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Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 4th, 2007, 6:06 pm
by Sakura
Many of the regulars here are currently visiting the board less frequently. I was wondering what might be your reason for staying off. In my case it's:
  • finals approaching (MATH SUCKS!)
  • lots of server work. We're currently installing a lot of business tools to make the server of value for small businesses. Hopefully some small company will host their web presence with us.
  • horribly paid part time job :pif:
Your turn :.:

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 4th, 2007, 8:02 pm
by oldwrench
Grandson! Work sucks. lawns to mow.

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 5th, 2007, 1:30 am
by Zeratul2k
Well, as I've said before in another thread:
  • Thesis.
  • Very heavy project. I have to commute about an hour everyday.
  • Weather. There's heavy thunderstorms everyday here lately. Can't have the PC on while it's flashing outside.
  • Life. It keeps throwing stuff at me that I got to dodge.

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 5th, 2007, 5:52 pm
by JHawkNH
Well here is my weekly schedule:

Mon: 6:15am - leave for work, 9 or 11 pm - get home (Work, softball)
Tue: 6:15am - leave for work, 6:30pm - get home (Work, Gym)
Wed: 6:15am - leave for work, 8 - 11 pm - get home (Work, Volleyball)
Thur: 6:15am - leave for work, 5:45pm - get home (Work)
Fri: 6:15am - leave for work, 6:30pm - get home (Work, Gym)
Sat: 8am - leave for work, 5pm - get home (Work)
Sun: 8am - leave for ccurch, 1pm - get home

As you can see most of my days are already taken up. I try to post as much as I can from work, but it is end of the month and we have a heavy load of reports durring this time.

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 5th, 2007, 6:04 pm
by JHawkNH
On a side note. When this load of work has subsided mid month I will be able to continue the "Rozen Diary".

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 5th, 2007, 6:54 pm
by Ntoonz
I'm spending five days a week with the proverbial sword hanging over my head ("You screwed up the bulletin - one more mistake and you're out!"). Lovely working atmosphere. Got a feeler out to a Civil War antiques shop that needs someone to format their catalogues. If it comes through, once the High Holy Days are over, I'm outtie.

Oh, and I'm trying to market the new book I've just published. It's a devotional book targeted at short-term missions - people preparing for them or already on them. It's called "Lessons from the Road", and it's a compilation of 12 years of devotional articles I wrote as a part of Covenant Players. If you're curious, it's at

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 5th, 2007, 10:02 pm
by Hiki
Well, I'm busy with school and stuff

Mo - Fri: 07.00 get up and get ready for school. 16.oo come back from school. then I make homework, when I feel like it, and do some free time stuff. Yesterday was very busy because I was called by relatives and friends were staying over for a while and all that.
Sat and Sun: Basically, do nothing, and when I want to go on the computer, my mom's on there because she has to do some work on the computer, which means I can't go on. Or, when I'm finally on, my sister asked whether I'd like to watch her play Final Fantasy X which I always want to see because she's nearly done. So yeah... that's why I basically don't post very much.

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 7th, 2007, 10:26 pm
by agito_0291
Lets see....

mon-fri: School from 7:00 AM - 2:30 PM then soccer from 3 to 6, then homework.
Sat-sun: soccer in morning from 9-12 and then random things that I can't get done during the week (ex work around the house, mow a couple laws for a few quick bucks) And on top of that I am still looking for a sutible college.

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 8th, 2007, 4:11 am
by Elvin
I've been playing various games :pif: I still check atleast once a day but there haven't been any topics which needed my input.

Re: Where in the world is minna-san?

Posted: September 8th, 2007, 6:04 am
by oldwrench
We always need input, all input, the great computer lives for input!