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Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: December 4th, 2012, 4:08 am
by oldwrench
Ghost did it, the AI of Chad's mech overrode the programing and was able to transmit the codes. Chad's idea worked, the battle is over....... but at what cost? Who is left of the pilots of Colonel Hellwind's command. We know Georgianna is still standing, and Ben was outside of the sphere of the battle. Last we knew, Megumi and Johanna were still standing, but Rose was down. Was Ghost in time to save them? And what about Arisa? Was Ghost to late for our youngest pilot. Captain Curran's gun quit, but was it after his shot destroyed Keon? Was he now aiming for Georgianna's Thunderbird? The battle may have ended, but the story isn't over yet.

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: December 8th, 2012, 5:00 am
by oldwrench
Ok, we'll find out a bit more of how the pilots fared. I hope we haven't lost any more, though I don't rule out anyone being lost at this point. The Battle is over, but we still have a few things to clear up. Keep reading, the end is near.

Chapter 106

Arisa swore as she kicked at the escape hatch door in the smoke filled cockpit. She knew immediately what had happened, even the carbon nano tube frame had its limits, the left leg had failed and the shattered pieces had torn off the hydraulic lines. The synthetic fluid was supposed to be fire resistant, but the fluid spraying under high temperature and pressure had exploded into flames. She had to get out before the cockpit was engulfed in flames. Finally the hatch began to open. Keon’s twisted frame had jammed it. Arisa pushed with all her might and the hatch opened half way. Arisa was lucky to be as small as she was, she barely fit through the partially open hatch. She fell out of the cockpit and landed on the ground, flat on her butt. She let out an unladylike string of curses that would have burned the ears of the meanest drill sargent .

Arisa scrambled to her feet, ready to run for cover, but stopped in her tracks. She looked around, all the Red Faction mechs were frozen, unmoving. She saw the cockpits of several of them open and the pilots emerging with their hands held high. Chad’s trick had worked! The battle was over. Arisa sprinted over to Chads broken firefly. She was glad Ghost was down on its knees, she could climb the mounting steps to the cockpit. Arisa pulled the manual release for the cockpit door, and with more strength than she seemed capable of, pulled the heavy door open. “Chad!” she called out. “Chad, are you alright?........ Chad, say something!”

Through closed eyes, Chad saw the brightness as the cockpit was opened. Half dreaming, his eyes opened mere slits and he saw the dark silhouette in the cockpit entrance. A cat, Chad thought, what’s a cat doing here? Chad closed his eyes, he really must be dreaming, he thought.

Arisa leaned farther over the entrance. “CHAD!” she shouted. “Chad, wake up……….. don’t die Chad.” Arisa was beginning to get frightened. She knew Chad had been injured, but he said it wasn’t that bad. Maybe he hadn’t told her the truth, maybe it was a lot worse than he said. He wasn’t moving, he didn’t answer. “You can’t die, I won’t let you!” Arisa shouted. She was beginning to get angry. All her life, Arisa had gotten what she wanted, and now, she wanted Chad. She had plans for the tall pilot, and she wasn’t about to let him mess them up by doing something like dying. Arisa pulled off her helmet and threw it to the side. (She hadn’t thought about the fact that Chad couldn’t hear her while she had her helmet on.)

Chad opened his eyes again. He had always liked cats, maybe he should call this one and pet it. But then, the cat pulled its head off. No, wait, it was an angel, with a golden halo around its head! But this couldn’t be heaven, he hurt too much………..

“Don’t you dare die, Chad.” Arisa ordered as tears filled her eyes. “If you’re dead, Chad Ross……… I’ll kill you!”

Rydia was almost in tears by the time Dominic landed the shuttle in the bay of the cargo ship. She found him as he secured the shuttle to the ship floor. “You didn’t come and I was so scared,” she cried. “I thought you lied, I thought they were going to destroy everything.”

Dominic stepped up and put his arms around the shaking girl. “I just had to stop to tell one of my men something. I didn’t mean to worry you. They aren’t going to destroy anything, except maybe the Red Factions plans.”

“I was going to shoot them,” she sobbed. “I didn’t want to be a killer, but I was so afraid.”

“You didn’t shoot though,” Dominic assured her. “You didn’t kill anyone.”

