe you...”
Georgianna looked back at the two and shook her head. He'd give in to anything she wanted. “LIEUTENANT HIGGENS GET OVER HERE, NOW, WE'RE LEAVING!” Georgianna shouted in her most commanding voice. She saw Arisa look up at Chad. “THAT'S AN ORDER LIEUTENANT!”
Arisa looked up at Chad, but he just shrugged. She put on her best pout, “You'll pay for this,” she informed him and turned to leave.
Chad watched her turn and start away. He suddenly felt miserable. He didn't want her angry at him. He would have to find some way to make it up to her. After a couple steps, Arisa turned around, and came back, she stood on tiptoes and pulled him down, kissed him, then turned and ran off to the shuttle. As the big maintenance shuttle settled in to land, Chad watched the med-evac lift off. Maybe she wasn't too angry, he thought.
Bob and two of his techs approached Chad, “So, you had to call in the experts finish the job.” Bob joked with him. “Where have you got it hidden?”
Chad smiled and pointed into the hanger, “right there, didn't you look?”
Bob took another look into the hangar, it was darker in the building making it harder to see, but he had looked into the hangar expecting to see a mech, he'd missed it, because he hadn't expected to see what he did now. “Good lord!” Bob exclaimed. “I knew it was big, but geez......”
Chad laughed, “that's about the reaction I had when I first saw it. It's ready to go except for the service panels and fuel. Did you bring a helmet?”
Bob smiled, “better than that, I brought a pilot to fit the helmet.” He pointed behind him to one of his assistants. She was a medium height girl, quite slim, with long blond hair. “Sheri can pilot it back for us.......” Bob laughed, “you aren't the only tech that can drive anything that moves.”
Chad was a bit surprised, he had seen the girl working with the other techs, but he hadn't remembered her when he thought about a pilot for Atropos. “Ah.....right, that's probably the best way to do this.”
“SQUEEKY!!” Lieutenant Dunn cried out as she approached the group.
“KAT!!” Sheri answered in a high childish voice. Kat grabbed the smaller girl and the two hugged like long lost......
“Ah... You know each other?” Chad asked, a bit surprised.
“Like forever,” Kat answered, “she's my elder sister.”
Sheri punched Kat in the arm, “quit calling me elder...... I'm only six minutes older than you.”
Kat noticed Bob and Chad looked a bit confused. “We're twins,” she informed them, “we aren't identical though.”
“That, is rather obvious.” Bob informed them. He didn't think they could have been more unalike.
Ben and Aah,n walked up to the group. “Aah'n shuttle is waiting to come in.” Ben informed Chad.
Kat's eyes got big as she looked up at Ben. “Good lord!! Squeaky, I'm in love!! Where have you been all my life big guy?” Kat excitedly exclaimed.
Ben looked at the girl, a bit shocked, “um...well I.....Ah....”
Sheri laughed, “you're out of luck sis, he has a girl, I saw them together on the ship.”
Kat looked down and kicked the dirt. “Damn, all the good ones are taken.” She complained. She looked back up at Ben. “You wouldn't happen to have a brother that's big as you?” She asked hopefully.
“Um, ya, I have a few brothers,” he informed her, “I'm the tallest, but Seth and Caleb can match me pretty well in who's strongest.”
Kat's eye lit up. “They aren't taken....... are they?”
“Well, my oldest brother is but not Seth or Caleb, last I knew.” Ben assured her.
“Please, you have to send me their contact number,” she begged him with her best pleading face.
“Sure, I can do that,” he answered. “They'd like that.
“Ah, lieutenant, I think you should inform your troops that the alien shuttle is coming in.” Chad broke in. “We wouldn't want any problems.”
“Oh, right,” Kat answered. She turned to the side and keyed her com. “LISTEN UP *#*^% HEADS, we have aliens incoming, FREINDLIES, keep alert but anyone who fires WITHOUT my command, I'll RIP YOU'RE ***** OFF and FEED IT TO THE FISH!! GOT THAT??”
She listened to a series of replies then turned back to the group. “I better head back to my troops.” She gave Ben her best little girl smile, “don't forget to send that contact info.”
