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Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 10:54 pm
by Zeratul2k
* Shouhei took a few steps into the room, wondering what to say. He said he wanted to talk with her but when he saw her his mind just drew a blank. *

Shouhei: Hey, what's wrong? I mean, I guess I know what's wrong but... seeing you cry...

* Shouhei walked towards her, softly dried her tears with his hands then hugged her. *

Shouhei: It doesn't suit you...

* Shouhei looked at her in the eyes then slowly kissed her on the lips. *

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 11:02 pm
by Raine
*Miyu's eyes widened as he kiss her,once again she felt her defences breaking,shutting her eyes,she let her hand grab his shirt to lean him closer to deepened the kiss,.she broke the kiss ushing him gently back*

Miyu:s-shouhei...w-w-what am i to you?

*she raise her head to face him*

Miyu:i mean...i i feel...what about you??

*she turn her back agaist him*

Miyu:um...i like you...more than just a friend....

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 11:24 pm
by Zeratul2k
* Shouhei didn't knew what to say. He stood there for a while sorting out everything that was going through his head then finally began to speak. *

Shouhei: I... like you, too... but I don't know if it's a good idea for you to like someone like me. I mean... there's the matter of my health.

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 11:31 pm
by Raine
*Miyu's smile,she turn to face him he was looking away embarass...Miyu smirk pulling his collar she kiss him genlty on the lips,her hands wrapped around his neck,she pull him closer to deepened the kiss.for once she was kissing him,and she was giving him all she got.pulling back for her to breathe*

Miyu:Does that answer your question?

*she look at him smiling,taking his hand into hers*

Miyu:I know you...have goals....i know im not one of them but im here for you and im sticking by you no matter what......

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 11:44 pm
by Zeratul2k
* Shouhei smiled, happy because Miyu's mood seemed to lighten up. *

Shouhei: Ok, what do you want to do? Oh, now that I remember, Kishou said they were about to go visit me, what's that about?

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 11:50 pm
by Raine
Miyu:visit??..err...perharps their talking about the invitations to the ball...i want kaede and the others to come that a problem?

*she slides her free hand down to his,she look up at him,*

Miyu:ive answered your question...dont i get a reward?

*Aki and kishou barged in the room,Kishou was about to shout when aki slam him on the head...he glared at her before noticing miyu smiling.nodding to aki*

Kishou:well......well... going to get changed im going out...*looks at shouhei*erm are you busy?

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 11:58 pm
by Zeratul2k
Shouhei: No, I'm not. What do you have in mind?

* Aki glared at him and after a couple of seconds he noticed why. *

Shouhei: Oh, right! Sorry, I'll wait for you downstairs!

* Shouhei left the room followed by Aki and Kishou. *

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 17th, 2008, 12:04 am
by Raine
*miyu twirl before going into the bathroom,she took a quick shower change into clean clothes when she got down she brushed of all of aki\s protest and grab the invitations in kishou's hands and with her other hand she grab shouhei's and went out of the house once out she look at him*

Miyu:i still havent gotten my reward!!


Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 17th, 2008, 12:25 am
by Zeratul2k
Shouhei: Ok, what kind of reward do you want?

* Shouhei looked around, wondering where Aoi was when he remembered he had sent Jin on a ride with her. He wondered where they were for a moment, then looked at Miyu and talked again. *

Shouhei: We can do whatever you want, your words are orders.

* As he said so, he bowed a little with a playful smile on his. *

Re: Onegai University: The Game

Posted: June 17th, 2008, 12:30 am
by Raine
*Miyu smile,she gave him a quick peck on the lips.before she entertwined her hands with his*

Miyu:well i about a date??'ve gone to so many beautiful places here...i havent seen

*She lets go of his hand and twirsl around hapily,she did feel a bit sick but she can't afford to lose this night...she wants to get to know him better*