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The Douche List

Posted: July 16th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by Kira
Okay, Let's make a list that you find or make you think Douche when you see a person:

My List:

Sunglasses inside at Night. Unless you have super sensitive eyes. or came from an eye exam...tho why an eye exam would be so late in the day is beyond me. (I'm sorry but being on drugs doesn't justify it, just makes you more a douche.)

People who drive Hummers. There is no excuse, Ford and GM make just as good 4x4

Leathers pant. Unless your a rockstar or drive a motorcycle and know that's its for safety reason.
Dog Stroller ><

Bluetooth: Unless your driving or An actual businessmen who is actually multitasking. And no, walking your dog, while drinking Starbuck, doesn't count as multitasking ><

Winter Hats in the Summer: You know who you are.

Tricked Out Clunker: If your gonna put that much money in your junker, then save up and buy yourself a decent one.

People who wear Tapout or any other MMA/UFC clothing like Affliction.

Any Ed Hardy >< ugh enough with the bad tattoo artist.

The Backwards caps >< The 90s called... keep it! lol...You know what. Okay the baseball cap needs to go in detail. If your outside and working on something close range, on that's understand. Baseball caps inside, unless your out in public area and you walked. People who don't bend the cap >< People who wear it side ways or people who leave that stupid shiny sliver holo sticker. You look like that cheap girl who leaves the tag on her dresses so she can return them ><

white studded belts

People who blast their radios and cause they're car to shake >< So now not only are we forced to hear your crappy song but vibration of your car falling apart ><

That who drives his motorcycle in your neighbor with he loud motor, purposely trying to set off car alarms.

People who wear hoodies up in 90degree weather.

wallet chains: Unless you were a kid in the 90s....(guilty ><)

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 16th, 2010, 10:45 pm
by oldwrench
Posers with their big pickup trucks and SUV's. Giant size wheels with those rubber band tires. Too much add on chrome and crap. Burning more gas than a 747, nuff said.

Low riders, unless you're restoring a 40's lead sled, forget it. Anything made since the 40's just looks stupid as a low rider.

Straight pipes on motorcycles, If your car made half that noise, you'd be in court paying the judge a fine. Get that crap off the road.

People who use cell phones while driving....... stupid and dangerous. Actually, about 80% of cell phone users and use. You don't need to have that thing glued to your ear 18 hours a day.

Texting, especially while driving, but almost all of the rest of it. Ever try talking with someone who's receiving and sending texts the whole time? Jason, the new owner of my shop, spends more time on that in a day than he does working. ........ Don't get me started on twitter, facebook and the like.

That idiot announcer from soccer games.

the French soccer team

people who don't know how to merge with traffic when using highway on ramps. You can't get to the end of the merge ramp then hit the brakes and stop!!! You see this fairly often in Minneapolis. Darned old farmers.

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 17th, 2010, 8:02 am
by Zeratul2k
People with huge cars and big blocks... which they only use to go to the mall and back. Either put that engine on the lightest body you can find (European, preferably) or get a car with a small enough engine for what you'll use it. You'll do the environment a favor.

And now that I'm talking about cars, people with "rice burners", those import cars that are tuned... if by tuning you mean pasting a thousand stickers and duct-taping an ugly "aero" kit to it. This is the people that believe that every extra sticker adds 10 HP and improves handling. (on the other hand, sleeper cars (also known as Q-Cars) are the best thing to grace a racetrack EVER, specially when winning by laps against said rice burners)

Bikers, taxi and bus drivers that think traffic lights and turn signals are christmas tree decorations. Too many traffic accidents around here because those <self-censored> ignore those things.

People who act all "gangsta" but turn tail and run to the hills when they see an 18 year old girl wearing a 1st semester military university uniform with a brownie in her hands. Pussies. (True story!)

People that party loudly until 3 a.m. on a weekday, disturbing neighbors, even after several visits by the police (who can't confiscate anything nor arrest anyone for something like that...).

This demotivational stole my next words: ... popped.jpg

Can't think of any more at the moment, but there's another bunch coming later for sure!