“But I would have killed them all,” Rydia told him, “I would have, but the gun didn’t work, it should have, I just don’t know what happened………….. And, I did kill someone. Someone attacked me and I couldn’t even see them. I accidently hit them with my hand and I saw a mech fall to the ground. It was awful.”

Chad! Dominic thought, why did he have to go trying to stop that monster? He should have known he had no chance. Damn, he’d gotten to like the guy too. “Don’t worry, he’ll be alright,” Dominic tried to assure her, though he didn’t really believe it. “Those mechs are built to take that.” He wondered, maybe there was a reason her gun failed. Dominic led Rydia around Atropos, looking over the mech. He spotted the handle of a beam saber sticking out of the conduit connecting the big gun to the mech. “There, see that handle,” he told Rydia. “Chad, the guy who attacked you, stopped you from taking that shot.”
“I wish……..” Rydia said quietly, “that I could thank him.”

“What’s happening?” Colonel Hellwind demanded. “Ben, what’s happening?”

“They stopped!” Ben called back. “They all just stopped.”

Stopped? Did they surrender? Maybe a few of his command would survive. “Who?” Dan stammered, “how many are left? “

“Three made it.” Ben answered. “Sir, requesting permission to join them.”

“No!” The colonel ordered. “There are re-enforcements coming, they’ll be there in a few minutes. They may be able to rescue our pilots.”

“Huh?” Ben answered, startled. “No, sir, it’s the enemy mechs that stopped. They were winning, but then they just stopped, exactly in the positions they were in, like somebody shut them off. The pilots are getting out. Sir, let me go down and help cover them.”

“Ah…… yes……. Ah, permission granted,” Dan haltingly replied. He was stunned. What could have happened? His few pilots hadn’t had a chance. If they had orders to surrender, they would have shut down and dismounted. Why had their mechs just stopped? Dan felt almost weak with relief. He had Yuki contact the one hundred first and inform them of the end of the battle. He requested they get the med corps there ASAP.

“General, there is a ship leaving the planet in the south polar region,” an officer called from a forward console. “Should I launch missiles to take it out?”

“Do you have any identification on it?” The general asked.

“Class three freighter, shows a Yandrian registration.” The officer replied.

“Ignore it,” the general told him, “just some merchant trying to get away from this trouble.”

Edward Geraldine finished the startup procedures and launched the shuttle from its lair in the mountain side. He was upset that the battle had ended so suddenly. He had watched on his console display, he was sure his mechs would win. Perhaps they couldn’t sway the battle in his favor, but he was sure the battle would cover his escape. Now, he just had to hope no one took note of the shuttle leaving.

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: December 21st, 2012, 5:03 am
by oldwrench
The battle is over! It's been a short and violent fight, but finally it's over....... or is it? Well, we know the enemy mechs are stopped, and their pilots are getting out. Colonel Hellwind hasn't quite lost his whole command, but things won't look too good for him. He hasn't exactly followed orders. Did Dominic desert the EDF? What is the fate of John? Of Rose? Of Aiden? They won the battle, but at what cost?

Read on, the end is near. (actually, tomorrow, 12/21/2012)

Chapter 107

Chad was suddenly wide awake. Arisa! She had made it, Ghost had gotten the transmission off in time. He wanted to jump up and wrap his arms around her……. That wasn’t about to happen…… He wanted to pull her into the mech with him……… Not happening either. He wanted to say something, something brilliant, and romantic, and meaningful……… Instead he opened his eyes and looked up at her. “Geez, only a woman would kill a dead man,” he told her.

“Chad!” Arisa screamed. He was alive! “You’re alright,” she yelled out happily as she jumped down into the cockpit. All she could think of was wrapping her arms around Chad and holding him tight.

“YAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Chad screamed out in pain as Arisa landed on top of him. “NO! I’m NOT!” he grit out through clenched teeth.

Arisa quickly scrambled up onto the arms of the pilot seat. “Oh, OH!….. you are hurt! How bad is it, I have to call for help.” Arisa jumped up and stood on the arms of the seat, then quickly got back down. “Nooo! I threw my helmet down, I can’t call. Are you hurt bad? What can I do?” Arisa noticed Chad panting in shallow breaths. “I have to get help, maybe the med techs are here. I’ll go find them.” Arisa started to jump up again.

