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Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 7:10 pm
by Hiki
*Evangeline rubbed her eyes and sat up.*

Morning already?

*There was a loud knocking on her door.*

Fleur: Imouto, breakfast is ready.

Evangeline: I'll be right there!

*Evangeline quickly got dressed and went downstairs. After eating breakfast with her sister, since her parents were still sleeping, she got ready for school. As she made to leave, her sister stopped her.*

Fleur: Aren't you forgetting something?

*Evangeline turned around and looked at her. Fleur was holding Evangeline's tonfas. She grabbed them from her sister, said goodbye and left. It didn't take long to get to school and when she got there she saw one of her friends waiting for her. They greeted each other and went to class where they waited for their other friends to arrive.*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 9:49 pm
by Raine

*as they walked in the school hallways she noticed a girl just arrive greeting one of her friends,2 years in this school she never had a friends,well she HAD only one but she past away*

Kaede:here we are...

Teacher:Miss Kaede-chan,i suppose you were at the Principal office?

Kaede:Hai,Ohayou sesnsei...

*she walk inside taking her usual seat,the last one next to the window*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 10:14 pm
by Zeratul2k
* Hiroki let Kaede walk in first, then went after her, stopping in front of the teacher. The teacher looked at him for a moment before smiling. *

Teacher: You must be the new student. Want to introduce yourself?

* Hiroki tilted his head. He hadn't thought about that, but he guessed it would be best if he introduced himself than let the teacher do it. *

Hiroki: Sure.

* He said, then walked to the blackboard with the teacher. Taking a piece of chalk, he wrote his name in big letters while the teacher simply stared. Normally the student would simply say their name and hobbies, stuff like that, but he let Hiroki go on. When Hiroki finished writing his name down, he turned around and took a long look over the classroom.*

Hiroki: The name is Hiroki Satou! I'm 16 years old and I'm only interested in awesome stuff! That goes for sensei, too.

* He said while looking at the teacher. He simply narrowed his eyes, his patience running thin. *

Hiroki: Kidding, kidding! I'm just a normal guy wanting to have lots of fun. Hope I can make a lot of friends here.

Teacher: That's better. Anyway, why don't you sit... over there, next to Beauchamp-san?

* He said, pointing to the empty seat next to Evangeline. Hiroki nodded and went to sit down, looking at Evangeline. *

Hiroki: Hello, Beauchamp-san, how are you?

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 1:49 am
by oldwrench
*Keon stood next to a tree, watching the altercation between the girls over the attentions of a boy. He sighed, they were never interested in him. He watched first the one girl stalk off, then later the group of girls move off with the boy. Keon stepped out, at least the coast was clear now. All he had to do was find the principals office. He looked down at the papers in his hand. Where was it? Keon jumped and quickly turned grabbing under his vest for his gun as a hand landed on his shoulder from behind.*

?: You're new here, do you need help?

*Keon warily looked over the person that had come up behind him. It was a young boy, a necko boy, obvious from the ears and tail....... but, he didn't seem bothered by the fact that Keon was human. In fact, his smile was friendly and easy going. Keon relaxed a bit and let his hand lower.*
Keon: Ah, ya, I'm new here. I need to find the principals office.

?: Oh, sure I can take you there. My name's Toru. I'm in class 21a. What class are you in?

Keon: I'm not sure yet, I guess I find out when I get to the principals office.

*Toru led Keon to the principals office and they saw Kaede and Hiroki leave the room.*

Toru laughed: Kaede's been to the principle again. She sure knows how to get in trouble. Reminds me of my mom.

*Keon thought that was a strange comment, but let it pass and went in to the principals office.*

Shin: Ah, you're the boy from the wastelands. *He looked over the papers.* You passed the required entrance exams. How old did you say you are, Keon?

Keon: Sixteen years, sir. *Keon lied*

Shin: Are you sure you're telling the truth? *Keon stiffened, this didn't look good.* You seem a bit young for high school.

Keon relaxed a bit: I'm a little older than I look. sir.

Shin: Yes, that may be. *He looked sternly at Keon.* You should remove your hat in the school, young man.

*Keon had been afraid of this, he hardened his resolve and looked directly into the principles eyes.*
Keon: No, you won't make me take off my hat.

Shin sat for a moment then blinked: Oh, alright, you can wear your hat. *He handed Keon his papers.* You're in class 21a. I see Toru is outside, he can show you to your room. There was something about that boy, something on his papers? Now he couldn't remember. And about that hat, no-one wore a stocking hat in the school, not in the warm weather......... oh well, it didn't matter.

Outside the door, Toru: Hey 21a, cool, we're in the same class. Just follow my lead.

*Keon followed the necko boy, still surprised at how casual the demon boy seemed to be with him. Keon began to be wary, was he being led into something. It wouldn't be the first time someone had tried to lull him into a trap.

*Toru went straight into the classroom and approached the teacher. Keon held back in the doorway, trying to see anyone ready to snatch his hat, or make a fool of him, but nothing happened.*

Toru: Sir, This is a new student, Keon. He's from outside the city.

*Keon entered the room when the teacher motioned him to come in. Then came the hard part, he was asked to say something to the class.
Keon: Hello, my name is Keon, I come from a village called Nanti, in the northern highlands. I'm hoping you will allow me to be part of your class.
*He quickly went to the seat the teacher pointed out for him, right across from that girl, Kaede, Toru had called her. This didn't bode well, Keon had always found that avoiding attention was the best way to survive. Sitting next to a girl who could always find trouble wasn't a good idea.*

((sorry, long post to try to catch up.))

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 3:31 am
by Hiki
*Evangeline smiled at Hiroki*

Evangeline: Hi there! I'm fine, thank you. And how are you, Satou-san? Oh, and you can call me Evangeline. Only teachers call me "Beauchamp-san".

