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Sakura :)

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 8:19 pm
by Kira
This thread is to show Sakura love. With messages, comments or questions.

I know you have your issues so, questions can't be to personal.

1) What is your favorite movie?

2) What are you most afraid of

3) Has any book or movie made an impact on you?

4) What is your greatest/biggest pet peeve?

5) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

6) What is the weirdest, oddest, Strangest, geekiest, dorkiest thing about you?

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 11:01 pm
by Dechant
Wah?! :omg:

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 10th, 2010, 1:26 am
by oldwrench
Aw, it isn't so hard, just a few simple questions. Or, is that your biggest pet peeve?

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 8:55 pm
by JHawkNH
oldwrench wrote:Aw, it isn't so hard, just a few simple questions. Or, is that your biggest pet peeve?
My guess would be people trying to find out information about her. :gg:

All jokeing aside, we barely know anything about the real Sakura. I am guessing that the only person on this forum who knows her full name is Olray.

So don't feel bad if she doesn't answer your questions seriously or at all. She has always been very careful about how much information there is about her on the internet. :pat:

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 16th, 2010, 11:17 pm
by oldwrench
maybe each of us should answer those questions, might help get our fearless leader, (hack, cough) to give us a few bits of information.

1: so many to chose from..... could be a tie between Army of Darkness, and Caveman

2: SHE, who must be obeyed....... or cosmic gamma bursts, (actually, I'm highly claustrophobic)

3: All of them have had some impact on my life. There were a couple books I read when in high school, they were historical fiction about Caesar's Gaelic wars. They not only got me interested in history. they also got me an A grade in my first college history class.

4: Automobiles engineered with no thought for future maintenance.

5: I want to retire...... an ice cream taster would be nice.

6: I would probably have to say, my anime picture collection.

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 17th, 2010, 12:42 am
by Kira
1) What is your favorite movie? Wizard Of Oz. nuff said

2) What are you most afraid of? Heights and how I'll die

3) Has any book or movie made an impact on you? I wouldn't say impact but more influenced my life especially movies.

4) What is your greatest/biggest pet peeve? People with no common sense that shoot off their mouth like they know everything ><

5) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Filmmaker

6) What is the weirdest, oddest, Strangest, geekiest, dorkiest thing about you? I have two dvds ver, a vhs, and one film print copy of Wizard of Oz, and three different copies of the book itself.

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 17th, 2010, 8:11 am
by Zeratul2k
Now that's a good idea, gpa! Let's see here...

1) What is your favorite movie?
R/ The Boondock Saints, of course! All Saints Day was also good, so I guess those two are tied.

2) What are you most afraid of?
R/ Of dying in vain, I guess. I want my death to mean something to at least one person in this crazy, alien world.

3) Has any book or movie made an impact on you?
R/ The Battle of Thermopylae has always been an inspiration for me (in the sense of what a small group of people can do against so many in the face of such impossible odds), so I guess "300" made an impact.

4) What is your greatest/biggest pet peeve?
R/ Bosses that think they know better when they don't have the slightest idea of what they are going on about. You could extend that to all people that do that, but my biggest problem is with bosses.

5) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
R/ I would love to be one of those guys that have a show going around the world tasting food and practicing extreme sports.

6) What is the weirdest, oddest, strangest, geekiest, dorkiest thing about you?
R/ My idea of the most epic weekend ever is a LAN Party with anime breaks. 'nuff said.

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 4:06 am
by Dinky
1. What is your favorite movie?
I can only pick one? Oh, dear... 'Serenity', probably.

2. What are you most afraid of?
Strangely, I am terrified to death that someday, myself and my family will be rounded up like the Jews were during the Holocaust, and we'll be placed in concentration camps, etc. How would I keep my son alive? I actually have reoccurring nightmares about this.

3. Has any book or movie made an impact on you?
Well, the LOTR trilogy, along with The Hobbit (the books), really influenced my life in terms of introducing me to the wonderful realm of fantasy.
The Escaflowne series was the very first anime series that really hooked me. Up until that point, I was indifferent towards anime (although I'd seen and liked the Ranma 1/2 series), but then my brother convinced me to give Escaflowne a try. Fourteen hours of watching later, I was hooked, and life has never been the same.

4. What is your greatest/biggest pet peeve?
People who talk behind other's backs. There's just no excuse for it, and it only causes hurt and embarrassment.

5. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
A famous children/young adult author. Like, bigger than JK Rowlings famous.

6. What is the weirdest, oddest, strangest, geekiest, dorkiest thing about you?
Um, I've read the LOTR series so many times, I can find obscure quotes from it in any copy of the book in, like, 30 seconds. And without a book, I can usually tell you the entire context of the quote, etc. Quite by accident, I found out a few years ago that I knew the LOTR books in better depth than a friend of ours who was nicknamed 'Tolkien' for his obsession with the books....
Either that, or the fact that I own the entire Star Trek: Next Generation TV series on DVD and have watched every episode multiple times. I mean, c'mon. Who doesn't love Jean Luc Picard? :love:

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 3:40 pm
by JHawkNH
1. It is a three way tie for first. CCS the second movie, Independence Day, Twister.

2. *big manly voice* I ain't afraid of nuttin. <- Ok that isn't actually true, but I don't give out my greatest fears. :kiss:

3. Not that I can think of.

4. Slow drivers on the highway.

5. Video game programmer.

6. Soon I will begin building a replica Al (FMA) suite of armor cosplay. I am going to do a much better job then last time.

Re: Sakura :)

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 8:36 pm
by Kira
JHawkNH wrote:1. It is a three way tie for first. CCS the second movie, Independence Day, Twister.
Oh, Jhawk, lol I'm sorry I have to do this to you, lol but its funny, I was gonna make a "Classic film review" and start with Twister >< haaha you'll see why I'm sorry...