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The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 2:55 am
by Bertrand
So, after my continuous struggle to takeover all of the Universe... and failing to do so... I've decided to make a little place for all these experimental attempts to take over the WORLD!!!! HWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! All Evil Geniuses can gather here to put your brains together to conjure up the MASTER PLAN for Universal Takeover!! HWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Bwahahahahaah!!!! And now that I have my caffeine and my Left Shoe of POWER *thunder and lightning* none can stop me from tearing the very fabric of the universe!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!! *thunder and lightning* *dimensional holes start appearing out of nowhere*
*The Left Shoe of Power charges up, consequently opening more dimensional portals from which lamprey-squid-praying-mantis hybrid creatures start storming through along with cyborg platypus, genetically enhanced Yak Super Soldiers, giant Earthworms that eat CAAAAAAKE, and strange caterpillar-like things the size of flatbed trucks and their backs split open to show lots and lots and lots of teeth!!!!*
Oh crap!! Too many creatures!!!!
*starts smashing the Left Shoe with a hammer*
Stop! Stop it! Oi!!! STOP!!!
*more dimensional portals begin opening, soon all of Earth's lifeforms are summarily devoured by the denizens of other dimensions and parallel worlds...*
Crap... *pushes the reset button on the Left Shoe of Power*
*And so... the Universe reset itself....*

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:14 am
by Zeratul2k
* Lands near Bertrand on his custom gundam. *

Hey there Bertrand, what are you doing?

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:33 am
by Freya
*Looks up at z2k's mech, then over at Bertrand and freaks out!*

OMG!!! IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!!

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:35 am
by Freya
in fact!

*looks to camera*

It's schfifty-five!

*does a dance*

schfifty-five! what'd you say? schfifty-five!

*Does the moonwalk and parapara*

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:40 am
by Bertrand
*looks from Freya to Zeratul*
What? What am I doing? Why, I'm just recalibrating my Left Shoe of Power to... erm... make yummy toasted sandwiches!! *a tiny dimensional tear opens, allowing a small jellyfish-squid-turtle hybrid creature to squeeze its way into our world and crawl off*

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:42 am
by Freya
*runs off with a butterfly net and is sucked into another dimension with the jelly-fish-half-breed. Can be heard through dimensions saying*

Jellyfishing Jellyfishing Jellyfishing!!!

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:46 am
by Bertrand
*attempts to use the Left Shoe of Power to bring Freya back* *Another dimensional portal opens but instead of Freya, a giant bullfrog-buffalo hybrid with razor-sharp spines and lobster claws steps out* AHHHH!!!! That's not Freya!! Get back in there! *kicks at the bizarre creature*

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:51 am
by Freya

Freya: Nyaaahahhhahhh!

*Dumbledore walks in*

Dumbledore: Ah, it seems Freya is taking a nap in the inter-dimensional hallway. Let's see what she's got in her pockets!

*Dumbledore rummages*

Dumbledore: alas! fifty sickles and a jellybean! Now where did Squishy get to? Or for that matter, where the hell am I?

*Dumbledore out of sight (bottom of screen). Dumbledore back in sight (minus robe)*

Dumbledore: Naked time!

*Dumbledore naked dance*

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 4:01 am
by Bertrand
*tweaks the Left Shoe of Power and opens another dimensional portal to see Freya and a dancing naked Dumbledore*
................... *uses a rather nifty grappling hook to grab a hold of Freya and pull her back to this dimension... away from the dancing Dumbledore* *throws a brick at the naked Dumbledore as the portal closes*
Seriously, inter-dimensional dancing naked wizards ought to know better than to steal from zap-victims.

*Resumes recalibrating the Left Shoe of Power*

Re: The Campaign to Takeover the Universe! Again!

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 4:04 am
by Zeratul2k
Oh boy... here I go!

* Runs into a random portal and lands in some plains. He composes himself and looks around, three unicorns are a little far away. *

Unicorn 1: We are going to candy mountain!!! Yay!!!

Unicorn 2: Yay!!!

Unicorn 3: Aww, God...

* Z2k scratches his head as the unicorns walk away. *

Hmmm... I guess now I have to look for the magical leoplurodon?