*She watched as another new student introduced himself. He was appointed to a seat right across Kaede. Evangeline figured the other students would soon tell him about Kaede's delinquent status and she couldn't help but feel sorry for Kaede. Evangeline couldn't imagine being without friends. She heard that some people liked being alone, and she didn't know whether Kaede was one of them, but she still felt bad. Evangeline didn't really know why Kaede was shunned by the rest. All she knew was that her friends usually steered clear of her and thus Evangeline had never had the opporunity to find out for herself what Kaede was like.*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 3:59 am
by Zeratul2k
* Hiroki smiled, glad that, unlike almost every other person in the school he had met so far, Evangeline seemed pretty nice and easygoing. *

Hiroki: I'm doing awesome myself, thanks! And you can call me Hiroki too, Evangeline-san.

* He kept the "san", not wanting to sound too friendly with someone he had just met. He then turned his attention towards the new student, while wondering on the chances of two transfer students on the same day. He shook his head after a while, looking at Evangeline again. *

Hiroki: So what do you do for fun around here?

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 10:28 pm
by Hiki
Evangeline: I just hang out with my friends, really. We always find something fun to do.

*Then a thought hit her.*

Evangeline: Oh! If you have nothing to do during lunch you can join me and my friends~! We could invite the other new student as well.

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 8th, 2012, 2:55 am
by oldwrench
*Keon looked around the room, surprised by the number of different races in the class, and they didn't seem bothered by it. That couldn't have happened in Nanti. Well, Toru had been friendly with him, and he wouldn't have expected a demon race to even talk to him. Keon smiled, Toru was almost as small as he was, that helped some. There was one girl who caught his attention, she had such pale flawless skin and unusual multi colored hair. She couldn't be human with ears like that. She was exceptionally beautiful. His gaze finally settled on the girl next to him. She didn't look like trouble. Kind of pretty, with her long dark hair and blue eyes. She had a bit of a hard look, but that was covering something............ Lonely, he sensed she felt lonely, but Keon couldn't understand why. Pretty girls like her always had lots of friends. And lots of boyfriends. Keon didn't realize he'd been staring at Kaede till she turned and looked at him. Keon's face reddened.*
Keon: Ah..... *He quickly looked down at his desk, now he was in trouble. She'd yell at him and everyone would laugh. Darn, why couldn't he just have kept to himself.

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 8th, 2012, 4:51 am
by Zeratul2k
* Hiroki smiled, happy with that arrangement. *

Hiroki: Sounds good to me!

* Hiroki was excited, maybe a bit too much. All of this was a new experience for him, and he was eager to try new things. School so far was much better than his dad made it out to be. *


* In the meantime, near the military sector of Arias, a woman entered a small office building. She had white hair, yet seemed to be only on her 40's, with tanned skin and clear blue eyes. She approached the front desk and flashed an ID card, which made the receptionist panic and open the door for her in a hurry, bowing deeply as the woman walked by. She walked down the hall towards the elevator, taking it to the 3rd basement level. Once there she followed a maze of halls until she reached what seemed like a small chemistry lab, and knocked on the window. The person inside, a skinny man in his thirties, took a look at her before motioning to come in. The woman did so and simply stared blankly at the man, letting him talk. *

Scientist: I've been looking at the samples you brought me and I have to tell you, these things are simply amazing. Nobody ever thought the monsters could be able to do something like this, even with their intelligence and fast evolution speed.

* The woman nodded, letting him know he wasn't saying anything new. The scientist was a bit put off by her silence, but continued talking. *

Scientist: A-anyway... I think I have figured out a way to replicate these materials in vitro, so as long as your organization keeps funding our research, we'll have the requested devices on schedule.

* The scientist smiled nervously, now sweating nervously. Her blank stare and silence where simply too disturbing to keep calm. Thankfully, the woman finally showed some emotion, smiling slightly and nodding again before turning around to leave. *

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: January 9th, 2012, 3:57 am
by Raine
*Kaede had glanced to where hiroki had sat next to evangeline,she sighed.*
I won't hear from him again

*when her eyes fell on the stranger next to her,she was surprised.normally people would stared at her with disgust or fearlfull eyes but this one was staring at her weirdly.she couldnt understand exactly the meaning of his eyes.*

Kaede:You've got wonderful eyes....*remembering she said that loud enough for him just to hear she blush slightly and look out of the window,she knew it was a stupid thing to say but it felt great to found eyes on her that wouldnt judge her,she smile slightly*

*The bell rang*

Sensei:Class Dismiss!!!

*Kaede stood up only to have everyone paused to look at her.*


*walking out of the class to take her next class which is combat class*

--------In the class---------

*Lila approached keon,pushing back her hair.her two followers behind her clap their hands praising her every move*

Lila:My name is Lila,but you can call me Lila-chan...*be sure to be grateful that i am warning you from Kaede...*shivers* ,That girl is dangerous you know,so its best you dont approach her..we elves can sense these kind of things...her aura is pure evil.

Lila's follower 1:I thought she got expel...why is she coming back to the school...i Dont wanna go to combat class!!!

Lila:Naomi,we the council members should not fear students,we are here to help them and for students like kaede there is nothing we can do but fight agaist dont be afraid i am here...

*Naomi had shrunk down to a size of a Thumble.her friend beside her picked her up in her palm of her hands*

2nd follower:Naomi shrinks when she's afraid,she cant help it lila-chan.

Lila:If only that body shrinking was Magic you wouldnt be able to shrink all the time like that!!!very annoying!!!

Naomi:Gomene,Its natural for us fairies...

((oh minna-san,everyone takes the same class on mondays k))