Chad reached up and wrapped his left arm around Arisa, stopping her from leaving. “Arisa!..... I’m alright……… just……… broke a few bones………. A couple ribs…….. an arm and ankle……… I’ll be alright, I won’t die from it.” Chad told her, trying to take shallow breaths. Arisa stopped and looked down at Chad. “Ghost’s emergency transmitter is on, they’ll be coming. Everything is going to be alright,” he assured her. Chad looked up at those beautiful, tear filled, blue eyes. He pulled her closer. Arisa leaned forward, carefully wrapping her arms around Chad’s neck. In a few moments, Chad forgot all about the pain.

Georgianna watched as enemy pilots climbed down from their mechs. They began to gather near the huge door of the mountain hangar. She started to wonder what she would do to keep them from escaping. Suddenly, there were armed men coming from the hangar, and among them, men in EDF pilot suits. Georgianna was relieved, they were the pilots from the Ticonderoga. She saw the EDF pilots looking around and running for their mechs. Some of the ruined mechs must have belonged to those pilots, but those men quickly headed for any mech they could find. She started to call the pilots to let them know their mechs would be starting up again in a few minutes. Georgianna slumped down in her seat, she was exhausted.

Ben landed his heavy Lancer next to the captain’s damaged Thunderbird. “I came to help clean up, but it looks like things are well in hand, captain,” he told her. “What the heck happened to those mechs?”

“I don’t know,” Georgianna told him. “Ross did something to them. He told me we had five minutes till they would start again.”

“Five minutes,” Ben laughed. “The whole battle took less than five minutes.”

Johanna watched the pilots of the Krikav checking to make sure the enemy vacated their mechs. She knew she hadn’t been much help in the fight. She hadn’t managed to do much damage to the enemy, it had been too long since she’d piloted a mech. She sighed, it would have been nice to be able to say she had done some good. Mostly she’d been fighting a defensive battle. Suddenly, she noticed a shuttle launch from a tunnel higher on the mountain. So, deserting the ship, she thought. I know who that would be, Geraldine. He won’t be getting away this time. Johanna hadn’t taken any real damage in the fight so she knew her thrusters were in working condition. She launched the Thunderbird after the fleeing shuttle.
Johanna hit her com button, “there’s a shuttle making a break for it, I’m on them.” Johanna pushed the thrust to max. The shuttle was an armed military type, equipped for long range jumps. It was fast, but her mech was faster. She would catch it and force it down before they could get out far enough to make a warp jump.

Colonel Hellwind had a bad feeling about this. A mech shouldn’t have any trouble bringing down a shuttle, even an armed one like this……….. but. “Johanna, turn back, let them go.” He called to her over the com.

“I’m not letting Geraldine get away, Dan,” Johanna called back. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him.” She was out for vengeance, he was the one who had destroyed her ship. She had closed in to less than ten k when the shuttle fired a missile backward at her. Johanna almost laughed, an AA missile to stop a mech? Geraldine was a fool. Johanna swung her shield in front of her to bat the missile out of her path.

For a few seconds, the flash of the explosion was brighter than the sun. An officer on the Lincoln shouted across the bridge, “a nuclear explosion, General! South, six oh eight k, twenty-one thousand meters altitude.

Dan Hellwind stood staring at the blank main screen. The radiation pulse from the blast had momentarily overloaded the sensors. “Sir, the Thunderbird of colonel Kerlov has been destroyed.” Yuki informed him. Daniel collapsed into his chair. “Johanna……..”

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: January 1st, 2013, 12:38 am
by Sakura
Did you remember the first part of "5 Minutes" has been posted on 1st September 2009? It's now well over three years old.

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: January 1st, 2013, 3:40 am
by oldwrench
and I figured it would take a couple months........... see what thinking does. It's nearing the end now though...... of book one.

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: January 1st, 2013, 4:59 pm
by Sakura
Book one... scary. :gg:

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: January 5th, 2013, 5:59 am
by oldwrench
A dark day for our side, one last fallen hero. Well, the battle is finely over, we hope. The Red Faction is defeated and Mar Sara is free again. The EDF has protected the peace of the Earth Federation. All is as it should be. Just a few more thoughts to bring things to a conclusion.

