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Bio: Richard Cory, alias Allan Baker

Posted: July 19th, 2007, 5:31 am
by oldwrench
Name Richard Cory (uses an alias Allan Baker)

Age: 28
Hight: 6'4"
Weight: 195
Hair: copper bond
Eyes: green
occupation: Investment banking and industries

Born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, son of a prominent
banker. Rick grew up pampered, spoiled, and arrogant. Highly intelligent
he graduated from the best private university with Magna Cum Laude in
statistical analysis, business management and investment management.
Taking over his fathers empire after his parents death when their jet
plane crashed, Rick went from very rich, to incredibly rich, to I don't
care anymore. One morning, he left a note for his office staff that he
would be in touch, walked out and pitched his cell phone in the river.
He packed a few belongings, and drove away. In a small town along the
way, he nearly gave the young owner of a small car lot a heart attack by
trading his new Cadillac CTX for a three year old Pontiac Grand Prix,
even up. Rick just wants to get away from the suffocating pampering, the
artificiality of the high society, the sickening hoards of "too pretty"
gold diggers. He wanted to meet some real people. Maybe a girl who would
like him for himself, not because she sees dollars every time she looks
in his green eyes. But being pampered and spoiled, can he change his
ways, can he learn to be a real person? Or will he fail and go back to
his unhappy life.