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 18th, 2010, 10:29 am
by Hiki
Men (or well, boys really) who have their pants hanging on their knees. Seriously, I do not care about someone's underwear and by letting your pants drop to your ankles you look ridiculous. BUY A BELT D:<
The funny thing is, I saw someone with his pants down and wearing a belt so it wouldn't go down any further xD It was ridiculous! XD

Someone who steps on your foot (or whatever) and doesn't say sorry.

Art thieves. (Though some are absolutely hilarious xD)

And a whole lot more~

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 18th, 2010, 11:08 am
by Sakura
Hiki wrote:Someone who steps on your foot (or whatever) and doesn't say sorry.
Do you ever met the type who steps on your foot,doesn't apologize and then starts rating "Hey watch it I could have tripped!"

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 20th, 2010, 12:14 pm
by Hiki
Oh yes, I've met those. They're horrible xD

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 20th, 2010, 3:43 pm
by JHawkNH
Sakura wrote:
Hiki wrote:Someone who steps on your foot (or whatever) and doesn't say sorry.
Do you ever met the type who steps on your foot,doesn't apologize and then starts rating "Hey watch it I could have tripped!"
Not me. Although I am a bigger guy so I doubt someone would try that on me. Does that actually happen to you girls often?

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 20th, 2010, 4:57 pm
by Dechant
Kira wrote:Sunglasses inside at Night. Unless you have super sensitive eyes. or came from an eye exam...tho why an eye exam would be so late in the day is beyond me. (I'm sorry but being on drugs doesn't justify it, just makes you more a douche.)

[x] check

(orange glasses when I ride a bike)
Leathers pant. Unless your a rockstar or drive a motorcycle and know that's its for safety reason.
[x] check

(black leather pants which make me feel like a rock star or pimp)
Men (or well, boys really) who have their pants hanging on their knees. Seriously, I do not care about someone's underwear and by letting your pants drop to your ankles you look ridiculous. BUY A BELT D:<
The funny thing is, I saw someone with his pants down and wearing a belt so it wouldn't go down any further xD It was ridiculous! XD

I see (young) girls who seem to lose their skirts/pants downwards while their thong appears high up at their back. Pretty nasty.. (they shouldn't wear underwear at all)

However, I never think of anyone being a douche. That's how boring I am. :sleepy:

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 3:43 am
by Dinky
Hm... the thong sticking out of low-rise pants.... My hubby and I dubbed that one the "Whale Tail".... :thumb:

1. Neo-hippies. You know the types. Middle class or higher yuppies who only eat 'organic', suddenly become vegans, talk endlessly about how 'green' they're living, oh, and better yet- talk and act like modern medicine is evil and unneccessary and post tons of uneducated (and based solely on their opinion with no scientific backup) crap on the internet to persuade other wanna-be neo-hippies of the same thing. GGRRRRR.

2. Anorexic models/ celebrities and the entire media industry that supports them. Let's bring back a REAL woman, like Marilyn Monroe (who was a size 10) as the ideal for what a woman should look like. IMHO, only a dog wants a bone, and you need a little cushion for the pushing. :thumb: I'm tired of feeling 'fat' because I've got curves!

3. Stupid idiots on motorcycles without the proper safety gear on. Douches. I don't want to end up paying your medical bills when you're in the hospital for 6 months after you wipe out.

4. Nosey, mean older people who not only give me dirty looks when I'm out and about with my little boy because I 'look too young to have a kid', but also come up and verbally attack me about it. And yes- I've had this happen more than once.

5. People who talk behind other's backs. This ticks me off to no end. People who do this routinely are most definitely douches. If you've got a problem with somebody, grow a spine and talk to them about it, or don't say anything at all!

.... I can't say anything about bad drivers, though, because I'm one of the worst ones I've ever come across! So... I'm one of those people all ya'll hate on the roads..... Sorry!

Re: The Douche List

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 5:33 am
by oldwrench
Dinky's point #4 she inherited from her mother. When SHE was 30 years old with 3 kids, she got lectured by a lady that she was to young to have a child (she had Dinky with her at the time) Turns out, that lady was only a few years older than my wife.