Chapter 108

Almost everyone was stunned by the flash of the explosion. Georgianna cursed, the battle was supposed to be over, and that bastard had used one more illegal weapon. She swore she was going to find him, someday. She was going to make him pay.

Georgianna spun around as a large group of mechs came in over the mountains behind her. Many landed on the slopes of the mountains, others streaked down to the valley and landed on the battle field, weapons ready. She tensed, now what the hell was going on, but they were EDF mechs. One of the mechs approached her.

“Colonel Jack Spruance, one hundred first armored,” the pilot informed her. “We’re here to relieve your group captain.”

Georgianna slumped back in her seat, “humph, you’re a bit late for that, captain.” She turned back toward the group of prisoners, then knelt Reina down and opened the cockpit. “They’re all yours, colonel, I’ve had enough of this.”

Jack looked around the field, at the damaged and ruined mechs, at the number of mechs standing with open cockpits. He’d been informed of the situation, that the Krikav’s pilots were outnumbered and outgunned, yet somehow they’d forced the surrender of the enemy force. “Captain,” he called back, “you did good.”

The senior med tech looked down into the cockpit of the broken firefly and cleared his throat. “Ha, hmph, are you sure you need help here?”

Arisa’s head popped up, her blond curls bounced as she nodded, “oh yes, Chad’s badly injured.” She informed him.

One eyebrow arched up on the med techs face as he looked inquiringly at Chad. “Oh? Really.” He said doubtfully.

“Yes he is.” Arisa shot back petulantly.

“Just a few broken bones,” a very red faced Chad told the tech. “Nothing that bad.” He gave the tech a quick run-down of his suspected injuries.

The tech nodded, he looked at Arisa. “You’ll have to climb out of there lieutenant, so we can lift Ross out.”

“Oh! Yes.” Arisa answered as she scrambled up and out of the cockpit. She perched on the shoulder of the mech, keeping a sharp eye on the med techs. They released the seat mounts and hooked the cables of the lift unit. The seat came loose of the mounts with a jerk and Chad moaned. “Be careful!” Arisa chided.

“We are,” the tech told her.

The seat bumped the side of the cockpit as it was raised, Chad groaned again. “If you hurt him, you’ll be sorry.” Arisa threatened.

The senior tech looked at the small pilot, “We’re doing the best we can, lieutenant,” He barked at her. “Now just go down and wait for us on the ground.”

“No!” Arisa glared at him, “that’s not good enough…………”

“Arisa!” Chad called out. ”No matter what they do, it’s just going to hurt. They’re doing their best. Just wait for me down below, Ok?”

Arisa looked at Chad and took a moment to decide. “Ok, just be careful,” she told the techs, then climbed down off the mech.

Rachel finally made it down to the valley floor. She’d had a frightening moment when a mech landed almost on top of her small group. She was glad it had turned out to be EDF re-enforcements. She quickly surveyed the mechs around the battle ground. She spotted Crichton’s burgundy Epyon. She saw it was badly damaged and that med techs were quickly moving toward a shuttle with a stretcher. One of the med techs that had been at John’s mech stayed behind, he headed across toward another mech. Rachel stepped in front of him. “How bad is Crichton?” She asked.

The young med tech looked at her, “I, ah, can’t give you that information, mam,” he informed her. “I can only give that to the lieutenant’s immediate family.”

Rachel frowned at the young man, “alright, I’m his mother, now tell me.”

The tech looked at the dark skinned woman, “But, you can’t be……. I mean, you’re…..” Rachel glared at him and he changed his mind. “Ah…… It’s pretty bad, he has some severe shrapnel wounds and lost a lot of blood. I don’t know, maybe if they can get him to the Lincoln in time………… His chance……. it’s not good.”

“Damn,” Rachel swore. “Well, he’s a tough kid.” She shook her head and turned away. She’d liked the young man. Rachel recognized another broken mech, Chad’s Ghost. She felt another pang of fear as she saw them moving a stretcher away from the machine. She started toward the stretcher, but stopped with a feeling of relief as she saw a small blond girl lean over the stretcher and Chad’s arm reach up around her. Rachel smiled, so that must be Arisa, the girl he had talked so much about. Rachel watched them for a moment, then went over to the senior med tech near the stretcher. “How’s Chad doing? Is he going to make it?” She asked half joking.

