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Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 12:51 am
by Zeratul2k
* Loki suppresed his laughter then walked next to Tim. *

Loki: Boy, I really didn't thought you were playing for the wrong team.

* He looks at the fairy now. *

Loki: Come on, Pixie, why don't you give us a tour of this place? I don't think it would be any trouble, right?

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 1:33 am
by Dinky
*Faelyn stares at both of them with incredulous annoyance*
Faelyn: "What harm can it do? It'll get me expelled! And NO you can't see any balls!!"
Somewhere deep inside the castle, a reverberating gong sounds.
Faelyn: "...Oh sh*t!"

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 4:23 am
by Zeratul2k
Loki: Oh! Is it dinner time already!?

* Loki runs past Faelyn, following the gong's sound. He turns around towards the others, still running. *

Loki: Hurry or I'll end everything!

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 7:46 am
by oldwrench
Tim: Dinner? Is it dinner time here? I don't know, I'm all messed up, with the traveling and time change and all that. *Pulls a pocket sun dial out and looks at it, shakes it and puts it to his ear.* Darn thing doesn't seem to be working. Do you think they might have some extra food? I'm really hungry. Do you think that guy will eat it all? What do you eat here anyway? You must not eat much, your really small. Do you have small farms to grow food? What do you use to pull your carts? Do you have tiny animals and plants? How many people go to this school? Could you please, please let me talk to your master? I'm sure if I asked to see his balls, he would show them to me. Shouldn't we follow that other guy, He might get in trouble. I won't let you get in trouble, I'll tell them what happened, that it's my fault. I'm always getting in trouble anyway. Maybe this time it would just be small trouble.

*Oh, oh....she was giving him that deadly looking stare again. now what had he done wrong?*

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 4:36 pm
by Dinky
*Faelyn glares at Tim to get him to shut up. She has to catch Blondie before someone sees him! Her wings are too small to carry her as of yet, and there's no way she can catch him running....guess there was no help for it...*
Faelyn. "Uh, yeah. Dinner time. But you can only get some food if you catch up to Blondie, okay? Think you can do that?"
*Tim nods eagerly, jumping to his feet*
Faelyn: "Wait! You've got to carry me! AND DON'T ASK QUESTIONS NOW!!" she yelled, cutting off what was bound to be a stream of crazy questions about her wings. "Just pick me up --GENTLY!! DON'T SQUASH ME!-- Now catch him if you wan't some food!"
*Tim, carrying Faelyn, takes off in a sprint after Loki down the great hallway*

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 7:56 pm
by oldwrench
Tim, Ooo, dinner, and all I have to do is catch up to that guy.

* Tim was getting really hungry. His Bread and Cheese had run out a day ago. Those little desert mice had seemed so hungry and, well, he didn't know there were so many of them. He was glad to share his food, but that had run out his supply. She said he could have some dinner if he caught that blond guy. That should be easy, if there's one thing Tim could do, it was run fast. When you're the smallest, and your six brothers, and most all the other boys, picked on you, you learned to run fast. Tim jumped up and took off like a rocket, but came to a sudden halt, falling flat on his face, as he heard the little girl shout.*

Tim: What about your wi...... * Tim picked up his glasses and put them on, then turned to the tiny girl.* She needs me to carry her. She asked for my help! No-one ever asks for my help. Wow, that's, it's just, wow, I can help her! *Worried he might hurt her, Tim gently picks the little girl up, and sets her on his shoulder.*

Tim: Hang on tight. * Tim takes off at top speed down the hall.* I still don't know your name.

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 16th, 2007, 5:31 pm
by oldwrench
* Now Tim knew the blond guy had a good head start, so he put on all the speed he had. Little Faelyn had to hang on tight so she wouldn't be blown off TIm's shoulder. Rounding a brend in the great hall, Tim ran smack into the Loki, who had been stopped by a very officious looking gnome. Loki was knocked down, right on top of the gnome, Tim and Faelyn went flying over the two. (Go to slow motion) Tim filips over in the air with a long "Aaahhhhhgggg" and lands flat on his back. Faelyn does several flips in the air, her little wings futily flapping, with a loud "eeeeekkkkk" and lands on her little bottom, sitting on Tim's nose, with her feet on the top of his ears. (Back to normal speed.) Now this might be an interesting sight for the young boy, but right now he has his eyes closed seeing flashing stars. Faelyn looks down and lets out another high piched squeek. Tims eyes pop open and get real big as the near sighted boy sees the little girl perched on his nose.*

Tim: What, wha..........Oh!......

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 20th, 2007, 2:16 am
by oldwrench
*Tim stared at the alluring vision in front of his eyes. Instinctively Tim knew that this was a rather improper way to be sitting with a young lady, his face got very red. (His instinct probably helped by her loud screech, and the fact her wings were beating furiously and her feet were kicking his ears as she tried to get herself up off of him.) He should turn his head and look away, well that wasn't really possible, or shut his eyes. That wasn't about to happen though. I mean, Tim is a healthy fifteen year old boy, very naive, he only had his six older brothers at home, and the girls in his village wouldn't give the short skinny kid the time of day. But he is a normal healthy boy. If you put a cute young girl right in front of a boy's nose, (in this case, right on his nose,) you can't blame him for staring in fascination. Tim knew he had to help her off, but this was a very awkward place to try to lift her. Tim hadn't really touched a girl since he was a very little boy, now for the second time today, he was about to hold this girl. Well, the first time she had just stepped onto his hand as he lifted her. Tim reached up and very gently wrapped his fingers around the young fairy, carefully avoiding her wings. He so badly wished for the little girl to be his friend. Tim lifted th fairy and sat up. ( I told you Tim is very naive when it comes to girls. Try reaching up and pretend to wrap your fingers around something on your nose, get the picture. Tim is trying very hard, but may be getting himself in deeper every minute.)

Tim: Are you alright? *He tries to switch her around in his hands so he can set her down.* You didn't get hurt did you?

*Oh,oh.......Tim notices her very red face and cross look......What had he done now?........ Then the room they are in fills with catcalls, cheers, and raucous laughter.*

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 21st, 2007, 5:44 pm
by Hiki
*Merenwen got up and brushed the leaves and dirt from her black dress dress. She pulled the black ribbon from her white silvery hair and it dropped to mid-back. Merenwen tied the ribbon around her right wrist and turned to the others and noticed they had all fallen asleep while surveying. Merenwen shook her head and put on her black boots with thick soles. She walked away from the group and towards the building they had been surveying -- a school, Hegwilt's School of Faeries and Gnomery. Her stomach grumbled and she sighed. It had been a while since she had last eaten something.*

Merenwen: It's only been about a month, so why am I hungry?

*She poked her stomach impatiently and stopped in front of the door. Merenwen checked the sun and saw it was probably time to eat for those who were in the school. She opened the door and saw small people (faeries) coming out rooms and she quickly hurried on, finally stumbling upon a strange scene, where most of them were laughing at a boy that was on the ground. There was a gnome and another human involved, or so it appeared. When she moved a little closer, some faeries jumping to the side as she came through, she saw one of the faeries was involved too. Even so, she didn't stop to see what the matter was, but went straight on to the dining room.*

Re: Journey to Erehwon The game begins

Posted: August 21st, 2007, 11:31 pm
by Zeratul2k
* Loki rolled to his side and quietly shapeshifted into a fairy before anyone else noticed. OK, that was close. Gotta polish my infiltration skills! Loki blended with the crowd of fairies and noticed someone sneaking to the dining room. Oh, what do we have here..? He followed the girl and shapeshifted into an angry looking gnome when no one was around. He then jumped behind the girl and yelled at her in a commanding voice. *

Loki: Hold it! What are you doing here!?