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Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: August 31st, 2008, 8:58 am
by Raine
Hayley:oh my...


*Rhea look at Hayley and will*

Rhea:shall we go?Hayley im sure this is safe or dr eli wouldn't have gone...come on

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: August 31st, 2008, 9:05 am
by Zeratul2k
William: Oh, hell yes! Let's go, you two!

* William rushes towards the sphere, taking Rhea's and Hayley's hands. When he looks again, they are in another, smaller room with a device exactly like the one from before. Eli is waiting for them, still smiling. *

Eli: Welcome. How was the trip?

William: Wow... I didn't even feel it...

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: August 31st, 2008, 4:41 pm
by yuki_tenshi
*Mark couldn't help but notice the fascinated look on Cynthia's face. She was an adventurer at heart but often she kept that wild desire hidden under the wallflower facade. But her eyes were glittering under her reading glasses as watched eagerly as Dr. Eli disappeared then three of the other contestants followed.*

Cynthia, whispering to Mark: Did-did you see that? A teleportation machine? I always thought it could only exist in books. *She turned to him and beamed.* Let's go next!

*Without having time to agree, Mark was dragged by the excited Cynthia and they entered the sphere. Next thing they saw was another room, smaller than the previous one. Dr. Eli and the three other contestant was standing at the other side. Dr. Eli was smiling at both of them while the other three were talking excitedly with each other. *

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: August 31st, 2008, 9:30 pm
by oldwrench
*Jim was fascinated, trying to take in all the details of the machine. Finally, after they had to get Jim's attention, he was last to step into the machine. Jim was fascinated to find himself in another room. This trip was already worth the time and effort.*

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: August 31st, 2008, 10:21 pm
by Zeratul2k
* William jumped back into the sphere and a few seconds later he appeared back into the room with the group. *

William: I still can't believe it! How... how does it work?

Eli: The physics involved are awfully complex... in short, though, we create a controlled wormhole to what we call a border world, which is nothing more than a pseudo-dimension, then create another wormhole from the border world to our desired destination and link the two together.

Michael: Pseudo-dimension?

Eli: It's... hard to explain. It's a different universe than ours, actually, but it's really, really small. Nothing more than just a few light years in diameter. The physics are quite different there as well, and that's actually what makes this technology at all possible.

* William kept looking around while listening to Eli's explanation. Michael was listening to the explanation as well, all the time snapping pictures to everything in the room. A few minutes after all the group had teleported (along with a few other scientist who hitched a ride as well, unimpressed and looking like being teleported was an everyday affair), Eli gave a signal and the sphere dispersed. He then pointed towards the door while looking at the group. *

Eli: Now that was only the first of two impressive experiments we have in store for you. Let's go check out the other one. I'll answer your questions on the way.

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:18 pm
by Raine
*Rhea was impress and thrill,her adventurer's face made hayley smile,she however cling onto Rhea's arm.Rhea look at Hayley her worried expression could be seen behind the her mask*

Rhea:Cut it out!


Rhea:stop doind that face!!

Hayley:what face??

Rhea:You know pretty well,that face....i hate it,....Reminds me when i fell off the tree when i was 5!!

Hayley:since when does a 5 yr old climb a tree higher than a house!!

*A cough got them back to the real world they lowered their heads feeling embarass*

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:35 pm
by Zeratul2k
William: What's the next experiment, Dr. Vance?

Eli: It's a technology that just came out of experimental phase a few months ago. It's safe as well, but you know how we have to test them until we are sure nothing can go wrong.

William: Yes, of course, but what is it?

Eli: It's a device to stop time. It uses a huge amount of energy to "freeze" time inside a room, then another burst of energy to "unfreeze" it.

Michael: The words "huge amount of energy" seem to be a constant here. Where do you get all that energy?

Eli: This whole facility looks like a big donut with a room in the center. In that room is a nuclear reactor, from which we take all the energy we need.

* Michael looked away, hiding a grin. *

Michael: Say... I need to use the bathroom...

Eli: Well, the bathrooms are that way but you can't go alone...

* Evelyn jumped forward, looking at Eli. *

Evelyn: I'll go with him!

Eli: Oh, ok... You know where the next experiment is, right?

Evelyn: Yep! I've been here before, Doc.

* Evelyn and Michael left towards the bathrooms while Eli guided the group to the next room. *

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:43 pm
by Raine
*Rhea watched the two leave,for some reason she found evelyn to eager to go with michael, could it be she likes him.....poor woman has no taste,she laugh at the two of them hugging.when hayley look at her angrily she sweatdrop she look away*

Hayley:You've been thinking things you shouldn't....

Rhea:.....i dunno what you mean

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:48 pm
by Zeratul2k
* William walked next to Hayley and Rhea and looked at them, smiling. *

William: What are you two talking about?

Re: Frozen - Prologue

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 12:56 pm
by yuki_tenshi
*Cynthia was fascinated by everything she was hearing. Those things she had only read in fantasy books was now invented- closed off to the public but was existing. She was right about entering this contest.*

Mark: Mis--Cynthia...come on. They're moving.

Cynthia: Yep!

*The two of them walked quickly, unfortunately Cynthia tripped and manged to bump into into the trio. Specifically a girl(Hayley) Cynthia's reading glasses flew off and landed with a soft clunk on the floor. She and Hayley flailed before hitting the floor themselves.*

Mark: Miss Wynter! *Mark hurriedly helped Cynthia up, checking for any serious wounds or bruises, when he found none he sighed. Cynthia glared at him and he realized he hadn't used her name. He gave a sheepish smile. Then he turned to the girl she bumped into and apologized, giving her one of his best smiles.* I'm sorry Cynthia's a little clumsy. *He gave the redhead a smug grin before returning his attention to Cynthia's poor victim.*

Cynthia: I am not! *Cynthia huffed and retrieved her spectacles, folded it and placed it in its container which was then stuffed inside the handbag she carried. She turned back to Hayley.* I'm sorry for bumping into you. The floor's quite slippery. *Cynthia saw Hayley nodding at her apology but she was still smiling at Mark.*