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Minna Tadaima!

Posted: April 23rd, 2008, 4:07 am
by Freya
Konban wa minna.
I'm sorry I've been gone for quite so long. It's still going to be a couple weeks before I can pick up my posting to what it used to be, but I see you've done quite well by yourselves.
A breakdown of my time lately:

Monday-Thursday= classes
Friday-Sunday= Work

As you see, I have no full days to myself anymore. There's always something needing to be done, and that doesn't include cleaning my rooms! haha! As a To-Do list for the start of summer once my finals are over, I would like to clean my rooms and maybe the house a bit too. It'd be nice to live without all my clutter. I will need to pick up more hours at work or be forced to find a second job to pay the rather minuscule bills I have, that somehow still seem so burdensome to me. I'll admit i deferred to Facebook and to hanging out with my friends for most of the time I've been gone. Sorry about that. But seeing the life here has cheered me up so I'll be sure to drop back in more often. I'd like to know how you're all doing too, hope everyone is well and happy. If not, ganbatte ne!

Time passes slowly and quickly at the same time as I look towards the future and try to see what I will make myself into. I've decided (finally) to major in English. Perhaps, with a bachelor degree I can go teach in Japan. But my longest term goal (at least right now) will be to one day teach high school in a high risk area. To show the kids there that they really can do anything. That just because they find themselves in the toughest of situations, doesn't mean they can't get themselves out to a better place. Maybe I'm idealistic, and maybe my dreams will one day change, but I still think that teaching children that they can be anything they want, is the best way to ensure the future. Not our future, but theirs, because our time is slowly passing if it has not already. I will work for the future generations to ensure that they can find happiness.

I realize I may be choosing a harder life ahead but, if it turns out the way I hope, then perhaps the kids I teach will bring enough comfort. Has anyone seen "Freedom Writers"? I had the idea of this just before I watched the movie, and seeing the teacher's success through all her determination gave me hope that I might do the same someday.

Well, it seems I kind of went off there didn't I? Sorry about that. At least now you know where I stand and possibly why I've been away so long. It's difficult trying to determine a purpose for yourself in this life. I suppose I struggled with it for a while there. But I've finally decided through my love of literature and the knowledge it provides that I will strive to keep the love in other people's hearts as well.

I'll wrap up now, you can feel free to respond if you like. I'll be back in a few weeks if not sooner.

~ Freya

Re: Minna Tadaima!

Posted: April 23rd, 2008, 4:28 pm
by oldwrench
Gives Freya a big hug, I've missed you young lady. And you have very good goals in life. Teaching is one of the most difficult but most rewarding jobs there is. My family were all teachers, I've got an idea of what you're facing. It's difficult not to become too emotionally involved with the children. But to see them grow into good young adults, and know you had part in that, is very rewarding. I hope you never lose your ideals. Change the world, one child at a time.

Re: Minna Tadaima!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 4:59 am
by Sakura
Tada ima.

I can second your schedule just have a few more hours just to earn money for this website.

Re: Minna Tadaima!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 5:03 am
by Freya
i thank you for the correction, it's never posed a problem and shouldn't except in romaji i suppose, but couldn't you say "Okaeri nasai" ? :sob:

Re: Minna Tadaima!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 5:13 am
by Sakura
Sorry you said to me you'd welcome me back by PM and the answer to this is "tada ima" as "I am back home" so I used this. orry for not doing this by PM :shy:

Re: Minna Tadaima!

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 2:17 am
by oldwrench
It's more interesting if it's not PM. :hmm:

Re: Minna Tadaima!

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 2:22 am
by Freya
except that i got SO confused! :sob: :hmm: