Character Lockdown

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Character Lockdown

Post by Freya » June 14th, 2008, 12:38 pm

Due to the complexity of Onegai, I have come to the decision that we cannot accept new members into this RP at the current time. I apologize to all of you who have shown an interest in joining our game but the delicate web of corporation ownerships and rivalries within this game prevents us from accommodating further members. (Loosely translated: my head would explode)

I especially apologize to yuki-tenshi who had put together a beautiful character bio that I approved before I had reviewed the story again. I am very sorry for my mistake Yuki, I have kept your character bio in my files in case you would like to have it back.
“Here’s the thing… I’ve already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are.” ~ Bella Swan

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