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Errant thoughts

Posted: August 8th, 2007, 3:36 am
by oldwrench
Place your rants, raves, wants, wishes, and all other errant thoughts in here.

First thought. I told Dinky about my Ideas for the start of this story. It's a bit long, but I really want to get her little fairy started in the story. Hope she gets here and lets herself go on this one.

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: December 5th, 2007, 2:20 am
by oldwrench
A bit of a synopsis, for those just joining, and us who forget.

Tim was always curious and asks too many questions. He is the smallest person from his land, across the desert, by the sea. His teacher, annoyed by him, gave him a data ball, with the number seven in it (seven dragon balls?), and told him he must find the others and take them to the oracle at Erehwon (nowhere), to find the answers to "life, the universe, and everything" (from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), thinking he had sent him on a wild goose chase and would never see him again. So Tim set out on his journey with his only friend, his talking camel Clyde.

At a large building, Tim met the fairy, Faelyn, who attended school there. since Faelyn forgot to lock the door, Loki entered and proceeded to head for the food, soon Merenwen, the demon girl, entered the school too, interested in some dinner. Well, Tim proceeded to cause a bit of trouble with poor Faelyn, and about that time, Chin, the angel, and her companion, the talking wolf Morphin, joined Clyde in entering the school.

By now Tim had caused enough trouble with his search for the balls, that the lecherous headmaster, Hegwilt, threw them all out. Faelyn went to her home town, Loki disappeared, and Merenwin and Chin joined Tim for an interesting meal at the nearest town. There they saw a poster proclaiming Faelyn as an evil fairy who used black magic to steal Tims soul and Merenwen as her demon slave. This caused a bit of trouble in the town, but not nearly as much as Faelyn had met with at her home town.

As the small group decides to go find out if Faelyn is in trouble, they are joined by the goth girl, Emiko. Emiko is a rather cynical girl, looking for her true self. Later Merenwen agrees to teach her some magic, this make Emiko very happy, Emiko actually has quite a bit of magic power. They find Faelyn, or rather she runs into them, another embarrassing moment for her, landing on Tim again,. She is running from the people of her village, who are out to get her. She doesn't know about the wanted poster. Clyde and Morphin turn back the mob and Merenwen puts a barrier up to prevent pursuit.

Faelyn tries to use a spell to fetch her bag from the village, but ends up making it rain. Merenwen teaches Emiko a spell to dry her cloths, but Tim is listening and repeating the words. The spell works too well for Tim, who somehow has borrowed too much magic from the four girls. His cloths and shoes get too hot, and he really gets a hot seat when he sits on the wet ground. Luckily for him, Chin has the ability to remove spells and saves him from the hot seat.

The group travel for the afternoon then decide to set up camp. Tim figures his tent is big enough for all of them, but finds out girls need their privacy. He has a lot to learn about girls and boys. As they set up camp, they are joined by the apprentice angel, Rune and her spirit companion, Chichi. As Tim's supper warms, he plays his lute and sings, what he doesn't see is his music has an affect on Rune's magic, she is controlling water along with his melodies. As Tim finishes his singing, his food is stolen by a large bat. Well, the bat is Loki, the god of mischief, who got himself thrown out of Asgard with most of his powers stripped from him.

So now everyone is settling down to sleep, the girls in Tim's tent, and Tim in the small tent Chichi made for him, Loki has shape shifted into a cat and is curled up in a tree, Clyde and Morphin are stretched out between the tents.

That's about where we are right now.

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: December 5th, 2007, 2:25 am
by oldwrench
Just wanted to remind you, I do want this to be a lighter and more humorous tale. I'd like to see your magic work in some strange and interesting way in the story. That's why I had the drying spell give Tim some really hot pants. Even the bad things should be more humorous than bad. Evil, like Boris and Natasha, on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. (Boy am I getting old)

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: December 5th, 2007, 5:19 am
by Freya
hmmm.... depends on what you define as funny :gg:

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: December 5th, 2007, 3:09 pm
by oldwrench
Whatever you think might get us to smile or laugh. I just don't want this to be a serious drama, or characters to be nasty mean or anything. Just have fun.

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: December 6th, 2007, 3:43 am
by Freya
hahahhaahaaah! mwahahhahahahahaha! :gg: :gg: :meh:

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: December 16th, 2007, 7:39 pm
by oldwrench
Well. I hope Rune doesn't mind reacting to Tim's music. Maybe there is more we can do with it later, more with the wings later too......... Is it really Erehwon that gives you all the answers, or your wings, or is it the journey?

Also, you may have noticed that I shamelessly rip off lyrics to songs. I'm no great poet, but I really enjoy the lyrics to many songs, so I use them with my characters. I have done this for many years, in my imagination. The first song I used was from The Pictures at an Exhibition album, by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. This last one is The Voice, by the Moody Blues.

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 9:03 pm
by agito_0291
The following has NOTHING to do with anything here but I just had to post it (sorry for any incovenience): We're playing the original "Pictures" ( what Emerson. Lake and Palmer based theirs on)in my Wind Ensemble right now.... really good music if anyone was curious after reading Oldwrenches post.

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: January 16th, 2008, 5:45 pm
by Raine
Gpa im lost... :sob: :swt:

Re: Errant thoughts

Posted: January 16th, 2008, 9:46 pm
by oldwrench
You're never lost little girl, you're right with us.

The group stopped at a small town to buy supplies. THe people thought we were a zombie army, but soon learned different. We had a very nice breakfast, and bought some camping supplies. Tim started singing, with a nice guitar, and Rune began dancing, the water in the well rose up to dance with her. The people got frightened again, so we headed out toward the plateau of the thunderbirds, where we were told there are more data balls, and clues to Erehwon.

On the way we were held up by "the lord of the pass" who turned out to be a little man in a cave, using lost technology to project a huge image of himself in the pass. He and his wife ended up in a heated argument, and we took the opportunity to get through the pass.

At a fork in the road, Tim chose the middle path, that lead through the Frightening Forest. Stopping to make camp, we ran into trouble with the vines and trees, were helped out by the Jackalopes, and ran into a giant spider. We decided to get out of there. On the way out we ran into a large suit of armor, Alphy, who was searching for his little brother, Eddie.

We finally made it out of the forest, and found a nice place to camp, actually, a well set up camp ground, that even has a rather pleasant bath house. Right now, we are in the pools of the Japanese style bath house. I wonder what trouble we will get into in such a nice place?