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by Hiki
December 19th, 2013, 3:49 pm
Forum: Living Room
Topic: good things
Replies: 1521
Views: 776047

Re: good things

That's really pretty! C:

Finals week is over! I survived... somehow...
by Hiki
November 13th, 2013, 9:32 am
Forum: Living Room
Topic: good things
Replies: 1521
Views: 776047

Re: good things

You are right! The box says 'RORONA' =D

Good job on the headphones!
by Hiki
November 13th, 2013, 9:29 am
Forum: Short Stories
Topic: 5 Minutes: Reloaded
Replies: 178
Views: 298622

Re: 5 Minutes: Reloaded

It sucks that you have a writer's block =( But the story does look good!
by Hiki
October 18th, 2013, 6:50 pm
Forum: Living Room
Topic: good things
Replies: 1521
Views: 776047

Re: good things

Yeah, it's Meruru (I think! xD It's written on the box, but I don't have that at the moment, so...).

I hope you have fun at the con!
by Hiki
October 18th, 2013, 6:48 pm
Forum: Short Stories
Topic: Hiki's artsies (or something like that)
Replies: 1170
Views: 398662

Re: Hiki's artsies (or something like that)

That's good =D It's supposed to make people smile~ :love:
by Hiki
October 9th, 2013, 5:22 pm
Forum: Short Stories
Topic: Hiki's artsies (or something like that)
Replies: 1170
Views: 398662

Re: Hiki's artsies (or something like that)

Don't think I showed this one here yet :)
Kaigara (c) me
Kaigara (c) me
It's on the back of my artbook =D
by Hiki
October 9th, 2013, 5:17 pm
Forum: Crazy^2
Topic: Random moments of crazyness
Replies: 1253
Views: 585064

Re: Random moments of crazyness

There are also those kind of posters in Switzerland (or something) only then it's a campaign with 'Not here, but now' and you see all these victims of war in Africa integrated with the surroundings of wherever the poster is... it's pretty intense and I guess it gets the message across, but I wouldn ...
by Hiki
October 9th, 2013, 5:15 pm
Forum: Living Room
Topic: good things
Replies: 1521
Views: 776047

Re: good things

Look what I got from my friend today!!
It's beautiful and so very detailed it almost makes me cry. (I'm just joking; I would never cry over something like that. Or would I?)
Anyhoo, it totally makes my day!
by Hiki
September 29th, 2013, 10:36 am
Forum: Crazy^2
Topic: Random moments of crazyness
Replies: 1253
Views: 585064

Re: Random moments of crazyness

They look really cool and are actually quite convincing xD Not that I'd join the agency, but they definitely have a point.
by Hiki
September 29th, 2013, 10:33 am
Forum: Living Room
Topic: good things
Replies: 1521
Views: 776047

Re: good things

Amsterdam is only 35 minutes by train from where I live, though :'D Travelling the world costs so much money ;-; I'm already saving up money for my next trip - which won't be until next summer vacation... :swt: