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by Raine
September 21st, 2016, 4:50 pm
Forum: Introductions
Topic: Back...
Replies: 130
Views: 122587

Re: Back...

:kiss: aaaw ive missed these is everyone?i got a pm just like you gpa.very disturbing :love:
by Raine
October 17th, 2013, 7:47 am
Forum: Living Room
Topic: <3 Baby <3
Replies: 28
Views: 111435

Re: <3 Baby <3

Please meet kita :)
by Raine
April 25th, 2013, 4:39 pm
Forum: Living Room
Topic: <3 Baby <3
Replies: 28
Views: 111435

Re: <3 Baby <3

hi everyone my phone doesnt let me go on aaw...keeps crashing finally had some time on laptop...sorry took me`so long. so on the 4th April i got in the hosp t 7:15 am ,and at exactly /7:50 am i gave birth to what i thought was a boy but turn out to be beautiful baby girl. id like you all to meet my ...
by Raine
March 28th, 2013, 7:11 am
Forum: Living Room
Topic: <3 Baby <3
Replies: 28
Views: 111435

Re: <3 Baby <3

Hi guys sorry for not stopping by. Work block aaw once and now it seems to be working again. Gpa i got your emails but when i receive im sleeping lol... so i have two weeks left before the lil guy is born. His name is Ryu :) What do you all think?? Love you all...thinking of everyone. :ho: :ho:
by Raine
January 21st, 2013, 7:38 am
Forum: Living Room
Topic: <3 Baby <3
Replies: 28
Views: 111435

Re: <3 Baby <3

Thinking of naming him Ryu, since he seem like a fiery little dragon. :) :love: :love: Other than that im doing well time to time i get nauseaus but i can cope i cant wait,im getting closer and closer to meet him.The tough thing is buying the products,its pretty hard to decide which is which ...
by Raine
January 18th, 2013, 8:57 am
Forum: Living Room
Topic: <3 Baby <3
Replies: 28
Views: 111435

<3 Baby <3

Im not sure what title to put,so Sakura you can tell me ill delete it afterwards lol. I just wanna share this piece of news with you all,Ill be having a Baby Boy!!!! :) im soo happy and its getting nearer each day,im due on the 14th april,cant believe how time moves so fast. :) Ill send pics soon. i ...
by Raine
April 3rd, 2012, 8:48 am
Forum: Game - Gakkou S3
Topic: Gakkou S3
Replies: 316
Views: 257539

Re: Gakkou S3

*Just like that,school ended and Kaede found herself walking beside Nilina.they hadnt talk much about what she said earlier somehow kaede was frightened* Nilina:You havent asked me how i know?? Kaede:Im not sure that i want to know anymore,...frankly i am worried about Keone and the others. Nilina ...
by Raine
March 19th, 2012, 5:24 am
Forum: Game - Gakkou S3
Topic: Gakkou S3
Replies: 316
Views: 257539

Re: Gakkou S3

((sorry guys been real sick :( and my phone has been real mean by keeping me sorry for not answering your messages.for the time being ill let keone and lorelei develop their characters since z2k is soon as keone comes back to school ill work something out :) )) :thumb:
by Raine
March 7th, 2012, 6:00 am
Forum: Game - Gakkou S3
Topic: Gakkou S3
Replies: 316
Views: 257539

Re: Gakkou S3

*Kaede was shock to witness what Toru had done,Toru would never do such a thing.she saw her friends walk out.At that moment Nilina came to her looking confused.* Nilina:Morning kaede-chan, What exactly just Happened? Kaede: Oh,morning Nilina,Toru sprayed Rosa's drink on her....weird right? *Nilina ...
by Raine
March 2nd, 2012, 3:07 pm
Forum: Game - Gakkou S3
Topic: Gakkou S3
Replies: 316
Views: 257539

Re: Gakkou S3

*Kaede got in class,and went to her friends the two people she usually talks to,Lorelei and Rosalynn*

Kaede:Morning guys!!!!

*she greeted but not looking at them as she scan to keone's seat*

Kaede:His not here yet?

*Nilina was standing at the gates,thanking and greeting everyone as she pass by*