“No problem,” he answered as she turned away.
“You sure you want someone like her to contact your brothers?” Sheri asked.
“Oh ya,” Ben assured her. “I'd love to be there to see Seth and Caleb fight over her. There aren't many women, outside of family at a mining operation as far out as ours. She's tough, and good looking, just what they pray for.”
“Sheri laughed as she followed Bob toward the hangar. “Kat joined the marines to find the toughest man in the empire, maybe she found him.”
Chad led Bob into the hangar and Ben accompanied Aah'n and the thrant to the shuttle. The alien shuttle dropped to a landing. It was smaller than the EDF shuttles, it's sleek curved profile a contrast to the angular utilitarian EDF designs. Ben also noticed that it was almost silent, there were no thrusters roaring under the shuttle. He felt a strange unbalanced feeling as the shuttle settled quite close to them.
Ben stood to the side as a rectangular door moved inward on the vehicles flank then slid to the side. Ben thought the thrant were strange.... what stepped out of the shuttle was the weirdest thing he had ever seen. It stepped out on three long thin legs attached to a body that appeared to be two balls stacked on top of on another. There were three arms spaced around the top ball as the legs were spaced around the bottom ball. Three stalks were spaced around the top of the upper ball, each ended in an eye.
The creature's three eyes snapped around in Ben's direction, then a high pitched wail sounded as the creature launched itself back into the shuttle. One of the thrant chattered to the others and followed the creature into the shuttle. Ben could hear the thrant in the shuttle talking quickly in it's odd sounding language. It was followed by a very strange series of high squeaky notes interspersed with pops and clicks. “What the heck was that?” Ben asked Aah'n.
“It is an otegi,” Aah'n answered, “one of our med techs. The otegi are the best med techs. I believe you startled him, even though I warned them that you humans are larger than we anticipated.” One eye stalk appeared at the edge of the door, looking in Ben's direction. Slowly a thin arm extended from the door and three short tentacles stretched out from the end into a three pointed star. “That is an otegi greeting,” Aah'n informed Ben. “It is seeking friendship.”
“Oh,” Ben smiled and held out his hand, fingers extended. The otegi followed the thant out of the shuttle and approached Ben. It stretched its odd two jointed arm forward and again extended the tentacles. Ben smiled and once more extended his hand. The otegi pressed it's tentacled hand against Ben's palm and a series of high notes emanated from the top of the upper ball. As the otegi backed away, Aah'n let out a very human sounding giggle. Ben looked down at the little alien, “did I do something wrong?”
“No..... nothing wrong,” Aahn'n answered stifling his giggles, “but he addressed you as mighty hero warrior. It seems you are already a thrant legend.”
“Huh?” Ben questioned, “but, I didn't do anything.”
Ben noticed another alien exiting the shuttle as the medic turned to examine the injured thrant. This one looked like a clone of Aah'n, except for the differing pattern of markings of his fur. “Ah, this is my assistant, Tock'r,” Aah'n introduced the alien. “He will accompany me to meet with your royalty.”
“Who?...... Oh, the princess.” Ben answered. “Sure, hi there, glad to have you along.”
The alien looked at Ben with wide eyes, then bowed to Ben. “Hi there.....great one” He began hesitantly, “your welcome honors this one.”
Ben couldn't help laughing, this was getting to be too much.
“Great one?” Chad chuckled as he came up behind Ben.
“My assistant has not studied your language as much as I have,” Aah'n explained. He introduced the alien to Chad, then spoke to Tock'r in their own language. The small alien seemed to lose some of his fright, or embarrassment...... Ben found it hard to tell which.
Chad was a bit surprised as the alien shuttle lifted off next to them. It was almost silent, and other than an odd rippling feeling, there was no blast of jets or other indication of it's propulsion.
“Ok, we can head back to our base,” Chad told them as he led them toward their shuttle. “Kaze should be here to escort us any minute now.”
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Thanks a bunch for the new part I always fear that at some point you're not coming back
What do you call a dinosaur with an extended vocabulary? A thesaurus.