“Make it?” The older man asked with a laugh, “I’d say he’s making it quite well. It would take more than a few broken bones to stop crash Ross.”

“Crash Ross?” Rachel questioned.

The tech laughed again, “I don’t know if you can break every bone in a human body, but Ross is doing a good job of trying. A few weeks and he’ll be ready to break a few more.”

Rachel stepped over to see Chad as they started to take the stretcher away. “When you decide to quit playing pilot, you know I have a place for you here, Chad.” She told him.

Chad smiled a bit groggily as the pain meds had started working. “Thanks Rachel, I might just take you up on that.”

Arisa frowned at the dark woman. She must at least forty years old! What did she want with Chad? Arisa decided she didn’t like her at all.

Rachel looked down at Arisa and almost laughed. She knew a jealous look when she saw one. “You must be Arisa,” Rachel did laugh, “knowing boys, I had you pictured more like that one over there.” Rachel nodded in the direction of the much more voluptuous, Rose. Arisa frowned even more. “Can’t blame him though, he’s got good taste.” Rachel chuckled, she knew she wasn’t that well-built herself. “Chad’s the kind of boy my Souske should have had for a son. His shop and tools have just been sitting there since he passed on, they’re all Chad’s if he wants them. We need good techs here on Mar Sara.” Rachel smiled her best disarming smile. “Take good care of him, girl…... And, we can always use another good woman out here too.”

Arisa smiled, maybe she’d misread things. Rachel seemed more like a mother than a girlfriend. “Oh, I plan to take very good care of him,” She assured Rachel.

Rachel laughed, “I bet you will……..Eeeep!” Rachel was spun around and arms wrapped tightly around her.
“Damn, woman,” Roy choked out, “I was afraid I’d lost you. I never should have let you join the force.”

“You couldn’t have stopped me, and you know it.” Rachel answered. “If you’d have done a little better planning and not been so gung-ho on attacking, we could have been better prepared.”

Roy hung his head, “I know, I had the opportunity for an update on the defense, if I’d have just listened, but I told Chad not to bother, that I knew what was there. I’m a fool, I’m getting too old for this.”

Rachel pulled Roy toward her and kissed him hard. “But we won, just like you said we would. You might be a fool, but I think I’ll keep you.”

Arisa turned to leave and almost ran into Ben. He and Megumi had come to ask Arisa about Chad. She told them he was going to be alright, that he’d be out and around in no time.

Ben looked around at the still burning wreck of Arisa’s Lancer. “You were doing great, Kitten, too bad they got you,” he told her.

“Hah, they didn’t get me,” Arisa informed him, “I broke Keon. I knew I was pushing it too hard, but Chad needed time to turn off those mechs so I couldn’t hold back. I had to keep them off Ghost.”

“Ah…… I know what a Lancer can do, and it can’t do what you did,” Ben mused. “How the heck did you get Keon to move that fast? Was that some experimental unit or something?”

Arisa giggled, “nope, just a plain old Lancer.”

“But they can’t move faster than a Thunderbird,” Ben stated flatly. “Ok, how could you do that?”

“A girl can’t give away all her secrets,” Arisa told him.

Rose approached the group. Her left arm was in a sling and the med techs had wanted to take her up to the Lincoln, but she had refused. “Have any of you heard any news about Dominic? Have you seen him anywhere?”

“Oh, ya,” Ben answered. “He was flying a cargo shuttle, chasing after that giant mech. He stopped me from taking a shot at it, like he was buddies with the pilot or something.”

Rose felt weak, she’d almost shot down that cargo shuttle. “Did he say anything? Do you know where he went?”

“He didn’t say anything about where he was going, just followed that mech,” Ben told her. “Oh, that reminds me, he gave me a memory card, told me it’s important and that I had to make sure to give it to the colonel. Maybe that tells where he’s going.”

“Maybe,” Megumi agreed, “but maybe it has information on what was going on here. I don’t think anyone knows why all this was happening.”

“It’s all over now though, Megumi,” Ben assured her. “The Red Faction is done for.

“I wonder……..” Megumi mused. “I hope you’re right.”

