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Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 2:47 am
by Kira
Earth: Bar. One Month Ago.

*Young Woman who picked up The Shaggy Man’s Laptop takes a seat next to you along with a other female friend*

Young Woman: Hi! I’m Christy and this is my friend, Debra.

Debra: Hello.

*Shaggy Man just nods his head and makes a smirk*

Christy: So What’s your name.

Shaggy Man: You can call me John, and this hear is my dog, Muffin.

Muffin: Woof!

Christy: So what is a guy like you doing with a IASA laptop?

John: I use to work for them before I was blame for a crime I didn’t commit. Then as punishment I was sent to on “active duty”.

Debra: So you’re in the army?

John: Close I was a pilot, I fought in Mara Sara…

*A few men close by, peck up at the mention of Mara Sara and listen as John continues to talk through the rest of the night about the battle of Mara Sara*

John: …So There I was…a good dozen or so Mech right on me. Luckily I had Chad and Captain McFarlaine. Saved my butt a few time, and I, theirs.

Debra: Wow! You’re so brave! Are you doing anything, later?

Christy: Debra! Oh my gosh! Sorry, just ignore her.

John: Tell ya what, let me know where you’re staying and I’ll catch up with ya later, okay?

*Both girls blush as Debra writes on a napkin, they then proceed to leave. John sits there for a while thinking about Chad and Captain McFarlaine, John then gets up and makes for the next, as he does, three men get up and follow him outside. Muffin makes a loud bark John turns around but its to late, the men got the drop on him…*

Present Day:
*Inside a dark cave John is caged to the wall of cave*

John: What happened? Why can't I remember what happen in the last two months.

*A strange sound is heard, that of footstep*

John: Hey guard! is that you! Hello? Guard!

Guard: Shut up in there!

John: You can't hold me forever...I shall be released and freed and when that day comes...You'll be sorry.

*The guard runs in with a rifle in his and hits John right in the forehead. John blacks out*

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 3:41 am
by Freya
Georgianna: I think someone triggered an EMP, all I remember is Reina's systems shutting down, including life support. I must have blacked out before she had rebooted her mainframe.

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 4:07 am
by Zeratul2k
* The little ship moved around the screen, dodging enemy blasts while delivering a fair amount of lead from it's cartoonish weapons. Rydia just looked at Dominic - as she had been doing for almost half an hour - thinking about what to do now. The news Henry had brought meant that Dominic, or possibly both of them, wouldn't get the right of asylum they had requested. *

Rydia: So... are you just going to stay here, playing videogames all day?

Dominic: No. I also plan to keep playing in the bar. Gotta make some money, after all.

Rydia: Should I remind you that there's an arrest order with your name on it?

Dominic: They can't arrest me here. Jurisdiction and s#!t.

Rydia: *sigh* I give up. There's no reasoning with you...

* Dominic made a bad move and his ship exploded leaving no visible trail. The words "GAME OVER" appeared on the screen as he put the controller down. *

Dominic: Game over? Nah, too early for that. OK, here's what we are going to do.

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 1:37 am
by oldwrench
Chad: Your mech shut down? But that shouldn't have happened. It should have only shut the mechs from the Ticoderoga down. I didn't even have your hard boot codes, .... unless, maybe they sent me yours by mistake. Was your mech ever on the Ticonderoga?

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 4:07 am
by Freya
Georgianna: No.....

maybe someone hacked Reina's system

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 3:18 pm
by oldwrench
Chad: Hmm, I asked Yuki to get the codes for the captured mechs, since there would be records of which mechs were on the Ticondroga. Why would they have given me the code for your mech? Did they want your mech shut down too? But why would they? It must have been an accident, Some how Reina's code number got in the wrong file.

Chad looks up at Georgianna and laughs: Well anyway, now I can shut you down anytime you get nasty to me........ Well, I could if I still had Ghost. I wonder if they sent Ghost back, or something else....... I guess I'll go check and see.

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 3:44 pm
by oldwrench
*Chad enterde the hangar and looked at the bay assignments. At least his mech was in the same bay. Chad's hopes fell as he looked up at the shiny new mech in his bay. Well, not shiny, it was the same flat dark grey, but it was a whole new model.*

Bob: Hey Chad, how do you like it? That's the first production dragonfly, we just got it. It's got a ton of improvements over that worn out firefly you had. Everything is built special for the recon role. The sensors are better, it has longer range, the hydraulics are better, they even made it smaller, and a lot lighter so it can work better on land. It uses some new carbon-iridium composit armor, half the weight and stronger, but really expensive. I don't even wanna know what these baby's cost.

Chad sighs: It looks fine....... I guess I was just hoping to see Ghost again.

Bob smiles: That old chassis was done for, nothing to do but scrap it. You really should climb in and check this one out, I think you're gonna love it.

Chad: Right, I guess I'll check it out. *Chad climbs into the new mech and looks it over.* Mmm, better seat, the controls are easier to reach, it will take a bit to get use to. *Chad flips the power systems on and looks over the control screens.* I guess you and I will have to get to know each other, now what should I name you?

Mech: Hello Chad, welcome back.

Chad: Ghost???!!!

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 9:03 pm
by agito_0291
-Over Mar Sara-

*Captain Aidan guns his mech forward in an attempt to catch up to the Kirkav. He raises his mech up and after manevouring around the debris flying off it, he reaches the Kirkav.

Aidan: Colonel Hellwind!! this is Captain Aidan what is our situation!?

*upon getting no response, Aidan begins to get in the hangar when suddenly his vision blurs. He rubs his eyes but it dosn't go away, it gets worse. he rubs them again and suddenly it's gone, but so is his mech. And the battlefield, the enemy and his friends, all that he can see is a flouresent light on the military standard celing above him. Grogily he sits up, aware that his head is heavily bandaged.*

Aidan: ughh what happened?

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 9:30 pm
by Zeratul2k
Rydia: We shouldn't be here...

Dominic: Maybe, but only I know the Thunderbird's code and you're the only one who can open the ship's doors.

Rydia: You don't have to tell me that...

* Rydia and Dominic walked down a hall towards the small hangar on the back of the ship. Dominic stoped after passing the door to the medical bay. *

Dominic: Say... do you think he is up yet?

Rydia: I don't think so. Nanobot surgery takes a lot of time. Plus, Erebus would have warn--

Erebus: Medical procedure completed succesfully. Patient is now concious.

* Dominic laughed and walked towards the medical bay's door. *

Dominic: Come on, let's see if he slept well.

Re: 5 Minutes - Reloaded

Posted: October 3rd, 2007, 2:15 am
by agito_0291
*Aidan swung his legs over the edge of the bed and tried to stand up but it took all his strength to stay vertical for a couple of seconds. He thumped back down onto the bed and put his head in his hands.*

Aidan: Ok, settle down man, something big must have happened, maybe I was attacked from the back when I was distracted.That means that my mech must have been heavily dammaged, that'll explaine the head injury and the blackout but why am I in a medical room?

*Suddenly Aidan heard something on the other side of the door. Someone was speaking, he though he recognized the voice but he couldn't place it, it was too muffled and his head was swimming. What he could understand though, was that they were going to come in and he had source of protection. Aidan tore his head out of his hands and looked around the room for anything he could possible use as a defensive weapon but it was too late. He looked at the door as it opened to reveal two people.*