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Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 3rd, 2012, 5:57 am
by Zeratul2k
Kenji: What are you-- oh crap!

* Kenji took Nilina's hand and pulled her away from the incoming barrage. Hiroki looked at Kaede, thankful for the help on taking down the opposing team. They had a really good "healer" on their side. *

Hiroki: That they are, but they can be helpful sometimes.

Kenji: You have to start paying attention, Nilina-san! Even if this is a--

* Hiroki looked around and noticed a ball heading towards Nilina. Before he could stop it, though, Kenji pulled her aside, the ball hitting him instead. Kenji fell to the ground stunned. *

Hiroki: Crap, didn't see that one on time...

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 3rd, 2012, 6:02 am
by oldwrench
*Keon watched the others use the guns, Kaede was pretty good with that thing. He knew he could do one thing for the team, and so it well. Keon started to move around in front of the others, drawing the opposing fire. Lila, and one of the boys that had been with Trent took the guns and were all to glad to fire at Keon. They were both good shots. In fact, it was Lila's specialty, and it frustrated her to no end that she just couldn't hit that little rat. Keon's smile was infuriating.*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 3rd, 2012, 11:29 am
by Hiki
*If there was one game Lorelei didn't like, it was dodgeball. She'd really rather not play and so her friend came up with a plan.*

Rosalynn: What if I get hit, pretend to have some health problems, so you can take care of me?

Lorelei: You'd do that?

Rosalynn: Of course~! Just stay close~

*Rosalynn looked around and saw Keon drawing the opposing team's fire. Perfect, she smiled and started walking towards him. Seeing Lila was holding one of the guns, she realised it was going to be easier than she thought.*

Rosalynn: Oi, Lila! I thought you were supposed to be good at this, yet you can't even hit one guy. Are you sure you're a good marksman?

*Rosalynn smiled as Lila's aim shifted towards her. Here we go, Rosalynn thought with a smile and then Lila fired...*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 3rd, 2012, 12:24 pm
by Raine
*Before Kenji could fall on the hard ground,nilina had pull him onto him.she wave her hand at the teacher*

Nilina:I quit...*she said smiling*

Agnus:You cant quit!!

Nilina:Why not?...ermm i surrender.

Agnus:Washiro-san just play...

*Nilina shrunk down along with kenji onto the ground and stared at the group aiming at her,she made a very sad face.tears prickling in her eyes.*

Nilina:I don't wanna...

*The group imediately stop*

Group:Kaaawaiiiii!!!we cant shoot her!!

*Agnus slap his hand on his forhead,this class wanst taking this serious,as nilina and the other students,he look at the field,Kaede,hiroki and keone were the only ones holding up the other team.they were out numbered.Selene giggle at the show she was witnessing*

Selene:Its our fault,agnus...we thought all of them could use that weapon...

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 3rd, 2012, 4:31 pm
by Zeratul2k
* Hiroki took the chance and took the pistol Kenji had let go off, loading the balls in the machine before starting to shoot at the opposing team before they could recover. He had a smile on his face as he did so, as if satisfied with himself. Meanwhile, Kenji was "healed", though he was still feeling somewhat shaken. *

Kenji: I'm sorry, sensei, I need to go to the bathroom for a moment.

* He said, excusing himself while walking away grabbing his head with one hand. *

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 5:06 am
by Raine
Nilina:I'll go with you...

*When everyone look at her strangely*

Nilina;Ill just stand outside...

*she quickly took Kenji's arm and drag him carefully out of the room,meanwhile kaede was getting tired she didnt like guns and wouldnt want to get stun too...she then realize the only one left was her,hiroki and keone*

Kaede:Unbelievable!*she smiles*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 5:07 am
by oldwrench
*Angus jumped up, hands on the sides of his head, ready to stop the game.*

Angus: This is a madhouse. No one is taking the practice seriously. I'm going to end this, they aren't learning a thing.

Selene: Not so, Angus, they're learning something. More importantly, we're learning. Now sit down and wait.

*Angus grudgingly sat down. He knew he could stop this, but for some reason, she wanted to see what would happen. And Selene wasn't one you wanted to say no to. It wasn't long till the class would end anyway.*

*Selene left the school, still mulling over what she'd see in the new students. Her husband, Kunikida, a computer expert and military consultant, picked her up outside the gate.*

Kunikida: You look lost in thought, sweetheart, see something interesting in the new kids?

*Selene broke her train of thought and looked up.*

Selene: Oh, hi honey, ya, I did find some interesting new students. Angus had them playing electric dodge ball. I swear he's got a streak of sadist in him. One boy, Hiroki, has a very highly developed telekinetic ability. He might be one to watch, he seems a bit too sure of himself, but worked well with the others. He wasn't using his abilities in the game, but had very good control with the gun. The new girl Nilina, is unusual. She's an aquqliniqn, arent they the group that just recently came into the city?

Kunikida: Yes, the whole group just showed up, we hadn't even known they existed. They seem to be rather backward, technologically. Nice people, I don't know how they survived without magic or advanced weapons.

Selene: Oh? They do have magic, I saw the girl use it.

Kunikida: But, they told us they didn't have any magic ability.

Selene smiled: That's because they don't think of it as magic. But I saw the girls bow and arrow glow, and she shot a crawler, set at high speed. I believe they think it's something given by their god.

*Kunikida whistled, that would be a hard shot, with the most sophisticated electronic weapons. He wished he'd seen that. Kunikida noticed Selene frowning, again lost in thought.*

Selene: There's another boy, he's a little guy, smaller than Toru. He told me he came from a village in the mountains up north, that he came here alone...... on foot. I almost didn't believe him, but............ Honey, are there any telepaths?

Kunikida: No, you know that. All the research they've done, all that time and money wasted. Telepathy just doesn't work. Why?

Selene: The boy, Keon, his ability to dodge attacks was a bit unreal. Lila, and Kurt both were gunning for him, and they are excellent at the game. He was never hit once. I swear he moved, before they shot, and always the right direction. He knew where they were going to fire. One time, Kurt had him dead tor rights, Keon had his back to Kurt, and he still moved just before Kurt shot.

Kunikida laughed: Aw, maybe he's just lucky, or he's got great reflexes. Don't get any crazy ideas. *He couldn't help notice, Selene was frowning, lost in thought again.* There's more, isn't there. Out with it babe.

Selene: That boy, Keon......... when I talked to him...... It's hard to explain, I just, it's......... I felt like there was a connection, I don't know how to say it. I wanted to ask him where he was staying, if he had everything he needs, if he's doing alright........ I've never felt like that with anyone but our family.

*Kunikida was about to tell her it was just her maternal instincts for the little guy when they got a call on the radio. Trouble uptown, another generator had been hit.*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 5:19 am
by Zeratul2k
* Kenji left the bathroom, looking a bit better than before. He was still pale, though, and felt weak at the knees. That electric shock must have knocked something off balance, he thought. He turned to look at Nilina, who was waiting for him outside. *

Kenji: Uuh... thanks for coming with me, Nilina-san...

* He tried to stretch, convinced he could just walk it off. *

Kenji: We should head to our next class.

* Hiroki finished changing and headed out of the locker room, finding Keone on his way out. He slapped his back playfully, smiling. *

Hiroki: Hey, Keone! Nice moves out there!

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 5:23 am
by Raine
Nilina:Um its break time...

*Nilina laugh at kenji,he was a funny cute loving guy,meanwhile kaede had finish changed and was waiting for the other under a big sakura tree,she sat there with Lorelei and Rosalynn*

Kaede:That was mean of you guys,i came to help you all and you fake sick... *she frown*

Re: Gakkou S3

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 5:31 am
by oldwrench
Keon jumped: Oh, hi. Um, it's lunch time maybe we can find Kaede and her friends......... *Keon spotted Kenji and Nilina.* There's that new girl, and Kenji, maybe they'd like to come along too.

*Keon was really hoping he could have lunch with Kaede again. He felt like she understood him a little. He wasn't sure he wanted to meet up with Lorelei again. He got a feeling he didn't much like him.*