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 8:08 am
by oldwrench
5 Minutes: Epilog
Colonel Dan Hellwind entered General Parker’s office on board the Flagship, Lincoln. The room was stark and military, with only the general’s desk and two extra chairs. Only the pictures of the general’s family on his desk defined it as general Parker’s own.
The general motioned for Dan to have a seat while he was occupied on the com unit. Dan waited, still wondering why the general had called him to his office. The battle for Mar Sara had ended, and with it, for all practical purposes, had his command. His ship was destroyed, his pilots had been relieved of duty, he had nothing left. It wouldn’t take much investigating to prove that Dan had disobeyed orders. George Parker had been a good friend of his father, and almost a father to him after his father had died, but that didn’t mean he would be able to do anything to get Dan out of this mess. That is, even if the general wanted to.
George looked up at Daniel. “This is one hell of a mess, Daniel,” he told the younger man. “Nukes! Where the hell did they get those nukes? Every nuclear warhead was supposed to be in EDF secure storage. And, we’re pretty sure there are six more live warheads on the planet. There were seven trigger switches in that base, all of them were set off, but only the one exploded, someone chopped the cables before the others were triggered. Now we have to find and disarm those bombs. We can’t trace the cables because any signal we apply to them to trace could set off the nukes. We assume they’re in the cities, like the one they set off.”
“Well, with the triggers cut off, your men should have plenty of time to search for them,” Dan told him. “They should start by searching in any property owned by the mining company. The locasl might know if there was any type of construction at the sites. If they buried cables, someone will remember it.” Dan sighed, “I still don’t understand what was going on. I know Geraldine was trying to start a war with the EDF, but what did he think he could accomplish? Even with that super weapon, he couldn’t have stood against the whole Earth Defense Force.”
The general picked up a memory card from his desk top, “do you know what was on this card?”
“No, I turned it over to the computer techs for analysis,” Dan admitted. “I didn’t have any equipment left to read it. I assumed it was Dominic trying to explain his desertion.”
“No, it has nothing to do with Dominic,” George informed him. “It’s the technical blueprints of that big mech. But more than that, there are recorded conversations between Geraldine and someone he just calls Leader. Geraldine is just a pawn, someone else wants to start a war, but why I just can’t figure out.” The general sat back and looked Dan in the eye. “Things could get pretty ugly for you. You were set up, someone made changes to your personnel, they made changes to your mission. And now, there have been calls for an investigation into your actions. Someone wants to get rid of you, and we have a good idea who that is. But he isn’t the “Leader” either. There are traitors, in the EDF. But the head of the serpent seems to be outside the force. I have a feeling this isn’t over, Dan.”

In a cloaked ship, light years distant from the Mar Sara system, the Leader sat brooding in his control chair. His second in command entered the bridge and sat in his seat. “The esper still has tenuous contact with that one. It may be difficult, but we should be able to trace his movements.” He told the Leader. “This may have been a mistake, Leader. It may have been better to have called in the fleet and let them deal with these humans.”
The leader stiffened, if it had been any other, he would have killed him on the spot. But his second had been with him a long time, they had grown up together. “That would be a disaster. Even with cloaking we could never match their fleet. They could send a hundred ships to every one of ours. As soon as a ship de-cloaked to fire a weapon, it would be swamped by their numbers. They breed like skeen and spread across the galaxy. If we cannot control their minds, we must find a way to destroy them. Among all the races, they are the most warlike. They even make war among themselves, and that is our best chance, to get them to destroy themselves.”
“But surely we have lost that opportunity, Leader,” the second answered. “The plan was disrupted, it did not lead to a war, and we have lost the weapon the woman developed.”
“We will find the weapon, and force the woman to give us the key to its operation.” The leader vowed. “Then, there will be a war among the humans. Even now, another opportunity is being arranged.”

This brings us to the end of the 5 minutes saga. The end of the story, but, not the end. There was a second story started, but never finished. Perhaps, if anyone is interested, I could finish the story.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 8:20 pm
by Sakura
Great job with the novel. Now I need some time and the word files to finish the document...

Re: 5 minutes...... oldwrench tries story telling

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 10:58 pm
by oldwrench
They're in the mail, as you command, "Leader" :thumb: